22 research outputs found

    Developmental toxicity and brain aromatase induction by high genistein concentrations in zebrafish embryos

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    Genistein is a phytoestrogen found at a high level in soybeans. In vitro and in vivo studies showed that high concentrations of genistein caused toxic effects. This study was designed to test the feasibility of zebrafish embryos for evaluating developmental toxicity and estrogenic potential of high genistein concentrations. The zebrafish embryos at 24 h post-fertilization were exposed to genistein (1 × 10−4 M, 0.5 × 10−4 M, 0.25 × 10−4 M) or vehicle (ethanol, 0.1%) for 60 h. Genistein-treated embryos showed decreased heart rates, retarded hatching times, decreased body length, and increased mortality in a dose-dependent manner. After 0.25 × 10−4 M genistein treatment, malformations of survived embryos such as pericardial edema, yolk sac edema, and spinal kyphosis were also observed. TUNEL assay results showed apoptotic DNA fragments in brain. This study also confirmed the estrogenic potential of genistein by EGFP expression in the brain of the mosaic reporter zebrafish embryos. This study first demonstrated that high concentrations of genistein caused a teratogenic effect on zebrafish embryos and confirmed the estrogenic potential of genistein in mosaic reporter zebrafish embryos

    Theraplay in the Work with Child with ASD

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    Theraplay is method of parent-child relations therapy, based on the Attachment theory. This is a structured gaming proactive approach in which the therapist organizes the parent-child relations in the way to compensate for the deficits existing in both and thereby contribute to the development of more harmonious attachment relationships. For structure observation and treatment planning, the interaction between a child and an adult evaluated by a professional according to four criteria: structure, involvement, care and challenge. The optimal combination and nature of these measurements in the interaction of the parent and the child should lead to a harmonization of the child's attachment pattern. Theraplay approach can be used in the work with children with increased anxiety, impaired behavior, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and autism spectrum disorders. The presented case of applying Theraplay in the Center for Curative Pedagogics with a dyad mother and son with an autism spectrum disorder illustrates the method and its results. In the presented case, indicators in the parameters of involvement and care improved significantly, as mother and son began to enter easily into emotional contact with each other; Mom’s understanding of her son’s emotional needs improved, which allowed them to be satisfied. The parameter of the challenge after therapy has also undergone positive changes: in the performance of complex task the child receives active emotional support from her mother and after completion, she receives vivid praise and recognition of her achievement

    Ocena dokładności automatycznej klasyfikacji pokrycia terenu dla obszaru chronionego Sankt Petersburga

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    This study analyzes the evaluation of land cover supervised classification quality. Authors put forward the hypothesis that the overall accuracy of image classification depends on its division into parts of the same area. The dependence is described by the logarithmic curve – Т = 4.3004·ln(x) + 72.697, because the determination coefficient is maximum (R2 = 0.9678). The research area was the Yuntolovo reserve, the protected area near St. Petersburg (Russia). In order to increase the overall accuracy of the land cover automatic classification based on aerial images, a new methodology of data preprocessing was introduced. The proposed method of estimating the overall classification accuracy of land cover protected areas increases on average by 10% by dividing the source aerial image into no more than 10 equal parts. With further partitioning of the image into parts of the same area, the overall accuracy is slightly increased. Pixel-based image analysis of supervised classification and error matrix were evaluated using ILWIS 3.31 software and in our own software in .NET environment.W pracy dokonano analizy sposobów oceny jakości klasyfikacji pokrycia terenu na danych obrazowych. Autorzy wysunęli hipotezę, że ogólna dokładność klasy- fikacji obrazu zależy od jego podziału w procesie klasyfikacji na podobszary. Zależność tę opisano krzywą logarytmiczną Т = 4,3004⋅ln(x) + 72,697, dla której uzyskano najwyższy współczynnik determinacji (R2 = 0,9678). Badania prowadzono dla rezerwatu Yuntolovo, chronionego obszaru w pobliżu Sankt Petersburga (Rosja). W celu zwiększenia ogólnej dokładności automatycznej klasyfikacji pokrycia terenu na podstawie zdjęć lotniczych autorzy zaproponowali nową metodologię wstępnego przetwarzania danych. Proponowana metoda, polegająca na podziale obrazu klasyfikowanego na nie więcej niż dziesięć równych części, poprawia ogólną dokładność klasyfikacji pokrycia obszarów lądowych średnio o 10%. Podział na większą liczbę części nie zwiększa już znacząco jakości klasyfikacji, a dodatkowo wprowadza niejednoznaczności spowodowane zmniejszaniem próby uczącej. Klasyfikację obrazów i analizę dokładności prowadzono z wykorzystaniem pakietu ILWIS 3.31 oraz autorskiego oprogramowania stworzonego w środowisku NET

    Overcoming Traumatic Stress: A Self-Help Guide Using Cognitive-Behavioural Techniques

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    Requirements for Professional Competence Formation of Environmentalists in the Society Transition to Sustainable Development

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    This article is dedicated to reasoning of requirements formation for professional competence system of future environmentalists in the society transition to sustainable development. It is proposed to form professional competence based on the analysis of production functions of future environmentalist. It is taken into account the need to ensure professional mobility of graduates. It is examined different variants of implementation of the education elements for sustainable devel-opment into formal education system

    Cultural Ties in a Globalization World: The Threats and Challenges

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    This article describes processes of interaction of cultures in the conditions of globalization, concept of cultural globalization, the reasons and essence of this phenomenon. The authors notes positive and negative sides of process of globalization of cultures, problem of preservation of cultural diversity in the world. The authors pay particular attention to the preservation of cultural diversity in the world. The article noted the contribution of international organizations (UNESCO, Council of Europe, the World Network for Cultural Diversity) in the preservation of cultural diversity in the world. In this article indicated the challenges and threats of globalization for cultural exchange, conclusions are made about the future prospects of globalization cultural relations

    Cultural Mega-Events as an International, Cultural, and Political Tool

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    This article is an attempt to offer a conceptual understanding of various kinds of mega-events and to determine their significance as an instrument of the official international cultural policy. The article examines scientific approaches to understanding and classification of mega-events. The case studies focus on such mega-events as international cross-cultural years and cultural forums. The fact that the official foreign policy of¬ten defines and shapes the goals of mega-events proves their value in establishing and promoting a positive international image of the country. Recent Russian experience in organizing cross-cultural years is examined to discuss positive and negative socio-cultural impact