1,396 research outputs found

    We Can't Argue Forever

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    We analyze time-costly decision-making in committees by privately informed individuals, such as juries, panels, boards, etc. In the spirit of the Coase Conjecture, we show that the decision is "almost instantaneous" when individuals entertain identical objectives. Delay can only be understood as the outcome of conflicting (biased) objectives.

    Historical development and politico-geographical characteristics of the border and borderland between the Republic of Croatia and Republic of Slovenia on Žumberak and in the Rivers Kupa and Čabranka Valley

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    Iako prirodna osnova ne može biti odlučujući kriterij pri povlačenju granica, povijesni i političko-geografski razvoj istraživanog područja ukazuje da su pri razgraničenju Republike Hrvatske i Republike Slovenije u znatnoj mjeri korištene prirodne međe. Taj zaključak vrijedi i za analizirane sektore koji se vežu za Žumberačku goru i doline rijeke Kupe i Čabranke. Uz prirodne pogodnosti, s obzirom na to da je tu međa povučena na vršnim grebenima gorskog masiva (Žumberačka gora / Gorjanci) i na riječnim tokovima, treba naglasiti činjenicu da je ona prilagođena prostornoj organizaciji života pograničja. Upravo stoga ona je ovdje subsekventnog i kooperativnog tipa. Evolucijski gledano, granica i pograničje prošli su razvoj od terra nullius, zatim frontijera i konačno, od 16. st. na rijekama Kupi i Čabranki postoji međa linijskog obilježja, a od 1816. godine i na Žumberku. Granica, dakle, ima vjekovni kontinuitet, unatoč prijeporima o državno i imovinsko-pravnoj pripadnosti istraživanog područja u pojedinim povijesnim razdobljima. Time se može objasniti da su navedeni sektori u današnjem razdoblju najmanje sporni u razgraničenju dvaju suvereniteta.Although natural basis cannot be a decisive criterion in defining borders, historical and politico-geographic development of the researched area reveals that natural bounds have been considerably used in the boundary demarcation between the Republic of Croatia and Republic of Slovenia. This can be also concluded for the analyzed sectors which are tied with the Žumberak Mountain and the Kupa and Čabranka River valleys. Besides natural favours (the boundary line runs over the top ridges of the mountain massif of Žumberak/Gorjanci, as well as along the river flows), one must point out the fact that it is adapted to spatial organization of the borderland. Therefore, the boundary line is subsequent and co-operative here. Evolutionally, the border and borderland developed from terra nullius, frontier, and, finally, since the 16th century, have become a boundary line on the rivers Kupa and Čabranka, and since 1816, on Žumberak. Consequently, in spite of disputes in particular historical periods about the researched area\u27s state and property appurtenance, the border has a centuries-old continuity. This can explain that nowadays the quoted sectors are least disputable in the boundary demarcation of the two sovereignties

    English Language Learning at National Historic Sites in the San Francisco Bay Area

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    This project focuses on lowering language learners’ affective filter by exposing them to the English language in the outdoors through visiting national parks in the San Francisco Bay Area. The purpose of this project is to provide a supplemental handbook for English as a Second Language classes that include outdoor learning activities. The locations selected for this project are National Park System locations in the San Francisco Bay Area; however, the lesson plans are designed to be adapted for park locations in other regions of the United States. The project concentrates on four specific National Park System locations in the San Francisco Bay Area: The John Muir National Historic Site, the Tilden Regional Park located on the Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail, the Rosie the Riveter National Historic Site and the Eugene O’Neill National Historic Site. The handbook consists of five chapters. Chapter 1 provides for an introduction to the National Park System. Chapters 2 through 5 are structured around three groups of activities: pre-visit activities, on-location activities, and after-visit activities. The pre-visit activities include an introductory discussion, preparation activities, and specific life skills activities that aim to prepare students for the actual park visit. The introductory discussion aims to activate students’ schemata related to the park site. The on-location activities are adapted to focus on the specific National Park System location. The after-visit activities comprise of a writing activity (focus on experience), and closing activities that include class discussions and student presentations

    The Upper Part of the Una River Valley Between Martin Brod and Pritoka - Geomorphological Characteristics

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    The Una River Valley has complex characteristics defined by the interchange of gorges, basins and valley extensions. The river has adapted itself to the primary geologic structure and to the activity of tectonic movements. The longitudinal profile of the river is the result of numerous rapids, cascades and waterfalls, the formation of which is connected with calcareous sinter accumulation. Morphogenetic analysis has shown that a series of very attractive and strange relief forms is being formed in the riverbed of the River Una such as calcareous sinter barriers, sinter riverbeds, calcareous sinter islands and caves

    Dealing with Global Problems in an Interdependent World Economy

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    Many problems confronting the world today pose the threat of disasters over time that could endanger the very existence of mankind. They exert enormous influence on every society and national economy. These problems cannot be overcome on the basis of actions taken by an individual nation alone. They are global problems requiring comprehensive international cooperation and coordination. Research is necessary on the causes and consequences, and possible solutions, to these global problems. Suitable institutions and mechanisms have to be developed to deal with problems from a global viewpoint, giving voice to the now-mute global economy and all of mankind

    Do leaders matter? International conflict, leader traits, and leader selection

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    Why do leaders start conflicts? The bulk of IR tends to look outside of leaders, focusing on institutional and structural forces. Where there is more uncertainty is whether the factors within leaders might also influence their decision to start conflicts. Thus, this thesis asks the question: To what extent do the personal traits of leaders influence their decision to start international conflicts? Recent literature has found that several traits of leaders strongly predict conflict initiation, such as military experience and age. However, these findings may be biased if leaders with these traits are more likely to be selected into environments where the probability of conflict is greater. Yet, this problem of selection has not been given enough attention in previous research. To deal with the problem of selection, I develop a unique strategy, which I call the “counterfactual leader strategy.” The core idea of this strategy is that each time a leader is selected in reality, there is a counterfactual world in which someone else was selected instead. I call these individuals “counterfactual leaders” and the traits of these individual can be used as a “placebo” to indirectly test for bias. Since the counterfactual leaders' traits should not be associated with conflict initiation, any association reveals bias in the traits of leaders. Using an original dataset on leaders and counterfactual leaders between 1945 and 2004, I find that several traits of counterfactual leaders predict conflict in the same way as those traits among leaders. I argue this is because states that frequently engage in conflict are more likely to have candidates with these traits due to demographics and thus have a higher probability of selecting a leader with one, even if by chance. Therefore, I argue traits do not influence leaders’ decision to start conflicts, and what matters instead is the environment they are selected into

    Platform Synthesis: The Augmented Domesticity

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    Architectural creation is always affected by technological development and availability of resources. The aspects of globalisation, urbanisation, planetarization are demanding creative reactions from humanity. ICTs can promote better informed decision-making by reducing digital divide and actionable intelligence for our future urban sustainability. This could improve the efficiency, operation and transparency of physical infrastructure and flexible distribution of resources in urban, district and home habitat. This paper examines two distinct examples of twenty-first century housing model: The Kitchenless project of Anna Puigjaner and the Automated Living System of Design Computation Lab. Both projects are building on the effects of a certain kind of industrial revolution on housing with a distinct approach

    In Memoriam: Milan Polić (1946-2015)

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    Sonic Thermometer for High-Altitude Balloons

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    The sonic thermometer is a specialized application of well-known sonic anemometer technology. Adaptations have been made to the circuit, including the addition of supporting sensors, which enable its use in the high-altitude environment and in non-air gas mixtures. There is a need to measure gas temperatures inside and outside of superpressure balloons that are flown at high altitudes. These measurements will allow the performance of the balloon to be modeled more accurately, leading to better flight performance. Small thermistors (solid-state temperature sensors) have been used for this general purpose, and for temperature measurements on radiosondes. A disadvantage to thermistors and other physical (as distinct from sonic) temperature sensors is that they are subject to solar heating errors when they are exposed to the Sun, and this leads to issues with their use in a very high-altitude environmen

    Motion-Corrected 3D Sonic Anemometer for Tethersondes and Other Moving Platforms

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    To date, it has not been possible to apply 3D sonic anemometers on tethersondes or similar atmospheric research platforms due to the motion of the supporting platform. A tethersonde module including both a 3D sonic anemometer and associated motion correction sensors has been developed, enabling motion-corrected 3D winds to be measured from a moving platform such as a tethersonde. Blimps and other similar lifting systems are used to support tethersondes meteorological devices that fly on the tether of a blimp or similar platform. To date, tethersondes have been limited to making basic meteorological measurements (pressure, temperature, humidity, and wind speed and direction). The motion of the tethersonde has precluded the addition of 3D sonic anemometers, which can be used for high-speed flux measurements, thereby limiting what has been achieved to date with tethersondes. The tethersonde modules fly on a tether that can be constantly moving and swaying. This would introduce enormous error into the output of an uncorrected 3D sonic anemometer. The motion correction that is required must be implemented in a low-weight, low-cost manner to be suitable for this application. Until now, flux measurements using 3D sonic anemometers could only be made if the 3D sonic anemometer was located on a rigid, fixed platform such as a tower. This limited the areas in which they could be set up and used. The purpose of the innovation was to enable precise 3D wind and flux measurements to be made using tether - sondes. In brief, a 3D accelerometer and a 3D gyroscope were added to a tethersonde module along with a 3D sonic anemometer. This combination allowed for the necessary package motions to be measured, which were then mathematically combined with the measured winds to yield motion-corrected 3D winds. At the time of this reporting, no tethersonde has been able to make any wind measurement other than a basic wind speed and direction measurement. The addition of a 3D sonic anemometer is unique, as is the addition of the motion-correction sensors