5 research outputs found

    Diversity of two short tandem repeat loci (CD4 and F13A1) in three Brazilian ethnic groups

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    Two microsatellites (CD4 and F13A1) were investigated in seven Brazilian populations: one group each of European- and African-derived subjects from Porto Alegre, southern Brazil, and five Amerindian tribes (three Tupi-Monde speaking [Gaviao, Surui, and Zoro], one Macro-Ge [Xavante], and one Carib [Wai-Wai]). For both markers, neo-Brazilians presented with a high diversity, but Amerindians showed a low level of variability. Genotype frequency distributions were heterogeneous among populations, the only exception being similar CD4 frequencies in Afro- and Euro-Brazilians. Gene diversity analysis revealed that most of the total variation is due to intrapopulational diversity in all populations, Because of the high information content of these markers in Afro- and Euro-Brazilians, these systems are most appropriate for forensic analyses. The comparison among Brazilian and other world populations revealed high similarity among populations of the same ethnic group, indicating a high discriminative power for these markers

    GFP-complementation assay to detect functional CPP and protein delivery into living cells

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    Efficient cargo uptake is essential for cell-penetrating peptide (CPP) therapeutics, which deliver widely diverse cargoes by exploiting natural cell processes to penetrate the cell's membranes. Yet most current CPP activity assays are hampered by limitations in assessing uptake, including confounding effects of conjugated fluorophores or ligands, indirect read-outs requiring secondary processing, and difficulty in discriminating internalization from endosomally trapped cargo. Split-complementation Endosomal Escape (SEE) provides the first direct assay visualizing true cytoplasmic-delivery of proteins at biologically relevant concentrations. The SEE assay has minimal background, is amenable to high-throughput processes, and adaptable to different transient and stable cell lines. This split-GFP-based platform can be useful to study transduction mechanisms, cellular imaging, and characterizing novel CPPs as pharmaceutical delivery agents in the treatment of disease