25 research outputs found

    Development and Analyzing of Models for Performance Evaluation of Vehicular Heterogeneous Wireless Networks

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    Galvenais mērķis ir izstrādāt WLAN projektēšanas modeļus, kurus izmanto transporta tīklos ar kustīgiem objektiem. Pie šādas kvalitātes, tīklu funkcionēšanas rādītāju kvalitātei jābūt maksimāli pietuvinātiem reāliem datiem. Ņemot vērā to, ka lokālā bezvadu tīkla mijiedarbība notiek tā piekļuves punkta diapazonā, tas nosaka ierobežotu klientu skaitu – transportlīdzekļiem, šādu sistēmu modelēšanai, izmanto slēgtos cikliskos modeļus. Darbā tika noteikts kustīgu objektu skaits, atkarībā no attāluma līdz bāzes stacijai un datu pārraides sistēmu parametru identificēšanas, pamatojoties uz to, tika atrisināta problēma kā noteikt faktisko datu pārraides ātrumu kustīgiem objektiem, kas atrodas bezvadu tīkla bāzes stacijas darbības zonā. Pamatojoties uz bezvadu tīkla datu pārraides elementu eksperimentāliem pētījumiem, tika izstrādāts modeļu kopums, kas veic transporta tīklu projektēšanu. Disertācija sastāv no ievada, piecām sadaļām, nobeiguma, kas izklāstīti uz 105 lappusēm, ar 19 tabulām, 56 attēliem, 1 pielikumu, kā arī ar no izmantotās literatūras saraksta ar 87 nosaukumiem

    Performance Evaluation of Three Layer Vehicular Network

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    IEEE 802.11x is the new standard for communication in a wireless LAN. Despite these differences, 802.11 is required to appear to higher layers (LLC) as a traditional 802 LAN. When assessing the performance of a wireless LAN, it is especially important to consider how this LAN will be used. When analyzing wireless networks, there arises a need to evaluate the whole network or a part of it. Whole Vehicular network, discussed in this work, consist of three layer networks. When analyzing wireless networks, the theory of queues net is used. During the research involving analytical methods, wireless network performance characteristics of various types were assessed. In the result of the experiment, the mathematical models for three layer wireless networks were selected as ones who are to be used for choosing an optimal method for performance evaluation of Short range communication Vehicular network

    Internet Automated Design System of Control Automatics of Schemes

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    There are many advantages of this work. Firstly we can faster design automatics of schemes. Secondly the automated design system by means of programming allows making simulation of control automatics of the scheme and seeing an operating efficiency of automatics. And also all automatics of the schemes can be controlled by Internet

    WEB System of the Database Oracle for Automated Data Processing from GPS Device

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    However strange it may seem, the GPS data processing problem is that the data are received in the form of text file in the format of NMEA-0183 protocol. All data is transmitted in the form of sentences. Only printable ASCII characters are allowed, plus CR (carriage return) and LF (line feed). Each sentence starts with a "$" sign and ends with <CR><LF>. There are three basic kinds of sentences: talker sentences, proprietary sentences and query sentences

    Road Traffic Non-Stationary Analysis of the Vehicular Wireless Network Goodput Evaluation

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    This article suggests the creation of transport wireless network. For system behavior analysis in transitive non-stationary operating mode we will use diffusion approximation method. In the given work server non-stationary operating mode at near to self-similar query stream influence is considered with the main accent on server relaxation time. In this case the model for research is cyclic closed network model consisting of terminal system and a network server which common solution has been developed by H. Kobayashi [1]

    Performance Evaluation of Heterogeneous Network for Two Vehicle Regime

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    The main goal of the paper is to develop models for designing WLAN, used in transport networks with mobile objects. In this paper were considered two modes of movement traffic. In the first mode was considered the open model with an unlimited number of transport. In this mode is considered the highway with the different number of bands and with Erlang distribution of traffic flow. In the second mode was examined the short span of road (200 m) with Poisson distribution of traffic flow with a limited number of transport, this mode is a closed model of network

    Software Implementation of Real-time Discrete Wavelet Transform Algorithm with Filter Banks for Network Traffic Parameters Estimation

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    This article describes real-time discrete wavelet transform algorithm implementation for high-level programming language. The article describes multiscale transform algorithms both for direct discrete wavelet transform and inverse discrete wavelet transform. This algorithm has been implemented in C++ programming language and tested with Raspberry Pi microprocessor system. This article proposes the improved delay line algorithm without full shifting of register. New algorithm requires single reading operation, single writing operation and one division calculation for any length of delay line. The article includes experimental measurements of processing time on Raspberry Pi for various scale numbers. The algorithm described in this article can be used with any software tool capable of using high level programming language, for example Matlab, Octave, Opnet, as well as microprocessors in communications devices, such as routers, switches and access points. This is the main purpose – to create algorithm which is not tied strictly to hardware implementation but also, nonetheless, provides real-time discrete wavelet analysis capability

    A Measurement Study of WLAN Link Recovery Using WDS in a Vehicular Environment

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    A major challenge of Intelligent Transport System (ITS) is the provision of high capacity wireless networking infrastructure to support vehicular communication. In order to understand the basic processes in such networking, in this paper, we provide the measurement results of TCP performance over IEEE802.11n wireless local area network (WLAN). We concentrate our evaluation on multi hop communications in vehicle to infrastructure (V2I) scenario with three wireless access points. The experiment results testify the possibility of using a wireless distribution system (WDS) to connect APs wirelessly extending the transmission range area of network architecture and the connectivity time of the data transmission. Analysing our results was found that handover is one of the main causes reducing the performance of wireless network

    Simulation to Evaluate Performance of Two Layer Vehicular Networks

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    The article introduces an integrated network and traffic simulation platform called Opnet (Optimized Network Engineering Tool). This platform provides the capabilities of network simulation and network protocol simulation. In this paper, we simulate two layer network models with WiFi and WiMAX scenarios and compared their throughput and load HTTP and FTP protocols. Evaluating the performance of these schemes in various conditions can help researchers discover their performance limitation

    Vehicle-To-Infrastructure Communication Based on 802.11n Wireless Local Area Network Technology

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    Vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication based on wireless local area network (WLAN) technology can support highly mobile users to obtain Internet connectivity. Wireless access for the vehicular environment (i.e. IEEE802.11p) provides the required principal standardization for vehicle-to-vehicle V2V solution and supported raw data rate up to 27 Mbps. This standard mainly is oriented on urgent short message transmission. Otherwise, for transmission of large amount of data, for instance file transmission for Internet, alternative solutions may be proposed. In this paper we present an experimental study of IEEE802.11n with diminished settings compared to the legacy system (i.e. IEEE802.11g) using off-the-shelf devices in vehicle-to-infrastructure scenario. In order to evaluate V2I type of communication in the large scale scenario, in this paper we propose an analytic model to characterize the goodput of WLAN-based networks using Buzen’s method and Markov process