7 research outputs found

    Quantitative and Qualitative Assessment of European Catfish (Silurus glanis) Flesh

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    Quantitative and qualitative flesh production in the Silurus glanis species was comparatively studied between two fish groups: one from aquaculture (AG) and the other from a natural environment, the Prut River (RG). Morphometry was carried out on the fish, and then biometric and conformational indices were calculated. Better values were found in the aquaculture catfish. The Fulton coefficient was 0.82 in the Prut River fish and 0.91% in the farmed ones. The fleshy index reached 19.58% in the AG fish and 20.79% in the RG fish, suggesting better productive capabilities in the AG fish. Postslaughter, the flesh yield and its quality were assessed at different moments throughout the refrigeration period (0–15 days), and chemical compound loss occurred. In the AG samples, the water content decreased by 8.87%, proteins by 27.66%, and lipids by 29.58%. For the RG samples, the loss reached 8.59% in water, 25.16% in proteins, and 29%in lipids. By studying the fatty acids profile and sanogenic indices, good levels of PUFA (31–35%) were found, and the atherogenic index reached 0.35–0.41 while the thrombogenic index ranged between 0.22 and 0.27. Consequently, it can be stated that fish origin and especially the refrigeration period influence the flesh proximate composition and nutritional value of European catfish

    Studiu privind consumabilitatea frunzei de dud în raport cu vârsta larvelor de bombyx mori

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    During the growth of silk larvae series on summertime,alternated with the development of several experiences regarding the nutritional value of mulberry leaves obtained from some varieties.There were alsostudied the dynamics of leaf consumption by Bombyx mori larvae. Data regarding this fact shown that if during age I, the average value of consumption coefficient was 24.72±0.88%,which it has been increased progressively while the larvae grew (during age V this coefficient was 51.57±0.42%). During the whole larvae period, the consumption coefficient registeredan average value of 51.07±0.45%

    Research regarding effect of monosodium glutamate on health of laboratory mice

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    Utilization of food additives represents a technique which is more and more present in modern food industry but this one doesn’t have always favourable effects on human organism but on contrary. The study carried out by us aimed to present the impact of one of the most controversial food additives, monosodium glutamate, on organism of laboratory mice and implicit on human organism. Research were carried out on three mice batches, each with 10 individuals, from which one was the control batch LM and two experimental batches LE1 and LE2. Mice from LM received specific nourishment and the animals belonging to the other two batches received besides that specific food different doses of monosodium glutamate, respectively 3% at batch LE1 and 5% for batch LE2. Experimental mice have enjoyed water at their discretion during the whole research period. Research took place during a period of 28 days. In the whole period has been monitored feed consumption, dynamic of corporal mass, and at the end were gathered blood samples for study of some haematological indexes and some parameters connected with blood biochemistry. At the end of the study we observed that MSG induced higher corporal mass gains with 38.4–59.4% at mice from experimental batches face to the ones from control batch, and feed consumption was higher with 7.5–13.8% at experimental batches face to the same reference batch – fact which leads to obesity. Blood analysis show the fact that at animals from experimental batches was recorded a qualitative degradation of blood and very high deviations for the majority of analysed sanguine biochemical parameters. Those aspects show a severe degradation of mice’s health state which formed the experimental batches

    Studiu cu privire la caracteristicile chimice ale ouălor provenite de la găini crescute în sisteme agreate de Uniunea Europeană

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    Analysis of which results are presented in the current paper are part of an ample study in which wefocused on the influence of rearing systems on quality of eggs destined to human consumption.Regarding water content in yolk, we mention the fact that the highest value was founded at the eggs gathered from hens reared on ground with access to external paddock (56.12±0.006%) while the lowest value was recorded at the eggs gathered from hens reared in battery, 55.02±0.006%.For dry matter content the obtained mean values were 43.88±0.005% for yolk of the eggs gathered from hens reared on ground with accessto external paddock, 44.06±0.004% for the one gathered from hens reared in loft and 44.98±0.004% at the ones reared in battery.Protein content from albumen recorded a calculated mean value of 12.17±0.032%for hens reared in free-range system.For hens reared in loft, protein content in mélange was 12.12±0.036% with variation limits which oscillated between 11.93% and12.22%.For the eggs gathered from hens reared in battery, protein level in mélangewas 12.21±0.035.In the case of fat content the calculated mean value for eggs gathered from hens reared on ground with access to external paddock was 10.64±0.045%;11.18±0.041% for the ones reared in loft and 11.22±0.049% for the eggs gathered from hens reared in battery

    Quantitative and Qualitative Assessment of European Catfish (<i>Silurus glanis</i>) Flesh

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    Quantitative and qualitative flesh production in the Silurus glanis species was comparatively studied between two fish groups: one from aquaculture (AG) and the other from a natural environment, the Prut River (RG). Morphometry was carried out on the fish, and then biometric and conformational indices were calculated. Better values were found in the aquaculture catfish. The Fulton coefficient was 0.82 in the Prut River fish and 0.91% in the farmed ones. The fleshy index reached 19.58% in the AG fish and 20.79% in the RG fish, suggesting better productive capabilities in the AG fish. Postslaughter, the flesh yield and its quality were assessed at different moments throughout the refrigeration period (0–15 days), and chemical compound loss occurred. In the AG samples, the water content decreased by 8.87%, proteins by 27.66%, and lipids by 29.58%. For the RG samples, the loss reached 8.59% in water, 25.16% in proteins, and 29%in lipids. By studying the fatty acids profile and sanogenic indices, good levels of PUFA (31–35%) were found, and the atherogenic index reached 0.35–0.41 while the thrombogenic index ranged between 0.22 and 0.27. Consequently, it can be stated that fish origin and especially the refrigeration period influence the flesh proximate composition and nutritional value of European catfish

    Studiu privind estimarea potenţialului melifer din arealul comunei Victoria, judeţul Iaşi

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    The current paper representsa study accomplished on the territory of Victoria commune, in Iaşi County,to estimate the honey potential of the area. The results showed that here lives a spontaneous, diversified and cultivated flora, among which exist also species of honey interest (acacia, linden, rapeseed, sunflower etc.); they can provide up to 333 tons of honey, which would ensure conditions for the maintenance of 2797 stationary beefamilies. The area can also assuregood conditions for capitalizing on the honey potential by pastoral beekeeping, especially for acacia harvesting, where could be moved up to 15200 hives

    Research Regarding Correlation between the Assured Health State for Laying Hens and Their Productivity

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    Predictions show the possibility of banning birds’ rearing in batteries. From this reason, we aimed to study the welfare conditions assured to birds accommodated in lofts in comparison with those reared in improved batteries. The research targeted ISA Brown hybrids monitored over a period of 25–55 weeks. The batches were represented by birds that were differently reared in halls provided with lofts compared to with improved batteries. The research was carried out in real production conditions. Biochemical indicators were determined, using a BA 400 analyzer produced by BioSystems, as well as quantitative ones using specific formulas based on productions, consumptions, and batch outputs. A cumulated production of 199.24 eggs/week/head was realized in the loft, versus 199.98 in the battery, at a mean laying intensity of 91.82% and 92.17%. Batch output was 4.14% (loft) and 2.98% (battery). Mean consumption registered a level of 122.20 g m.f./head/day for birds in the loft and 115.87 g for the ones from the battery, and feed conversion index was 133.09 g m.f./egg, compared to 125.69. The aviary system ensures optimal conditions to express the birds’ natural behaviors, with a positive impact on the metabolic functions, resulting in a good state of health and high productive levels, comparable to those of birds exploited in batteries