67 research outputs found

    The impact of patient-dependent risk factors on morbidity and mortality following gastric surgery for malignancies

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    Gastric cancer remains a leading cause of mortality worldwide. The treatment for gastric cancer is multimodal, in which gastrectomy remains the only curative approach. However, gastric resection is often associated with increased morbidity and mortality rates, depending on several factors. These factors can be attributed to the patient as comorbidities or effects of the disease upon him and, on the other hand, there are risk factors independent of the patient, such as aspects of the tumor (type, staging, location), experience of the surgical and anesthetic team, logistics of the hospital, yield of adjuvant therapies etc. We recognize the fact that patient-related risk factors are often overlooked and not taken into consideration prior to surgery, thus becoming a source of morbidity and mortality. These factors are more susceptible to modulating in order to better select candidates for gastric resection and thus create a better outcome. Therefore, identifying and modulating patient-related risk factors is paramount in order to decrease the incidence of morbidity and mortality following gastric resections

    Multivisceral resection for a rare case of malignant left adrenal tumor

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    Vă prezentăm cazul unei femei în vârstă de 44 de ani cu o tumoră corticosuprarenală voluminoasă care a fost detectată la o examinare de rutină abdominala . Pacientul a fost operat în cadrul Secției de Chirurgie Generală. a Spitalului Clinic de Urgență București. Am efectuat ablația tumorii maligne mari a glandei suprarenale stângi cu nefrectomie stângă, splenectomie, colectomie segmentara de colon transvers și pancreatectomie parțială. Examenul histopatologic a relevat un carcinom corticosuprarenalian difuz. Cazul prezinta interes datorită incidenței scăzute a acestui tip de tumoră malignă și de asemenea datorită dimensiunilor impresionante ale acesteia ,avand diametrul maxim de 19 cm.We present the case of a 44-year-old woman with a bulky adrenocortical tumor that was detected during a routine abdominal examination. The patient was operated in the General Surgery Department of the Emergency Clinical Hospital Bucharest. We performed ablation of a large malignant tumor of the left adrenal gland with left nephrectomy, splenectomy, segmental colectomy of transverse colon and partial pancreatectomy. Histopathological examination revealed diffuse adrenocortical carcinoma. The case is of interest because of the low incidence of this type of malignancy and also because of its impressive size, with a maximum diameter of 19 cm

    Limb amputations; etiopathogenesis, diagnosis and the multidisciplinary therapeutic approach

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    Despite remarkable advances in medicine, limb amputations remain a therapeutic measure that saves the lives of many patients. Given the varied etiopathogenesis, such operations are performed both as an emergency and as an elective procedure. Such interventions address either only the distal segments of a limb, or even the entire limb, having a great psychological, functional and social impact on the patient. Due to these multiple implications, limb amputations must be performed by specialized teams, in order to achieve the best possible functional and aesthetic results to be compatible with the correction of the remaining deficit with a prosthesis. The main causes leading to amputations and the corresponding preventive measures are presented, as well as the general principles of amputations as a therapeutic solution of last resort. In conclusion, reducing the number of traffic/workplace accidents and effective treatment of chronic diseases affecting the vascular system can contribute to decreasing the need for amputations, a life-saving therapeutic solution, but with a devastating impact on the patient and society

    Oral pathology induced by excess or deficiency of glucocorticoids in adults

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    Oral manifestations are present both in Cushing\u27s syndrome and in adrenal insufficiency. Possible oro-dental pathology in patients with Cushing\u27s syndrome include jawbone loss, tooth loss, and periodontal diseases. Professional societies did not include Cushing\u27s syndrome as being part of systemic diseases associated with loss of periodontal supporting tissues. The comorbidities of Cushing\u27s syndrome such as obesity, osteoporosis, and diabetes are conditions that influence periodontal attachment apparatus. In patients with adrenal primary insufficiency, the most specific sign is the melanic pigmentation of the skin and mucosal surfaces due to increments of corticotropin and pro-opiomelanocortin peptide levels that occur as a result of decreased cortisol feedback. The oral mucosa develops black plaques that can also be present on the gums, palate, tongue, and lips. The pallor may occur in patients with adrenocortical insufficiency secondary to corticotropin deficiency. Patients with primary adrenal insufficiency need to increase their glucocorticoid doses during physical activity, intercurrent illnesses, surgery, and medical procedures. Current evidence indicates that routine, nonsurgical, or minor surgical procedures do not need supplemental glucocorticoids in diagnosed patients who are in a stable condition. However, for major oral surgery, glucocorticoid supplementation is necessary for the surgery day and for at least one postoperative day

    Upper gastrointestinal bleeding during the COVID-19 pandemic; particularities of diagnosis and therapy

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    SARS-COV 2 recently caused a global pandemic, with the first case being reported in Romania in February 2020. Important restrictive measures were imposed, so that the addressability of patients to medical services decreased. Upper gastrointestinal bleeding had more severe forms of evolution at the time of presentation, which required additional methods of diagnosis and treatment. This is a retrospective study performed on 268 patients, which aims to evaluate the type and effectiveness of different treatment methods for upper gastrointestinal bleeding during the COVID 19 pandemic. Severity assessment was performed by measuring the Rockall score and additional methods of diagnosis. The association of COVID-19 with upper gastrointestinal bleeding can lead to much more severe outcomes for the patient, so treatment must be sustained and fast established. If the initial therapeutic methods fail, the other available therapeutic measures should be introduced progressively and without delay to achieve the best possible outcomes

    Diagnosis and management of colon cancer patients presenting in advanced stages of complications

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    Colorectal cancer is an important health problem with a significant impact on the individual and society. Malignancy (including colorectal cancer) is usually slightly symptomatic in its initial stages. This causes cancer to be discovered in some patients accidentally (either through screening tests in predisposed individuals or during routine investigations for other diseases), while in other patients the colorectal cancer is discovered in late stages, when the symptoms are much more intense due to complications. Unfortunately, such advanced cases of the disease have high rates of morbidity and mortality even with treatment. Current treatment methods are usually complex, interdisciplinary, causing significant suffering (physical, mental) to the individual, while the cost of treatment per patient seems to be extremely high. Until finding therapeutic methods that are effective and accessible to most patients with advanced colorectal cancer, several methods of prophylaxis and early diagnosis should be considered, to reduce as much as possible the devastating impact of this disease. The purpose of this review is to present literature data regarding the current methods of diagnosis and treatment of patients presenting to the doctor with colorectal cancer in advanced stages of complications

    Inflammatory bowel disease: pathogenesis, diagnosis and current therapeutic approach

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    Inflammatory bowel disease is a group of conditions of unknown etiology, represented by Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis and characterized by the presence of intestinal wall inflammation. From the first cases described to date, several studies have been performed to elucidate the cause of inflammatory bowel disease. Generally, the genetic factors predispose to their occurrence while epigenetic and environmental factors trigger them. Genetic factors are mutations of the genes involved in the response and recognition of immune cells to different pathogens. The most studied epigenetic and environmental factors are smoking (which predisposes to Crohn’s disease and can be protective for ulcerative colitis), lack of vitamin D, a diet rich in sugars and low in flavonoids and fibers. The diagnosis is usually established by endoscopy and biopsy. Recent technologies can perform live biopsies such as endocytoscopy or confocal laser endomicroscopy, with an accuracy of 100% compared to classical methods. Therapy involves several classes of drugs, preferably in association with diet and lifestyle changes. In case of complications or in non-responsive diseases, surgery must be considered, as documented for ulcerative colitis that can be cured by removing the entire colon. The purpose of this review is to present recent findings on pathology, as well as modern diagnosis and treatment methods for IBD

    Chitosan-Based Therapeutic Systems for Superficial Candidiasis Treatment. Synergetic Activity of Nystatin and Propolis

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    The paper deals with new approaches to chitosan (CS)-based antifungal therapeutic formulations designed to fulfill the requirements of specific applications. Gel-like formulations were prepared by mixing CS dissolved in aqueous lactic acid (LA) solution with nystatin (NYS) powder and/or propolis (PRO) aqueous solution dispersed in glycerin, followed by water evaporation to yield flexible mesoporous (pore widths of 2–4 nm) films of high specific surfaces between 1 × 103 and 1.7 × 103 m2/g. Morphological evaluation of the antifungal films showed uniform dispersion and downsizing of NYS crystallites (with initial sizes up to 50 μm). Their mechanical properties were found to be close to those of soft tissues (Young’s modulus values between 0.044–0.025 MPa). The films presented hydration capacities in physiological condition depending on their composition, i.e., higher for NYS-charged (628%), as compared with PRO loaded films (118–129%). All NYS charged films presented a quick release for the first 10 min followed by a progressive increase of the release efficiency at 48.6%, for the samples containing NYS alone and decreasing values with increasing amount of PRO to 45.9% and 42.8% after 5 h. By in vitro analysis, the hydrogels with acidic pH values around 3.8 were proven to be active against Candida albicans and Candida glabrata species. The time-killing assay performed during 24 h on Candida albicans in synthetic vagina-simulative medium showed that the hydrogel formulations containing both NYS and PRO presented the faster slowing down of the fungal growth, from colony-forming unit (CFU)/mL of 1.24 × 107 to CFU/mL < 10 (starting from the first 6 h)