33 research outputs found

    Effects of exercise and exercise counseling in hemodialysis patients

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    Dializni bolniki so v povprečju manj gibalno dejavni in zmogljivi kot splošna populacija. Dializno kolesarjenje je široko uporabljen način vadbe hemodializnih bolnikov, medtem ko so učinki drugih vadbenih metod slabo raziskani. Cilj doktorskega dela je bil ugotoviti učinek dodatka funkcionalne vadbe in vadbenega svetovanja k osnovnemu programu kolesarjenja med dializo. 40 hemodializnih bolnikov je bilo naključno razporejenih v eksperimentalno skupino (n = 20) in v kontrolno skupino (n = 20). V 1. fazi (8 tednov) je eksperimentalna skupina pred dializo izvajala funkcionalno vadbo in nadaljevala s kolesarjenjem med dializo. V 2. fazi (8 tednov) je eksperimentalna skupina samostojno izvajala vadbo v domačem okolju z ohranjenim dializnim kolesarjenjem. Kontrolna skupina je sodelovala v programu dializnega kolesarjenja vseh 16 tednov. Po 8 tednih je eksperimentalna skupina izboljšala svoj rezultat pri testu 10 ponovitev vstajanja s stola (p = 0,021) in ga ohranila do 16. tedna (p = 0,037). Eksperimentalna skupina je dosegla bistveno boljše rezultate v primerjavi s kontrolno skupino v moči stiska pesti (p = 0,004), predklonu sede (p 3,15 oziroma > 1,3) so pokazali bistveno boljše sodelovanje pri dializnemu kolesarjenju (opravljenih 89% v primerjavi s 76%, vadbenih enot in 89% v primerjavi z 77%, p 3.15 and > 1.3, respectively) expressed significantly better adherence to intradialytic cycling (89% vs. 76%, 89% vs. 77%, respectively, p < 0.05). Experimental group patients with above-median OEE (but not DB) score had significantly better adherence to supervised and home-based functional exercise (93% vs. 81% and 85% vs. 60%, respectively, p < 0.05). Baseline DB score predicted the final result in the hand-grip test and 6-minute walk test. Low OEE and, to a lesser degree, low DB questionnaire scores associate with inferior adherence to dialysis bundled and home-based exercise programs and may help define patient subsets in need of intensified motivational input by exercise caregivers. Our research showed that functional training is practical, feasible, and effective in improving the physical function of HD patients and can successfully prepare patients for independent exercise in the home environment. This study supports the assumption that combined training is more effective compared to solely aerobic intradialytic exercise

    Varstvo vodnih virov v Sloveniji

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    Prolonged theoretical classes impact students’ perceptions: an observational study

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    Mental fatigue (MF) arises during prolonged demanding cognitive activity and results in acute feelings of tiredness and a decreased physical and/or cognitive performance capacity. An often-overlooked population that is significantly at risk for the development of MF are university students. The current study investigated the impact of prolonged in-person theoretical classes on the perceptions of MF, boredom, and sleepiness among 27 Slovenian university students (first-year physiotherapy). Their subjective experiences at various time points during a 4-h class interspersed with a 20 min break were assessed with a repeated measures ANOVA and consequent Bonferroni post-hoc tests (significance set at &lt;0.05). Subjective MF and sleepiness significantly increased during the first and the second part of the class (p &lt; 0.05), while they significantly decreased during the break (p &lt; 0.05). Boredom levels only increased significantly during the second part of the class (p &lt; 0.05). Additionally, students who had inadequate sleep the night before the class reported higher levels of MF at the beginning of the class. This study highlighted a significant impact of a theoretical class on subjective feelings of mental fatigue and showed that a break in the middle of the class temporarily alleviated this negative impact. These results emphasize the importance of adequate sleep, effective breaks, and strategies to manage cognitive workload in optimizing students’ cognitive well-being and academic performance. Further research is needed to better understand the underlying factors and develop targeted interventions to support students’ cognitive functioning and well-being during prolonged academic sessions

    Concurrent Validity and Reliability of My Jump 2 App for Measuring Vertical Jump Height in Recreationally Active Adults

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    This study aimed to examine the reliability, validity, and usefulness of the smartphone-based application, My Jump 2, against Optojump in recreationally active adults. Participants (18 women, 28.9 &plusmn; 5.6 years, and 26 men, 30.1 &plusmn; 10.6 years) completed squat jumps (SJ), counter-movement jumps (CMJ), and CMJ with arm swing (CMJAS) on Optojump and were simultaneously recorded using My Jump 2. To evaluate concurrent validity, jump height, calculated from flight time attained from each device, was compared for each jump type. Test-retest reliability was determined by replicating data analysis of My Jump 2 recordings on two occasions separated by two weeks. High test-retest reliability (Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) &gt; 0.93) was observed for all measures in both male and female athletes. Very large correlations were observed between the My Jump 2 app and Optojump for SJ (r = 0.95, p = 0.001), CMJ (r = 0.98, p = 0.001), and CMJAS (r = 0.98, p = 0.001) in male athletes. Similar results were obtained for female recreational athletes for all jumps (r &gt; 0.94, p = 0.001). The study results suggest that My Jump 2 is a valid, reliable, and useful tool for measuring vertical jump in recreationally active adults. Therefore, due to its simplicity and practicality, it can be used by practitioners, coaches, and recreationally-active adults to measure vertical jump performance with a simple test as SJ, CMJ, and CMJAS


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    In alpine skiing like in other sports, achieving good results depends on a variety of factors and the quality of planning and conducting the process of training. The purpose of the research was to determine whether there is a correlation between selected motor tests and the number of points achieved in Rauch Cup. The research was conducted on a sample of 41 male competitors from different ski clubs across Slovenia. The following tests were conducted on our selected group of 13 - 14 year old males: taping with a dominant leg, test of stability, run from a flying start (maximum speed), ten jumps on both legs, 400m run, running nines, counter movement jump and reaction time to a visual impulse (squat jump). The linear regression analysis was used to determine the relationship between selected motor tests and performance in alpine skiing (Rauch Cup points). Correlation was found between each individual motor test and criterion variable (Rauch Cup points) except test of stability and reaction time test (squat jump). Multiple linear regression (MLR) showed us that the selected model, assembled of four tests that gave the highest MLR was significant (R=.727; p < .001). According to the findings, we can conclude that motor skills represent 53% of the competitive performance variance of the alpine skier

    Effects of neuromuscular training on motor competence and physical performance in young female volleyball players

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    Although neuromuscular training (NMT) emphasizes injury prevention training, there is little information about its effects on performance in young athletes. This study aimed to investigate the effects of eight-weeks NMT on motor competence and physical performance in 10- to 12-year-old female volleyball players. Sixty-six participants (mean ± SD11.05 ± 0.72 years) were randomized into either the NMT group (NTGn = 32) or control group (CONn = 34). Sprint on 10-m, modified T-test, plank, vertical jump, and medicine ball throw tests were used to assess the physical performance. The Körperkoordinationstest für Kinder (KTK) was used to assess the subjects’ motor competence. The NMT was performed twice a week during the first 30 min of each regularly scheduled 90-minute volleyball training. Participants in the CON group attended only their regular volleyball training. A significant group x time interaction was found for Motor Quotient KTK (MQKTK) (p 0.05). The NMT promoted significant gains in motor competence and physical performance in youth female volleyball players

    Twelve-week game-based school intervention improves physical fitness in 12–14-year-old girls

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effects of a twelve-week game-based school intervention on physical fitness in girls aged 12–14 years. Fifty-nine adolescent girls (13.2 ± 0.3 years) were randomly assigned to a group that participated in a game-based after-school program (EXP) or a control group (CON) that participated only in mandatory physical education. The EXP group had the additional program twice a week after school for 40 min/session for 12 weeks alongside with regular physical education classes. The EXP program consisted mainly of small-sided games of football, basketball, handball, and volleyball. The assessment included a physical fitness assessment with standardized tests for this age group: countermovement jump (CMJ), standing long jump, bent arm hang, overhead medicine ball throw, sit-ups for 30 s, and Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Level 1 Test (YYIRT1). There was a significant interaction between group (EXP vs. CON) and time (pre-test vs. post-test) for the standing long jump (p < 0.001), overhead medicine ball throw (p < 0.001), 30 s sit-ups (p = 0.030), bent- arm hang (p < 0.001), and YYIRT1 score (p = 0.004). In addition, a significant main effect was found for time in countermovement jump (p < 0.001). The results of this study indicate that the after-school game-based intervention significantly improves adolescent girls' physical fitness compared to regular physical education. The overall conclusion suggests that as few as two additional sessions per week are sufficient to produce significant changes in physical fitness in adolescent girls

    Effects of teaching program based on teaching games for understanding model on volleyball skills and enjoyment in secondary school students

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    This study investigated the effects of the Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) model implemented in physical education classes on volleyball skills and enjoyment in secondary school students. A total of 54 students (18 girls) from two classes participated in this study, of whom 28 (age = 15.5 ± 0.7 years) were randomized to a TGfU model (EXP) group and 26 (age = 15.7 ± 0.6 years) to a control group (CON) that maintained their usual physical-education activities. Four tests for volleyball skills were conducted: service, overhead, and forearm passing and setting. Additionally, the sport enjoyment questionnaire was used the first and the last week of intervention. Results from repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed a significant interaction for overhead passing (F 1, 58 = 5.273, p = 0.025, Partial η2^2 = 0.083) and forearm passing (F 1, 58 = 4.641, p = 0.035, Partial η2^2 = 0.074). When examining the impact of TGfU program on service accuracy, there was a significant main effect for time (p 0.05). The EXP group showed significantly better results for enjoyment compared to the CON group (p ≤ 0.05). The findings show the effectiveness of the TGfU model of short duration (12 lessons) in an educational context to improve volleyball skills. We also highlight the importance of enjoyment during these classes compared to traditional physical education classes

    Associations between physical fitness, objectively measured physical activity and academic performance

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    There is evidence that physical activity (PA) can improve the academic performance. We recruited healthy adolescent girls, aged 11–12 years, and measured their PA with the accelerometer ActiGraph GT3X for the consecutive 5 days. Physical fitness (PF) was measured with eight motoric tests and three anthropometry measures. Academic performance (AP) was assessed for the six academic narrated school subjects. The results revealed that the girls were more physically active during the week days and less active at weekend (557 vs. 516 counts/min). Physical education grade shows the highest overall correlations with the results of the PF test battery (r = 0.53–0.95, p < 0.01). Nevertheless, correlations surprisingly decrease for the combined daily PA (r = 0.45), especially the weekend PA (r = 0.28). Grade point average and PF correlated moderately (r = 0.43-0.64), while they were moderate to high for PA (r = 0.59–0.87). Many questions arose after the completion of the present study and several new topics opened up, such as the question of how parental education affects the duration of PA and AP of the children and the influence of the place of residence AP of the children