23 research outputs found

    Dynamics, correlations and phases of the micromaser

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    The micromaser possesses a variety of dynamical phase transitions parametrized by the flux of atoms and the time-of-flight of the atom within the cavity. We discuss how these phases may be revealed to an observer outside the cavity using the long-time correlation length in the atomic beam. Some of the phase transitions are not reflected in the average excitation level of the outgoing atom, which is the commonly used observable. The correlation length is directly related to the leading eigenvalue of the time evolution operator, which we study in order to elucidate the phase structure. We find that as a function of the time-of-flight the transition from the thermal to the maser phase is characterized by a sharp peak in the correlation length. For longer times-of-flight there is a transition to a phase where the correlation length grows exponentially with the flux. We present a detailed numerical and analytical treatment of the different phases and discuss the physics behind them.Comment: 60 pages, 18 figure files, Latex + \special{} for the figures, (some redundant figures are eliminated and others are changed

    Landau-Zener-StĂĽckelberg-Majorana lasing in circuit quantum electrodynamics

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    We demonstrate amplification (and attenuation) of a probe signal by a driven two-level quantum system in the Landau-Zener-St\"{u}ckelberg-Majorana regime by means of an experiment, in which a superconducting qubit was strongly coupled to a microwave cavity, in a conventional arrangement of circuit quantum electrodynamics. Two different types of flux qubit, specifically a conventional Josephson junctions qubit and a phase-slip qubit, show similar results, namely, lasing at the working points where amplification takes place. The experimental data are explained by the interaction of the probe signal with Rabi-like oscillations. The latter are created by constructive interference of Landau-Zener-St\"{u}ckelberg-Majorana (LZSM) transitions during the driving period of the qubit. A detailed description of the occurrence of these oscillations and a comparison of obtained data with both analytic and numerical calculations are given