55 research outputs found

    Distinctive-attribute Extraction for Image Captioning

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    Image captioning, an open research issue, has been evolved with the progress of deep neural networks. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are employed to compute image features and generate natural language descriptions in the research. In previous works, a caption involving semantic description can be generated by applying additional information into the RNNs. In this approach, we propose a distinctive-attribute extraction (DaE) which explicitly encourages significant meanings to generate an accurate caption describing the overall meaning of the image with their unique situation. Specifically, the captions of training images are analyzed by term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF), and the analyzed semantic information is trained to extract distinctive-attributes for inferring captions. The proposed scheme is evaluated on a challenge data, and it improves an objective performance while describing images in more detail.Comment: 14 main pages, 4 supplementary page

    Translocation of residual ethoprophos and tricyclazole from soil to spinach

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    The dissipation of ethoprophos and tricyclazole in soil and their translocation tendency to spinach were investigated. Prior to field trials, the analytical method for the determination of these pesticide residues was optimized and validated on soil and spinach. The field trial was conducted under greenhouse conditions for two different pretreatment periods with the pesticides. After treating with pesticides 30 (PBI-30) and 60 days (PBI-60) before seeding, soil samples were collected on different days for the dissipation study of soil. Spinach samples were harvested from the soil, and 50% and 100% mature spinach samples were collected. The initial amounts of ethoprophos residue in the PBI-60 and PBI-30 soils were 0.21 and 2.74 mg/kg, respectively, and these both decreased to less than 0.01 mg/kg on the day of spinach harvest. Similar initial residues of tricyclazole were observed in the PBI-60 (0.87 mg/kg) and PBI-30 soils (0.84 mg/kg), and these decreased to 0.44 and 0.34 mg/kg, respectively. The half-lives of ethoprophos in the soils were calculated as 7.6 and 4.8 days, respectively, while relatively long half-lives of 36.5 and 77.0 days were calculated for tricyclazole. According to the pesticide residue amounts in the spinach, the translocation rate from the soil to the spinach was determined. In the case of ethoprophos, the residual amount was already rapidly degraded in the soil, and the translocation rate could not be confirmed. On the other hand, for tricyclazole, it was confirmed that 1.19 to 1.61% of the residual amount in soil was transferred to spinach. According to these results, safe management guidelines for tricyclazole in soil were suggested considering the maximum residue limit on spinach.This work was supported by the Rural Development Administration (PJ0152772020)

    Comparison of Safety and Diagnostic Efficacy of Iohexol 240 mgI/mL, Iopamidol 250 mgI/mL, and Iodixanol 270 mgI/mL in Cerebral Angiography: A Prospective, Multicenter Study

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    Purpose This multicenter prospective study aimed to evaluate the quality and diagnostic effectiveness of cerebral angiography images obtained using low-concentration iodinated contrast agents (iohexol 240 mgI/mL, iopamidol 250 mgI/mL, and iodixanol 270 mgI/mL) and to assess the safety thereof. The study addresses the need for safer contrast agent alternatives without compromising the diagnostic quality of identifying cerebrovascular disease. Materials and Methods Conducted in 5 medical centers in South Korea, we enrolled patients aged 19 years or older who were referred for diagnostic cerebral angiography under non-emergency conditions, excluding those with specific health conditions and sensitivities. The study design included a prospective, observational approach with a 1-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) for sample size calculation, aiming for a total sample of 231 participants for adequate power. Image quality was evaluated using a 4-level scale by 2 independent, blinded radiologists, and adverse reactions were monitored both immediately and up to 7 days post-procedure. Statistical analysis involved 1-way ANOVA and Kruskal–Wallis tests to assess the image quality and safety profiles of the contrast agents. Results Among 266 patients screened, 243 were included in the final analysis. The evaluation revealed no statistically significant differences in image quality among the 3 types of low-concentration contrast agents. Adverse events were observed in 28.8% of patients, with 27.2% experiencing acute reactions, primarily mild reactions, and 3.3% experiencing delayed reactions. The overall safety profile showed no significant changes in vital signs or electrocardiogram readings before and after contrast agent injection. Conclusion Using low-concentration iodinated contrast agents for cerebral angiography provides image quality comparable to that of conventional high-concentration agents, with no significant increase in adverse events, suggesting a safer alternative for patients

    Örgütlerde kültür ile güven arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi

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    Hızla değişen ve küreselleşen günümüz iş dünyasında uluslararası (çokuluslu) işletmelerin sayısı giderek artmaktadır. Farklı toplum ve kültürlerden gelen bireylerin bir arada olduğu bu tür işletmelerde kültürün başarı için kaçınılmaz bir unusur olan güven üzerine nasıl etkilediği konusunda incelemeye ihtiyacı vardır, ancak Türkiye’de bu konuda yapılan çok az sayıda araştırmalar bulunmaktadır. Bundan hareketle bu tezde örgüt içindeki kültürun örgüte güven üzerindeki katkısı incelenmiştir. Araştırmada kültür konusunda Hofstede’in dört kültür boyutları ele alınmıştır. Bunlar; güç mesafesi, belirsizlikten kaçınma, erillik-dişillik ile bireyclik-toplulukçuluk boyutlarıdır. Örgüte güven konusunda ortaya çıkan faktörler ise dürüst, destekleyici ve kurumsallaşmış bir firma olduğuna dair duyulan güven, itibarlı ve yüksek kredibiliteye sahip bir firma olduğuna dair duyulan güven ve çalışanların haklarına saygılı bir firma olduğuna dair duyulan güven olarak adlandırılmıştır. Bu çalışmada hipotezleri test edebilmek için seçilen örneklem, Türkiye’de faaliyet gösteren Kore şirketleri, Türk şirketleri ve Kore-Türk ortaklığı olan özel şirketlerde çalışan Türkler olmuştur. Farklı kültürlerde çalışan 537 katılımcılardan toplanan veriler daha sonra sırasıyla güvenilirlik analizi, faktör analizi, regresyon analizine tabi tutulmuştur. Yapılan analizlerin sonucunda örgüt içindeki kültürün örgüte güven üzerinde açıklayıcı katkısının olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. Ayrıca cinsiyet ve şirket türleri ayrımı içerisinde yapılan analizinde, kadınlar açısından, ortak şirketlerinde çalışan kadınlar içn “çalışanların haklarına saygılı bir firma olduğuna dair duyulan güven” faktörüne, Türk şirketlerinde çalışan kadınlar için “itibarlı ve yüksek kredibiliteye sahip bir firma olduğuna dair duyulan güven” ve “çalışanların haklarına saygılı bir firma olduğuna dair duyulan güven” faktörlerine en fazla katkının “belirsizlikten kaçınma” boyutunun yaptığı görülmüştür. Erkekler açısından ise ortak şirketlerinde “çalışanların haklarına saygılı bir firma olduğuna dair duyulan güven” faktörüne en büyük katkının “bireycilik-toplulukçuluk” boyutunun yaptığı sonucuna varmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Kültür, Kültür Boyutları, Güven, Örgüte Güven ABSTRACT In today's business world is rapidly changing and globalizing international (multinational) enterprises are increasing as days go by. It is needed to examine how the culture has effect on trust which is inevitable element for success in these business organizations that consist of individuals coming from different society and cultures. But in Turkey, only a few studies are available in terms of this issue. Based on this fact, the contribution of culture in the organization on trust about organization was examined in this thesis. On this research, Hofstede's four cultural dimensions were discussed connected with culture. They are power distance, uncertainty avoidance, masculinity-femininity and individualism. The factors of trust about organization is defined as trust regarding the firm is honest, supportive and in corporate level, trust regarding the firm is reputable and has high credibility and trust regarding the firm which respects the rights of employees. In this study, the samples selected in order to test hypotheses are Turkish working in Korean companies, Turkish companies and Korea-Turkey joint companies operating in Turkey. Collected data from 537 participants working in different cultures, respectively, then reliability analysis, factor analysis, regression analysis has been subjected to. As a result of the analysises, the culture in organization has explainable contribution on trust about organization. Also, from the female’s points of view, the biggest contribution of “uncertainty avoidance” is observed in factor of “trust regarding the firm which respects the rights of employees” for the females working in Korean-Turkey joint companies and factor of “trust regarding the firm which is reputable and has high credibility” and “trust regarding the firm which respects the rights of employees” for the females working in Turkish companies according to the analysis of distinction of gender and types of companies. From the male’s point of view, the biggest contribution to the factor of “trust regarding the firm which respects the rights of employees” is “individualism”. Key words: Cultur, Cultural Dimensions, Trust, Trust About Organizatio

    Recurrent nitrofurantoin-induced giant cell interstitial pneumonia: Case report and literature review

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    Giant cell interstitial pneumonia (GIP) is a rare form of chronic interstitial pneumonia typically associated with hard metal exposure. Only two cases of GIP induced by nitrofurantoin have been reported in the medical literature. We are reporting a case of recurrent nitrofurantoin-induced GIP. Although extremely rare, GIP needs to be included in the differential diagnosis in patients with chronic nitrofurantoin use who present with respiratory illness

    Serial Dual Mediating Effects of Parenting Stress on Life Satisfaction among Parents of School-Aged Children with Chronic Conditions

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    This study examines the serial dual mediating effects of marital conflict and self-esteem on the relationship between parenting stress and life satisfaction in parents of school-aged children with chronic conditions. This study aims to present foundational data for developing nursing interventions for parents caring for children with chronic illnesses. Of the 2150 parents who participated in the 13th Panel Study on Korean Children (PSKC), 271 raising a child with a chronic illness were enrolled in the study. The serial dual mediating effect was analyzed using PROCESS macro Model 6. The serial dual mediating effects of parenting stress, marital conflict, and self-esteem on parents’ life satisfaction were analyzed. Marital conflict and self-esteem had significant serial multiple mediating effects on the relationship between stress and life satisfaction in fathers (B = −0.11, bootstrap 95% CI = −0.16–−0.06) and mothers (B = −0.06, bootstrap 95% CI = −0.09–−0.03). Our results suggest that marital conflict increases with increasing parenting stress and that increased marital conflict sequentially reduces self-esteem, ultimately diminishing life satisfaction in parents raising a child with a chronic condition. Thus, relevant nursing interventions and social support are essential to boost the life satisfaction of parents raising children with chronic conditions

    Three-Dimensional Dead-Reckoning Based on Lie Theory for Overcoming Approximation Errors

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    This paper proposes a dead-reckoning (DR) method for vehicles using Lie theory. This approach treats the pose (position and attitude) and velocity of the vehicle as elements of the Lie group SE2(3) and follows the computations based on Lie theory. Previously employed DR methods, which have been widely used, suffer from cumulative errors over time due to inaccuracies in the calculated changes from velocity during the motion of the vehicle or small errors in modeling assumptions. Consequently, this results in significant discrepancies between the estimated and actual positions over time. However, by treating the pose and velocity of the vehicle as elements of the Lie group, the proposed method allows for accurate solutions without the errors introduced by linearization. The incremental updates for pose and velocity in the DR computation are represented in the Lie algebra. Experimental results confirm that the proposed method improves the accuracy of DR. In particular, as the motion prediction time interval of the vehicle increases, the proposed method demonstrates a more pronounced improvement in positional accuracy