58 research outputs found

    A Comparison of Catchability Between “Arad” (Otter Board Boat Seine) Operated with and Without Turtle Excluder Devices (Teds)

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    The use of TEDs on the “Arad” (Otter Board Boat Seine Net) has never been done by fishermen from the northern part of the Java Sea in Central Java. In order to introduce this net and also to anticipate the shrimp embargo by World Trade Organization (WTO. TEDs construction used in this study was Hooped TEDs with LxBxD dimension of 60x 40 x 60 cm; width of grids deflector of 5 cm) . This construction made an angle of 45°. Fishing operation with and without TEDs was done 9 times during the day. Shrimp, fish, others and garbage entering the net were measured in terms of body weight and fish body circle was also measured in order to compare the result of each treatment. Both nets (with and without TEDs) contained Shrimp (Metapenaeus sp), Pilot-fish (Selaroides sp), Mackerel (Rastrelliger sp), Hair-tails (Trichiurus sp, Pony-fish(Leiognathus sp), others and garbage. The average catch every hauling for the net with TEDs were : Shrimp 1.17 kg; Fish 1.66 kg; others 0.14 kg and garbage 0.1 kg; whereas the net without TEDs were : Shrimp 1.09 kg; Fish 2.33 kg, others 0.34 kg and garbage 1.31 kg. The average body circle of fish caught by net with TEDs was 4.0-7.4 cm and those caught by net without TEDs was 4.0-8.9 cm. The amount of fish and garbage caught by using each treatment differed very significantly, while the amount of shrimp caught did not

    Analisis Pengelolaan Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai Tasikagung Kabupaten Rembang Untuk Peningkatan Produksi Perikanan Tangkap

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    The increased of fisheries production was supported by an increased the number visits of ships in PPP Tasikagung. Increased of its should be balanced with good management of PPP Tasikagung. This research objective was to determine the condition facilities in PPP Tasikagung, knew the managements of activities and facilities in PPP Tasikagung, and analyzed appropriate strategies to be applied in the management of PPP Tasikagung which was expected to provide useful output for all aspects of PPP Tasikagung. The method used in this research was descriptive by SWOT analyzed was identified the various factors in order formulated a strategy for the proper management. The results showed that the existing facilities at the Coastal Fishery Port of Tasikagung was still a good physical condition and was still proper to used, as good as that activities from landed fish, fish processed, until marketing the fish was good work, problem only occurred in the absence of cold storage facility and hygienic TPI. While the results obtained from the application of SWOT analysis was S-O strategy (Strength-Opportunity) in its application used force to take advantage of an opportunity

    Analisis Hasil Tangkapan Udang Tiger (Penaeus Semisulcatus) Pada Alat Tangkap Pukat Udang (Double Rig Shrimp Net) Berdasarkan Perbedaan Waktu Di Perairan Arafura

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    Udang merupakan komoditas unggulan hasil perikanan untuk ekspor di Indonesia. Di perairan Indonesia terdapat lebih dari 83 jenis udang Penaeid. Udang Tiger (Penaeus Semisulcatus) salah satu komoditi udang yang ada di perairan Arafura. Alat tangkap yang digunakan saat penelitian adalah alat tangkap pukat udang (double rig shrimp net), cara pengoperasian alat tangkap menggunakan dua jaring pada sisi kanan dan kiri kapal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil tangkapan udang Tiger (Penaeus Semisulcatus) pada siang dan malam hari, selain itu juga bertujuan untuk mengetahui komposisi hasil tangkapan udang pada alat tangkap pukat udang (double rig shrimp net). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah deskriptif. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data penelitian adalah metode survei lapangan dengan mengikuti langsung kegiatan operasi penangkapan alat tangkap pukat udang kapal KM. Kurnia no 5. Penelitian ini dilakukan mulai tanggal 29 Juni – 22 juli 2013 dengan jumlah 84 hauling. Hasil yang didapatkan yaitu udang Tiger (Penaeus semisulcatus) 84% (1911 kg), udang Ende (Metapenaeus sp.) 7% (156 kg), udang Banana (Penaeus merguensis) 3% (62 kg), udang Sakura (Metapenaeus ensis) 2% (52 kg), udang Yellow (Latisucatus sp.)2% (48 kg), dan udang Kiji (Metapenaeus ebaracensis) 2% (50 kg). Hasil udang Tiger (Penaeus Semisulcatus) pada siang hari sebanyak 960 kg sedangkan malam hari sebanyak 951 kg. Berdasarkan analisa Uji T-test dihasilkan bahwa perbedaan waktu siang dan malam hari tidak mempunyai perbedaan nyata dengan nilai signifikansi 0,913 (>α=0,05). Shrimp is an excellent commodity for export of fishery products in Indonesia. In the waters of Indonesia, there are more than 83 types of penaeid shrimp. Tiger shrimp (Penaeus Semisulcatus) one commodity shrimp in the waters of the Arafura. Fishing gear used when research is shrimp net fishing gear (double rig shrimp net), how the operation of fishing gear used two nets on the right side and left the ship. This study aimed to determine differences in the catch Tiger shrimp (Penaeus Semisulcatus) on the day and night, but it also aims to determine the composition of the catch of shrimp in shrimp net gear (double rig shrimp net). The method used in this research is descriptive. The method used in this research is a method of data collection by field survey operations immediately following the fishing of shrimp net vessels KM. Kurnia no 5. This study was conducted from June 29 - July 22, 2013, with the number 84 hauling. The results obtained are Tiger Shrimp 84% (1911 kg), Ende shrimp (Metapenaeus sp.) 7% (156 kg), Banana shrimp (Penaeus merguensis) 3% (62 kg), Sakura shrimp (Metapenaeus ensis) 2% (52 kg), Yellow shrimp (Latisucatus sp.) 2% (48 kg), and Kiji shrimp (Metapenaeus ebaracensis) 2% (50 kg). Results Tiger Shrimp (Penaeus Semisulcatus) during the day as much as 960 kg, while the evening as much as 951 kg. Based on the analysis of T-test Test result that the difference between day and night has no real difference with a significance value of 0.913 (> α = 0.05)

    Analisis Tingkat Kesejahteraan Nelayan Payang di Desa Munjungagung Kecamatan Kramat Kabupaten Tegal

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat kesejahteraan nelayan Payang di Desa Munjungagung Kecamatan Kramat Kabupaten Tegal dengan menggunakan indikator kesejahteraan gabungan berdasarkan Badan Pusat Statistik tahun 2007 dan Pridaningsih tahun 2011. Cara pengambilan sampel dengan simple random sampling. Data kesejahteraan diperoleh melalui wawancara mendalam berdasarkan kuesioner dan observasi lapangan. Analisis data dilakukan dengan scoring 14 indikator kesejahteraan gabungan dan berdasarkan konsep Nilai Tukar Nelayan (NTN). Hasil analisis berdasarkan indikator kesejahteraan gabungan diperoleh bahwa nelayan juragan Payang termasuk kategori sejahtera tinggi dengan rata-rata skor 38, sedangkan nelayan ABK Payang sebanyak 48 orang termasuk sejahtera tinggi dengan skor rata-rata 36 dan 9 orang ABK termasuk sejahtera sedang dengan skor rata-rata 33. Analisis secara NTN bidang perikanan nelayan ABK Payang memiliki nilai 0,88 (NTN<1) yang berarti nelayan termasuk tingkat sejahtera rendah sedangkan nelyan juragan memiliki nilai 1,11 (NTN>1) atau termasuk sejahtera tinggi. Rata-rata NTN total pendapatan ABK Payang 1,48 dan rata-rata NTN total pendapatan juragan Payang 1,18 (NTN>1) yang berarti keduanya termasuk dalam kriteria tingkat sejahtera tinggi. The purpose of this research to analyze of Danish Seine fisherman welfare level in Munjungagung village, Kramat District, Tegal Regency used welfare level indicators based on Badan Pusat Statistik, 2007 and Pridaningsih, 2011. This research used simple random sampling through deeply interview and observation. Analyze scoring for 14 welfare level modification and based on NTN concept. The result of welfare modification indicators analysis are all employer is high prosperous level with the average 38 score and the average score for 48 crews is 36 (high prosperous level), 9 crews having average 33 score (medium prosperous level). The result of NTN concept for fisheries, the crews having average score NTN 0,88 (low prosperous level) and average NTN score for the employers is 1.11 (high prosperous level). Based on total salary of NTN analysis showed that the value of crews is 1.48 and the value of employer NTN is 1.18 so both of them is high prosperous level

    Analisis Pendapatan Nelayan Rajungan Alat Tangkap Jaring Pejer (Bottom Set Gill Net) Dan Jaring Gondrong (Trammel Net) Di Desa Sukoharjo Kecamatan Rembang Kabupaten Rembang

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    Desa Sukoharjo adalah salah satu desa di Kabupaten Rembang yang merupakan desa penghasil rajungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji aspek teknis penangkapan rajungan. Menganalisis perbandingan pendapatan serta menganalisis aspek finansial kelayakan USAha jaring Pejer (Bottom set gill net) dan jaring Gondrong (Trammel net) di Desa Sukoharjo.Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif bersifat studi kasus dengan jumlah sebanyak 60 sampel yang terdiri 30 nelayan jaring Pejer (Bottom set gill net) dan 30 nelayan jaring Gondrong (Trammel net). Metode pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling. Data yang diambil berupa data primer dan data sekunder. Metode analisa data yang digunakan adalah analisis pendapatan menggunakan uji statistik dan aspek finansial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan secara teknis jaring Pejer (Bottom set gill net) dan jaring Gondrong (Trammel net) mempunyai panjang 160 m dan 157 m. Perahu terbuat dari kayu dan mesin berkekuatan 16-24 PK. Pengoperasian 3 tahap yaitu setting, immersing, hauling. Fishing ground diperairan Rembang. Hasil analisis pendapatan penangkapan rajungan Ho ditolak artinya adanya perbedaan pendapatan antara kedua kelompok USAha penangkapan rajungan dengan finansial USAha didapatkan nilai finansial kedua alat tangkap tersebut, menunjukan bahwa kegiatan USAha penangkapan alat tangkap tangkap jaring Pejer (Bottom set gill net) dan jaring Gondrong (Trammel net) layak dijalankan. Sukoharjo is one of the villages in Rembang which is producing blue swimming crabs. This study aimed to examines the technical aspects of catching blue swimming crab. Analyzing the ratio of income as well as analyzing financial aspects of the business feasibility Bottom set gill net and Trammel net in the village of Sukoharjo. The method used is descriptive method is a case study with a sample of of respondents is as many as 60 sample consisting of 30 fishermen Bottom set gill net and 30 fishermen Trammel net. The sampling method using purposive sampling. Data taken the form of primary data and secondary data. Data analysis method used is the income analysis using statistical tests and financial aspects. The results showed technically Bottom set gill net and Trammel net has a length of 160 m and 157 m. The boat is made of wood and powered engine 16-24 PK. Operation of three phases, namely setting, immersing, hauling. Apex fishing ground waters Rembang. Results of analysis using t-test is obtained, then Ho is rejected. income instruments fishing gear Bottom set gill net and Trammel net amounted to Rp. 59.708.000,- per year and Rp 61.717.000,-per year with financially acquired businesses on the financial value of the fishing gear, showed business activity catching blue swimming crab is Bottom set gill net and Trammel net viable

    Analisis Perbandingan Efisiensi Tempat Pelelangan Ikan (Tpi) Tasikagung, Karanganyar, Dan Sarang Di Kabupaten Rembang

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    The biggest source of District pure income in Rembang Regency was captured from fishery production value that landed in auction place, TPI has an important role in fishing port and should be managed as well to reach the optimum function. But, not all the facilites and infrastructure are well available and optimum, that cause TPI efficiency. The purpose of this study was to identify the facilites and infrastructure, analyze the efficiency, and efficiency comparison of Tasikagung, Karanganyar, and Sarang fish auctin place in Rembang Regency. The reseach method in this reseach was descriptive method, while the sampling method was purposive sampling. Data analysis methods are Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) Banxia Fontier Analysis. The result show that the identificatin the existing the facilites and infrastructure of the third in Rembang Regency was the auction floor is perforated, sanitation facilities dan garbages were disfunction, and nothing fish storage. The result of anlilysis of TPI Tasikagung and Sarang were got scor 100 %, while TPI Karanganyar 97,93%. To achieve efficient so needed to be reduction or increase input and output according to the potential value improvement

    Analisis Pengembangan Fasilitas Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara Prigi Kabupaten Trenggalek Jawa Timur Ditinjau Dari Aspek Produksi

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    PPN Prigi yang berada di Kabupaten Trenggalek dilengkapi dengan fasilitas pokok, fungsional dan penunjang. Fasilitas yang dimiliki oleh PPN Prigi sudah lengkap akan tetapi perlu adanya pengembangan untuk menampung hasil tangkapan di masa yang akan datang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk Mengetahui kondisi fasilitas pelabuhan serta permasalahan yang ada di Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara Prigi, Menganalisis tingkat pemanfaatan fasilitas pelabuhan yang ada di Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara Prigi, Pemetaan permasalahan dan pengembangan solusi bagi pengembangan Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara Prigi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari 2015 di PPN Prigi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif serta menggunakan analisa data yaitu analisa tingkat pemanfaatan fasilitas, analisa estimasi dan analisis Nilai Penting Dan Kondisi Sekarang (NPKS). Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa Kondisi fasilitas Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara Prigi cukup baik karena fasilitas-fasiltas tersebut terawat dan dalam kondisi masih bagus .Tingkat pemanfaatan fasilitas Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara Prigi didapatkan hasil, lahan 100%, alur pelayaran 92 %, kolam pelabuhan barat 97,59% , kolam pelabuhan timur, 72,6%, dermaga barat dengan posisi kapal sejajar 179,3%, dermaga barat dengan posisi kapal tegak lurus 59,7%, dermaga timur kapal posisi sejajar 141%, dermaga timur kapal posisi tegak lurus 57,8%, TPI barat 31% dan TPI timur 51%. Strategi yang dipilih adalah strategi pada kuadran I yaitu Prioritas pengembangan. Fasilitas yang berada pada kuadran I dan menjadi Prioritas pengembangan yaitu pengelolaan limbah IPAL, Docking kapal dan sistem drainase. Prigi Archipelagic Fishing Port (PPN) in Trenggalek have basic, functional and support fasilities. Facilities of Prigi PPN but need development to to develop for anticipate future demand. This purpose of this research were to know the physical condition of the port facilities and existing problems in the Prigi archipelagic Fishing Port, to analys the level of utilization of port facilities in Prigi Archipelagic Fishing Port, problem mapping and solution development for development Prigi Archipelagic Fishing Port. This research was conducted in February 2015 at Prigi Archipelagic Fishing Port. The resech used descriptive method and data analysis used rate the level of utilization of the facilities Analysis, estimation analysis and Important Values And present Conditions (NPKS). The result showed that facilities condition of Prigi Archipelagic Fishing Port was good enough because the facilities in well-maintained and good condition. The level of utilization Prigi Archipelagic Fishing Port found that, land 100%, shipping lanes 92%, harbor pool at west side 97.59%, harbor pool at east side 72.6%, pier at west side with the ship\u27s position parallel 179.3%, pier at west side with the ship\u27s position prependicular 59.7%, pier at west side with the ship\u27s position parallel 141%, pier at west side with the ship\u27s position prependicular 57.8 %, and both of west and east side fish landing place 34% and 51%. The selected strategy was strategy in quadrant I, namely Priority development. Facilities in quadrants I and be priority development, namely management of Waste water treatment plant development, ships dock and drainage systems