1,714 research outputs found

    Online revenue model adoption in the media sector: in-depth results from an exploratory study in the Netherlands

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    Especially for companies in the media sector such as publishers, the Internet has created new strategic and commercial opportunities. However, many companies in the media sector are struggling with how to adapt their business and revenue model for doing profitable business online. This exploratory study goes into the success factors and the level of adoption of online revenue models by media sector companies. We use Chaffey (2002) in determining online revenue models in which we included Osterwalder’s (2001) four ‘pillars’ of business models. These four pillars cover the twelve critical success factors for e-businesses as identified by Sung (2004). This theoretical framework was used for in-depth interviews with 20 senior managers within the media sector in the Netherlands. From this, it appeared that advertising is the most used online revenue model, with targeting advertising, lead generation and a combination of content and customer profiles as most promising. Ease of use is distinguished by all senior managers as success factor. Still, in order to be successful, all factors should be applied, and this appears not to be the case. Organizations in the media sector need to invest in technical and organizational expertise by hiring the right employees with the right knowledge. Emphasis on target advertising and lead generation are most promising. A combination of content and customer profiles is a focus-point for the near future

    Vitale potplanten in lange (multi-modale) distributieketens

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    Zowel in de potplantenvoorzieningsketen als in de logistiek zijn verschuivingen gaande. Steeds meer worden in zuidelijke landen (Centraal Amerika, Verre Oosten) zogenaamde “pre-finished products” geproduceerd. Na (zeecontainer)vervoer naar Nederland worden deze planten in Nederlandse kassen verder geteeld tot ze aan de gestelde specifieke markteisen voldoen (waardetoevoeging). Deze werkwijze levert (kosten)voordelen op voor alle betrokken ketendeelnemers en is bovendien duurzaam door de verkorte teeltperiode. Het doel van deze inventariserende studie is om vast te stellen of bedrijven inderdaad problemen ondervinden bij de distributie van potplanten, wat de aard van deze problemen is en bij welke productsoorten en distributiekanalen dit aan de orde is. Tevens wordt gevraagd of men verder onderzoek naar verbetering van de distributiecondities voor potplanten noodzakelijk/gewenst acht en in welke mate de bedrijven in dat eventuele onderzoek willen participeren
