1,158 research outputs found

    Conduction bands and invariant energy gaps in alkali bromides

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    Electronic structure calculations of the alkali bromides LiBr, NaBr, KBr, RbBr and CsBr are reported. It is shown that the conduction band has primarily bromine character. The size of the band gaps of bromides and alkali halides in general is reinterpreted

    Reversed spin polarization at the Co(001)-HfO2(001) interface

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    Ab initio electronic-structure calculations on the Co(001)-HfO2(001) interface are reported. The spin polarization of conduction electrons is positive at the interface, i.e., it is reversed with respect to the spin polarization in bulk Co. The electronic structure is very sensitive to the interface structure; without atomic relaxations the reversed spin polarization is not found. The possible relation with spin-polarized tunneling and magnetoresistance is discussed

    Interatomic potentials for zeolites. Derivation of an ab-initio shell model potential

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    A new method has been developed for deriving parameters for the shell model of silica polymorphs. All parameters for the shell model are derived in a self-consistent way from ab-initio potential energy surfaces, polarizabilities, and dipole moments of small clusters. This yields an ab-initio partial-charge-shell model potentia

    Anomalous behavior of the semiconducting gap in WO3 from first-principles calculations

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    Several crystal structures of tungsten trioxide have been studied with a first-principles pseudopotential method. The electronic band gap increases significantly with the distortion of the octahedra that are the building blocks of the various crystal structures. Moreover, the tilting of the octahedra in the more complex structures leads to a strong increase of the gap upon compression

    Isolation of β-globin related genes from a human cosmid library.

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    A human gene library was constructed using an improved cloning technique for cosmid vectors. Human placental DNA was partially digested with restriction endonuclease MboI; size-fractionated and ligated to BamHI-cut and phosphatase-treated cosmid vector pJB8. After packaging in lambda phage particles, the recombinant DNA was transduced into Escherichia coli 1400 or HB101 followed by selection on ampicillin for recombinant E. coli. 150 000 recombinant-DNA-containing colonies were screened for the presence of the human beta-globin related genes. Five recombinants were isolated containing the human beta-globin locus and encompassing approx. 70 kb of human DNA

    Miniature large range multi-axis force-torque sensor for biomechanical applications

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    A miniature force sensor for the measurement of forces and moments at a human fingertip is designed and realized. Thin silicon pillars inside the sensor provide in-plane guidance for shear force measurement and provide the spring constant in normal direction. A corrugated silicon ring around the force sensitive area provides the spring constant in shear direction and seals the interior of the sensor. To detect all load components, capacitive read-out is used. A novel electrode pattern results in a large shear force sensitivity. The fingertip force sensor has a wide force range of up to 60 N in normal direction, ± 30 N in shear direction and a torque range of ± 25 N mm
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