226 research outputs found

    Prolonged grief disorder in DSM-5-TR:Early predictors and longitudinal measurement invariance

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    OBJECTIVE: The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition, Text Revision includes prolonged grief disorder as a novel disorder. Prolonged grief disorder can be diagnosed when acute grief stays distressing and disabling, beyond 12 months following bereavement. Evidence indicates that elevated prolonged grief disorder symptoms in the first year of bereavement predict pervasive grief later in time; targeting early elevated grief may potentially prevent symptoms getting chronic. There is limited knowledge about the characteristics of people in the first year of bereavement who have an elevated chance of developing full prolonged grief disorder beyond the 12-month time point. This study examined these characteristics. METHODS: We used self-reported data from 306 adults who all completed questions on socio-demographic and loss-related characteristics plus a measure of prolonged grief disorder within the first year of bereavement (Wave 1; time since loss: M = 4.97, SD = 3.13 months) and again 1 year later (Wave 2; time since loss: M = 17.84, SD = 3.38 months). We examined the prevalence rates of probable prolonged grief disorder (Wave 2), measurement invariance of prolonged grief disorder symptoms between waves, and associations of socio-demographic and loss-related variables, and Wave 1 prolonged grief disorder with probable prolonged grief disorder at Wave 2. RESULTS: Regarding prevalence, 10.1% (n = 31) met criteria for probable prolonged grief disorder (Wave 2). Multigroup confirmatory factor analysis supported longitudinal measurement invariance of prolonged grief disorder symptoms. People meeting criteria at Wave 1 (except the time criterion) had a significantly increased risk of meeting criteria at Wave 2. Variables best predicting probable prolonged grief disorder at Wave 2 were prolonged grief disorder at Wave 1, lower education, loss of a child and loss to unnatural/violent causes (sensitivity = 56.67%, specificity = 98.12%, 93.92% correct classifications). CONCLUSION: People meeting criteria for prolonged grief disorder (except the time criterion) before the first anniversary of the death are at risk of full-blown prolonged grief disorder beyond this time point, particularly those who have lower education, confronted the death of a child and confronted unnatural/violent loss. Findings may inform advances in preventive bereavement care

    Comparison of six proposed diagnostic criteria sets for disturbed grief

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    Increased recognition that grief may turn into a disorder led to the inclusion of Persistent Complex Bereavement Disorder (PCBD) in DSM-5 and Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD) in ICD-11. Four additional criteria sets for disturbed grief have been proposed in recent years: Prigerson et al. proposed criteria for PGD (“PGD-2009″), Maercker et al. presented an ICD-11 beta draft version of PGD (“PGD-BD”), Shear et al. put forth criteria for complicated grief (“CG”), and, recently, criteria for PGD in DSM-5-TR have been proposed. This study sought to evaluate these six sets in one sample, which has not been done before. Using self-reported data from 855 bereaved individuals, we examined the (i) dimensionality, (ii) number of possible symptom combinations to meet criteria for caseness, (iii) prevalence rates and diagnostic agreement, (iv) concurrent validity, and (v) socio-demographic and loss-related correlates for each set. Criteria for PCBD were best represented by a three-factor structure and CG by a two-factor structure. Symptoms of ICD-11 PGD, PGD-2009, PGD-BD, and PGD-DSM-5-TR formed a single dimension. Prevalence rates varied between ~10% and ~20%. Diagnostic agreement between sets was substantial. Sets differed in terms of possible symptom combinations and had comparable concurrent validity and socio-demographic and loss-related correlates

    Associations of depressive rumination and positive affect regulation with emotional distress after the death of a loved one

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    The death of a loved one may precipitate symptoms of prolonged grief disorder (PGD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression. Brooding about the causes and consequences of one's negative affect (NA), also termed depressive rumination, has been linked to distress after loss. The role of dysregulation of positive affect (PA) has received less attention. We examined (1) the factor structure of depressive rumination and PA dysregulation and (2) to what extent these factors were related to PGD, PTSD and depression symptom levels. Self-report data were included from 235 Dutch bereaved people who completed measures tapping symptoms of PGD, PTSD and depression. Depressive rumination and PA regulation strategies were assessed with the Ruminative Response Scale (RRS) Brooding Scale and the Response to Positive Affect (RPA) Questionnaire (including three subscales: emotion-focused and self-focused rumination and dampening), respectively. Confirmatory factor analyses and structural equation modelling were used for data analyses. The four-factor model (i.e., depressive rumination and the three RPA subscales) showed the best fit. An increase in depressive rumination was related to higher distress levels (across all outcomes in univariate and multivariate analyses). An increase in emotion-focused rumination about PA was associated with less depression. More dampening of PA was related to higher PTSD levels. Findings suggest that, alongside the regulation of NA, the regulation of PA plays a role in how people respond to the death of a loved one. This points to the need for more research on NA and PA regulation in grief

    Symptoms of prolonged grief, posttraumatic stress, and depression in recently bereaved people:Symptom profiles, predictive value, and cognitive behavioural correlates

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    Purpose: Prior latent class analyses (LCA) have focused on people who were bereaved more than 6 months earlier. Research has yet to examine patterns and correlates of emotional responses in the first few months of bereavement. We examined whether subgroups could be identified among very recently (≤ 6 months) bereaved adults, based on their endorsement of symptoms of prolonged grief disorder (PGD), posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and depression. Associations of class membership with overall disturbed grief, PTSD, and depression—assessed concurrently and at 6 months follow-up—were examined. Furthermore, we examined differences between classes regarding socio-demographics, loss-related, and cognitive behavioural variables. Methods: PGD, PTSD, and depression self-report data from 322 Dutch individuals bereaved ≤ 6 months earlier were subjected to LCA; N = 159 completed the follow-up assessment. Correlates of class membership were examined. Results: Three classes were identified: a low symptom class (N = 114; 35.4%), a predominantly PGD class (N = 96; 29.8%), and a high symptom class (N = 112; 34.8%). PGD, PTSD, and depression scores (assessed concurrently and at 6 months follow-up) differed significantly between classes, such that low symptom class &lt; predominantly PGD class &lt; high symptom class. Being a woman, younger, more recently bereaved, experiencing deaths of a partner/child and unnatural losses, plus maladaptive cognitions and avoidance behaviours were associated with membership of the pervasive symptom classes. Conclusion: In the first 6 months of bereavement, meaningful subgroups of bereaved people can be distinguished, which highlights the relevance of early detection of people with elevated bereavement-related distress and offering them preventive interventions that foster adaptation to loss.</p

    Comparison of DSM-5 criteria for persistent complex bereavement disorder and ICD-11 criteria for prolonged grief disorder in help-seeking bereaved children

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    BackgroundPersistent complex bereavement disorder (PCBD) is a disorder of grief that newly entered DSM-5. Prolonged grief disorder (PGD) is a disorder of grief included in ICD-11. No prior studies examined and compared the dimensionality, prevalence, and concurrent validity of both conditions among bereaved children.MethodsWith data from 291 help-seeking bereaved 8-–18 year old children, we used confirmatory factor analysis to evaluate the fit of different factor models for PCBD and PGD. In addition, we determined diagnostic rates for probable PCBD and PGD and calculated associations of PCBD and PGD caseness with concurrently assessed symptoms of overall disturbed grief, depression, posttraumatic stress, and parent-rated problem behavior.ResultsFor PCBD and PGD, one-factor models—with all symptoms forming a unidimensional factor of disturbed grief—fit the data best. The prevalence of probable DSM-5 PCBD (3.4%) was significantly lower than ICD-11 PGD (12.4%). Both PCBD and PGD were significantly associated with concurrently assessed overall disturbed grief, depression, and posttraumatic stress; associations with parent-rated problems were moderate.LimitationsFindings were based on self-reported ratings of symptoms, obtained from three different scales not specifically designed to assess PCBD and PGD. The use of a help-seeking sample limits the generalization of findings to bereaved children generally.ConclusionsFindings support the validity of DSM-5 PCBD and ICD-11 PGD. Prevalence rates of both constructs differ. This needs further scrutiny

    Job loss-related complicated grief symptoms: A cognitive-behavioral framework

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    In a significant minority of people, involuntarily job loss can result in symptoms of job loss-related complicated grief (JLCG). The present cognitive-behavioral framework is introduced to explain the underlying processes that may lead to the development and maintenance of JLCG symptoms. Three core processes play a central role, namely (1) negative cognitions related to the job loss and misinterpretation of one's grief reactions; (2) anxious and depressive avoidance strategies to cope with the job loss and its consequences; and (3) insufficient integration of the job loss into the autobiographical memory. These core processes are assumed to interact and reinforce each other, leading to JLCG symptoms. The three core processes can be influenced by certain risk factors, including circumstances surrounding the loss, personality traits, and characteristics of the social environment. JLCG symptoms can lead to additional psychological and practical problems, such as anxiety and depressive symptoms, lower employability, and reduced likelihood of re-employment. This paper explains and illustrates the three core processes with vignettes. Implications of the model for preventive measures and psychological interventions are introduced. It concludes with suggestions for future research on JLCG symptoms

    Cognitive therapy and EMDR for reducing psychopathology in bereaved people after the MH17 plane crash:Findings from a randomized controlled trial

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    Experiencing a sudden/violent loss of a significant other is a risk factor for developing persistent complex bereavement disorder (PCBD), depression, and/or posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Cognitive therapy (CT) combined with eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) might be an effective treatment for bereaved people with PCBD, depression, and/or PTSD symptoms after sudden/violent loss. We tested the effects of CT + EMDR versus waitlist controls in disaster-bereaved people. In a multicenter randomized controlled trial, changes in self-rated PCBD, depression, and PTSD levels were compared between an immediate treatment and waitlist control group in 39 Dutch people who experienced loss(es) in the disaster with flight MH17, using multilevel modeling. Associations between reductions in symptom levels and reductions in maladaptive cognitive- behavioral variables were examined using regression analyses. The immediate treatment group showed a significantly stronger decline in depression (Hedges' g = 0.61) compared with waitlist controls (Hedges' g = 0.15). No significant between-groups differences were found in PCBD and PTSD levels. Symptom reductions were correlated with reductions in maladaptive cognitive- behavioral variables. Although CT + EMDR coincided with symptom reductions associated with reductions in negative cognitions and avoidance behaviors, more research with larger samples is needed to further examine the effectiveness of CT + EMDR in bereaved people after sudden/violent loss

    Sleep Difficulties Are Correlated with Emotional Problems following Loss and Residual Symptoms of Effective Prolonged Grief Disorder Treatment

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    There is preliminary evidence that poor sleep quality is associated with emotional problems following loss, including symptoms of prolonged grief disorder (PGD) and depression. We conducted two studies to improve existing knowledge about the role of sleep difficulties in recovery from loss. Study 1 that relied on self-reported data from a heterogeneous sample of 177 bereaved individuals replicated prior findings of a linkage between increased sleep difficulties and increased PGD severity. This study also suggested that sleep difficulties are more strongly associated with depression than with PGD. In Study 2, we examined whether prior evidence that sleep complaints are a residual symptom of PGD treatment could be replicated in a sample of 43 bereaved individuals who underwent cognitive behavioural therapy for PGD. Outcomes showed that, although sleep difficulties declined significantly during this cognitive behavioural therapy, after this therapy, over half of all patients still had sleep difficulties above the average sleep difficulties observed in the general Dutch population

    Проблемні питання щодо паспортизації об’єкта історії “Місце битви польсько-шляхетської армії із військами Остапа Гоголя”

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    Reduced memory specificity is associated with depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and some other forms of psychopathology. Reduced memory specificity is also associated with reduced specificity of envisioned future events. Research in this area has mostly relied on cue-word methods that include explicit instructions to develop specific memories of future events. These methods are limited in their ability to assess how participants habitually remember the past and imagine the future when the specificity constraints inherent in the cue-word task are removed. Sentence completions tasks have been developed that can be used to assess habitual patterns of memory and prospection. Little is known about the association of habitual memory and prospection with concurrently and prospectively assessed psychopathology. In the current study 142 participants completed sentence completion tasks tapping habitual memory and prospection at baseline and completed measures tapping psychological symptoms at baseline and 1 year later. Among other things, it was found that reduced memory specificity (but not reduced future specificity) was associated with concurrent and later depression, as well as with symptom levels of PTSD tapped 1 year beyond baseline

    Cognitive behavioural therapy for psychopathology in relatives of missing persons:Study protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial

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    Background It is hypothesized that the grieving process of relatives of missing persons is complicated by having to deal with uncertainty about the fate of their loved one. We developed a cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) with mindfulness that focuses on dealing with this uncertainty. In this article, we elucidate the rationale of a pilot randomised controlled trial (RCT) for testing the feasibility and potential effectiveness of this CBT for reducing symptoms of psychopathology in relatives of missing persons. Methods A pilot RCT comparing participants of the CBT condition (n = 15) with waiting list controls (n = 15) will be executed. Individuals suffering from psychopathology related to the long-term disappearance of a loved one are eligible to participate. The treatment consists of eight individual sessions. Questionnaires tapping psychological constructs will be administered before, during, and after the treatment. The feasibility of the treatment will be evaluated using descriptive statistics (e.g., attrition rate). The primary analysis consists of a within-group analysis of changes in mean scores of persistent complex bereavement disorder from baseline to immediately post-treatment and follow-up (12 and 24 weeks post-treatment). Discussion A significant number of people experience the disappearance of a loved one. Surprisingly, an RCT to evaluate a treatment for psychopathology among relatives of missing persons has never been conducted. Knowledge about treatment effects is needed to improve treatment options for those in need of help. The strengths of this study are the development of a tailored treatment for relatives of missing persons and the use of a pilot design before exposing a large sample to a treatment that has yet to be evaluated. Future research could benefit from the results of this study