70 research outputs found

    Protein digestion in the stomachs and intestines of the cow.

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    Two cows, with fistulae in the rumen, proximal duodenum and distal ileum, were given diets varying in protein quality and quantity. Daily N intake/cow ranged from 149 to 330 g with lysine contents of 2.7 to 5.7 g/16 g N. The ammonia N constituted 2 to 9% of the N in duodenal contents and less than 2% of the N in the feedstuff, ileal contents and faeces. The proportion of alpha -amino N in non-ammonia N was greater in duodenal contents than in ileal contents and in faeces. The disappearance of non-ammonia N and alpha -amino N from the small intestine with different diets averaged 65% and 70% of the amounts in duodenal contents. (Abstract retrieved from CAB Abstracts by CABI’s permission

    The evolution of the Sun's birth cluster and the search for the solar siblings with Gaia

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    We use self-consistent numerical simulations of the evolution and disruption of the Sun's birth cluster in the Milky Way potential to investigate the present-day phase space distribution of the Sun's siblings. The simulations include the gravitational N-body forces within the cluster and the effects of stellar evolution on the cluster population. In addition the gravitational forces due to the Milky Way potential are accounted for in a self-consistent manner. Our aim is to understand how the astrometric and radial velocity data from the Gaia mission can be used to pre-select solar sibling candidates. We vary the initial conditions of the Sun's birth cluster, as well as the parameters of the Galactic potential. We show that the disruption time-scales of the cluster are insensitive to the details of the non-axisymmetric components of the Milky Way model and we make predictions, averaged over the different simulated possibilities, about the number of solar siblings that should appear in surveys such as Gaia or GALAH. We find a large variety of present-day phase space distributions of solar siblings, which depend on the cluster initial conditions and the Milky Way model parameters. We show that nevertheless robust predictions can be made about the location of the solar siblings in the space of parallaxes (ϖ\varpi), proper motions (μ\mu) and radial velocities (VrV_\mathrm{r}). By calculating the ratio of the number of simulated solar siblings to that of the number of stars in a model Galactic disk, we find that this ratio is above 0.5 in the region given by: ϖ≥5\varpi \geq 5mas, 4≤μ≤64 \leq \mu \leq 6masyr−1^{-1}, and −2≤Vr≤0-2\leq V_\mathrm{r} \leq 0kms−1^{-1}. Selecting stars from this region should increase the probability of success in identifying solar siblings through follow up observations [Abridged].Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    The Pairing Mechanism in HTSC investigated by Electronic Raman Scattering

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    By means of electronic Raman scattering we investigated the symmetry of the energy gap Delta(k), its temperature dependence and its variation with doping of well characterized Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta single crystals. The oxygen content delta was varied between the under- and the overdoped regime by subsequently annealing the same single crystal in Ar and O2, respectively. The symmetry analysis of the polarized electronic Raman scattering is consistent with a d_x^2-y^2-wave symmetry of the energy gap in both regimes. The gap ratio 2Delta_max/k_BT_c and its temperature dependence changes with doping similar to predictions of theories based on paramagnon coupling.Comment: 3 pages, LaTeX, 2 ps figures available on request to [email protected]

    Stirred, not shaken: Star cluster survival in the slingshot scenario

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    We investigate the effects of an oscillating gas filament on the dynamics of its embedded stellar clusters. Motivated by recent observational constraints, we model the host gas filament as a cylindrically symmetrical potential, and the star cluster as a Plummer sphere. In the model, the motion of the filament will produce star ejections from the cluster, leaving star cluster remnants that can be classified into four categories: a) Filament Associated clusters, which retain most of their particles (stars) inside the cluster and inside the filament; b) destroyed clusters, where almost no stars are left inside the filament, and there is no surviving bound cluster; c) ejected clusters, that leave almost no particles in the filament, since the cluster leaves the gas filament; and d) transition clusters, corresponding to those clusters that remain in the filament, but that lose a significant fraction of particles due to ejections induced by filament oscillation. Our numerical investigation predicts that the Orion Nebula Cluster is in the process of being ejected, after which it will most likely disperse into the field. This scenario is consistent with observations which indicate that the Orion Nebula Cluster is expanding, and somewhat displaced from the Integral Shaped Filament ridgeline.Comment: 13 pages, 17 figure

    Symmetry dependence of phonon lineshapes in superconductors with anisotropic gaps

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    The temperature dependence below TcT_{c} of the lineshape of optical phonons of different symmetry as seen in Raman scattering is investigated for superconductors with anisotropic energy gaps. It is shown that the symmetry of the electron-phonon vertex produces non-trivial couplings to an anisotropic energy gap which leads to unique changes in the phonon lineshape for phonons of different symmetry. The phonon lineshape is calculated in detail for B1gB_{1g} and A1gA_{1g} phonons in a superconductor with dx2−y2d_{x^{2}-y^{2}} pairing symmetry. The role of satellite peaks generated by the electron-phonon coupling are also addressed. The theory accounts for the substantial phonon narrowing of the B1gB_{1g} phonon, while narrowing of the A1gA_{1g} phonon which is indistinguishable from the normal state is shown, in agreement with recent measurements on BSCCO.Comment: 15 pages (3 Figures available upon request), Revtex, 1

    Formation of SMBH seeds in Pop III star clusters through collisions : the importance of mass loss

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    Runaway collisions in dense clusters may lead to the formation of supermassive black hole (SMBH) seeds, and this process can be further enhanced by accretion, as recent models of SMBH seed formation in Population III star clusters have shown. This may explain the presence of supermassive black holes already at high redshift, z>6z>6. However, in this context, mass loss during collisions was not considered and could play an important role for the formation of the SMBH seed. Here, we study the effect of mass loss, due to collisions of protostars, in the formation and evolution of a massive object in a dense primordial cluster. We consider both constant mass loss fractions as well as analytic models based on the stellar structure of the collision components. Our calculations indicate that mass loss can significantly affect the final mass of the possible SMBH seed. Considering a constant mass loss of 5% for every collision, we can lose between 60-80% of the total mass that is obtained if mass loss were not considered. Using instead analytical prescriptions for mass loss, the mass of the final object is reduced by 15-40%, depending on the accretion model for the cluster we study. Altogether, we obtain masses of the order of 104M⊙10^4M_{\odot}, which are still massive enough to be SMBH seeds.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, accepted by MNRA

    C-axis electronic Raman scattering in Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_{8+\delta}

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    We report a c-axis-polarized electronic Raman scattering study of Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_{8+\delta} single crystals. In the normal state, a resonant electronic continuum extends to 1.5 eV and gains significant intensity as the incoming photon energy increases. In the superconducting state, a coherence 2\Delta peak appears around 50 meV, with a suppression of the scattering intensity at frequencies below the peak position. The peak energy, which is higher than that seen with in-plane polarizations, signifies distinctly different dynamics of quasiparticle excitations created with out-of-plane polarization.Comment: 12 pages, REVTEX, 3 postscript figure

    Stellar collisions in flattened and rotating Pop. III star clusters

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    Fragmentation often occurs in disk-like structures, both in the early Universe and in the context of present-day star formation. Supermassive black holes (SMBHs) are astrophysical objects whose origin is not well understood; they weigh millions of solar masses and reside in the centers of galaxies. An important formation scenario for SMBHs is based on collisions and mergers of stars in a massive cluster, in which the most massive star moves to the center of the cluster due to dynamical friction. This increases the rate of collisions and mergers since massive stars have larger collisional cross sections. This can lead to runaway growth of a very massive star which may collapse to become an intermediate-mass black hole. Here we investigate the dynamical evolution of Miyamoto-Nagai models that allow us to describe dense stellar clusters, including flattening and different degrees of rotation. We find that the collisions in these clusters depend mostly on the number of stars and the initial stellar radii for a given radial size of the cluster. By comparison, rotation seems to affect the collision rate by at most 20%20\%. For flatness, we compared spherical models with systems that have a scale height of about 10%10\% of their radial extent, in this case finding a change in the collision rate of less than 25%25\%. Overall, we conclude that the parameters only have a minor effect on the number of collisions. Our results also suggest that rotation helps to retain more stars in the system, reducing the number of escapers by a factor of 2−32-3 depending on the model and the specific realization. After two million years, a typical lifetime of a very massive star, we find that about 630630 collisions occur in typical models with N=104N=10^4, R=100R=100  R⊙\rm~R_\odot and a half-mass radius of 0.10.1  pc\rm~pc, leading to a mass of about 6.3×1036.3\times10^3  M⊙\rm~M_\odot for the most massive object.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure
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