555 research outputs found

    XMM-Newton and Gemini Observations of Eight RASSCALS Galaxy Groups

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    We study the distribution of gas pressure and entropy in eight groups of galaxies belonging to the ROSAT All-Sky Survey / Center for Astrophysics Loose Systems (RASSCALS). We use archival and proprietary XMM-Newton observations, supplementing the X-ray data with redshifts derived from the literature; we also list 127 new redshifts measured with the Gemini North telescope. The groups show remarkable self-similarity in their azimuthally averaged entropy and temperature profiles. The entropy increases with radius; the behavior of the entropy profiles is consistent with an increasing broken power law with inner and outer slope 0.92+0.04-0.05 and 0.42+0.05-0.04 (68% confidence), respectively. There is no evidence of a central, isentropic core, and the entropy distribution in most of the groups is flatter at large radii than in the inner region, challenging earlier reports as well as theoretical models predicting large isentropic cores or asymptotic slopes of 1.1 at large radii. The pressure profiles are consistent with a self-similar decreasing broken power law in radius; the inner and outer slopes are -0.78+0.04-0.03 and -1.7+0.1-0.3, respectively. The results suggest that the larger scatter in the entropy distribution reflects the varied gasdynamical histories of the groups; the regularity and self-similarity of the pressure profiles is a sign of a similarity in the underlying dark matter distributions.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    X-ray properties of the distant cluster Cl0016+16

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    We present X-ray data on the distant cluster Cl0016+16 (z=0.5545) from ROSAT PSPC and HRI observations and use them to study the physics of the intracluster medium (ICM) and the dynamical state of the cluster. The surface brightness distribution is not only described by a spherically symmetric model but also by a two-dimensional ÎČ\beta -model fit. Subtracting an elliptical model cluster as defined by the best fit parameters of the two-dimensional model we find significant residuals, indicating an additional, extended X-ray source within the cluster. This source, likely to be a merging subcomponent of the cluster, coincides with a peak in the weak lensing mass map of Smail et. al. (1995). In the course of this analysis we present a new approach to quantify the significance of substructure in cluster X-ray images dominated by Poisson noise and smoothed with a Gauss filter. We determine the radial mass profile integrated out to a radius of 3Mpc and find for the total mass of the cluster a value of ∌1.4−3.3×1015\sim 1.4-3.3 \times 10^{15} \msun and ∌4.5×1014\sim 4.5 \times 10^{14} \msun for the gas mass, yielding a gas-to-total mass ratio of 14-32\%. There is no significant radial dependence of the gas-to-total mass ratio in the cluster.Comment: 11 pages, submitted to MNRA

    The 3D soft X-ray cluster-AGN cross-correlation function in the ROSAT NEP survey

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    X-ray surveys facilitate investigations of the environment of AGNs. Deep Chandra observations revealed that the AGNs source surface density rises near clusters of galaxies. The natural extension of these works is the measurement of spatial clustering of AGNs around clusters and the investigation of relative biasing between active galactic nuclei and galaxies near clusters.The major aims of this work are to obtain a measurement of the correlation length of AGNs around clusters and a measure of the averaged clustering properties of a complete sample of AGNs in dense environments. We present the first measurement of the soft X-ray cluster-AGN cross-correlation function in redshift space using the data of the ROSAT-NEP survey. The survey covers 9x9 deg^2 around the North Ecliptic Pole where 442 X-ray sources were detected and almost completely spectroscopically identified. We detected a >3sigma significant clustering signal on scales s<50 h70^-1 Mpc. We performed a classical maximum-likelihood power-law fit to the data and obtained a correlation length s_0=8.7+1.2-0.3 h_70-1 Mpc and a slope gamma=1.7$^+0.2_-0.7 (1sigma errors). This is a strong evidence that AGNs are good tracers of the large scale structure of the Universe. Our data were compared to the results obtained by cross-correlating X-ray clusters and galaxies. We observe, with a large uncertainty, that the bias factor of AGN is similar to that of galaxies.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure, proceedings of the Conference "At the edge of the Universe", Sintra Portugal, October 2006. To be published on the Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series (ASPCS

    Brightest Cluster Galaxies and Core Gas Density in REXCESS Clusters

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    We investigate the relationship between brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) and their host clusters using a sample of nearby galaxy clusters from the Representative XMM Cluster Structure Survey (REXCESS). The sample was imaged with the Southern Observatory for Astrophysical Research (SOAR) in R band to investigate the mass of the old stellar population. Using a metric radius of 12h^-1 kpc, we found that the BCG luminosity depends weakly on overall cluster mass as L_BCG \propto M_cl^0.18+-0.07, consistent with previous work. We found that 90% of the BCGs are located within 0.035 r_500 of the peak of the X-ray emission, including all of the cool core (CC) clusters. We also found an unexpected correlation between the BCG metric luminosity and the core gas density for non-cool core (non-CC) clusters, following a power law of n_e \propto L_BCG^2.7+-0.4 (where n_e is measured at 0.008 r_500). The correlation is not easily explained by star formation (which is weak in non-CC clusters) or overall cluster mass (which is not correlated with core gas density). The trend persists even when the BCG is not located near the peak of the X-ray emission, so proximity is not necessary. We suggest that, for non-CC clusters, this correlation implies that the same process that sets the central entropy of the cluster gas also determines the central stellar density of the BCG, and that this underlying physical process is likely to be mergers.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, accepted Astrophysical Journa

    The dynamical intracluster medium: a combined approach of observations and simulations

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    Current high resolution observations of galaxy clusters reveal a dynamical intracluster medium (ICM). The wealth of structures includes signatures of interactions between active galactic nuclei (AGN) and the ICM, such as cavities and shocks, as well as signatures of bulk motions, e.g. cold fronts. Aiming at understanding the physics of the ICM, we study individual clusters by both, deep high resolution observations and numerical simulations which include processes suspected to be at work, and aim at reproducing the observed properties. By comparing observations and simulations in detail, we gain deeper insights into cluster properties and processes. Here we present two examples of our approach: the large-scale shock in the Hydra A cluster, and sloshing cold fronts.Comment: 4 pages, to appear in proceedings of "The Monster's fiery breath" held in Madison, June 2009, eds. S. Heinz and E. Wilcots, version with full resolution pictures at http://www.faculty.iu-bremen.de/eroediger/PAPERS/roediger_e_madison.pd

    Metal mixing by buoyant bubbles in galaxy clusters

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    Using a series of three-dimensional, hydrodynamic simulations on an adaptive grid, we have performed a systematic study on the effect of bubble-induced motions on metallicity profiles in clusters of galaxies. In particular, we have studied the dependence on the bubble size and position, the recurrence times of the bubbles, the way these bubbles are inflated and the underlying cluster profile. We find that in hydrostatic cluster models, the resulting metal distribution is very elongated along the direction of the bubbles. Anisotropies in the cluster or ambient motions are needed if the metal distribution is to be spherical. In order to parametrise the metal transport by bubbles, we compute effective diffusion coefficients. The diffusion coefficients inferred from our simple experiments lie at values of around ∌1029\sim 10^{29} cm2^2s−1^{-1} at a radius of 10 kpc. The runs modelled on the Perseus cluster yield diffusion coefficients that agree very well with those inferred from observations.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures. Accepted by MNRA
