2,164 research outputs found

    On Einstein clusters as galactic dark matter halos

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    We consider global and gravitational lensing properties of the recently suggested Einstein clusters of WIMPs as galactic dark matter halos. Being tangential pressure dominated, Einstein clusters are strongly anisotropic systems which can describe any galactic rotation curve by specifying the anisotropy. Due to this property, Einstein clusters may be considered as dark matter candidates. We analyse the stability of the Einstein clusters against both radial and non-radial pulsations, and we show that the Einstein clusters are dynamically stable. With the use of the Buchdahl type inequalities for anisotropic bodies, we derive upper limits on the velocity of the particles defining the cluster. These limits are consistent with those obtained from stability considerations. The study of light deflection shows that the gravitational lensing effect is slightly smaller for the Einstein clusters, as compared to the singular isothermal density sphere model for dark matter. Therefore lensing observations may discriminate, at least in principle, between Einstein cluster and other dark matter models.Comment: MNRAS LaTeX, 7 pages, accepted by MNRAS; reference adde

    The 21st century propulsion

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    The prediction of future space travel in the next millennium starts by examining the past and extrapolating into the far future. Goals for the 21st century include expanded space travel and establishment of permanent manned outposts, and representation of Lunar and Mars outposts as the most immediate future in space. Nuclear stage design/program considerations; launch considerations for manned Mars missions; and far future propulsion schemes are outlined

    Zero Energy of Plane-Waves for ELKOs

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    We consider the ELKO field in interaction through contorsion with its own spin density, and we investigate the form of the consequent autointeractions; to do so we take into account the high-density limit and find plane wave solutions: such plane waves give rise to contorsional autointeractions for which the Ricci metric curvature vanishes and therefore the energy density is equal to zero identically. Consequences are discussed.Comment: 7 page

    Is dark matter an extra-dimensional effect?

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    We investigate the possibility that the observed behavior of test particles outside galaxies, which is usually explained by assuming the presence of dark matter, is the result of the dynamical evolution of particles in higher dimensional space-times. Hence, dark matter may be a direct consequence of the presence of an extra force, generated by the presence of extra-dimensions, which modifies the dynamic law of motion, but does not change the intrinsic properties of the particles, like, for example, the mass (inertia). We discuss in some detail several possible particular forms for the extra force, and the acceleration law of the particles is derived. Therefore, the constancy of the galactic rotation curves may be considered as an empirical evidence for the existence of the extra dimensions.Comment: 11 pages, no figures, accepted for publication in MPLA; references adde

    Space-time evolution induced by spinor fields with canonical and non-canonical kinetic terms

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    We study spinor field theories as an origin to induce space-time evolution. Self-interacting spinor fields with canonical and non-canonical kinetic terms are considered in a Friedman-Robertson-Walker universe. The deceleration parameter is calculated by solving the equation of motion and the Friedman equation, simultaneously. It is shown that the spinor fields can accelerate and decelerate the universe expansion. To construct realistic models we discuss the contributions from the dynamical symmetry breaking.Comment: 16 pages, 19 figure

    Teleparallel Theories of Gravity: Illuminating a Fully Invariant Approach

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    Teleparallel gravity and its popular generalization f(T)f(T) gravity can be formulated as fully invariant (under both coordinate transformations and local Lorentz transformations) theories of gravity. Several misconceptions about teleparallel gravity and its generalizations can be found in the literature, especially regarding their local Lorentz invariance. We describe how these misunderstandings may have arisen and attempt to clarify the situation. In particular, the central point of confusion in the literature appears to be related to the inertial spin connection in teleparallel gravity models. While inertial spin connections are commonplace in special relativity, and not something inherent to teleparallel gravity, the role of the inertial spin connection in removing the spurious inertial effects within a given frame of reference is emphasized here. The careful consideration of the inertial spin connection leads to the construction of a fully invariant theory of teleparallel gravity and its generalizations. Indeed, it is the nature of the spin connection that differentiates the relationship between what have been called good tetrads and bad tetrads and clearly shows that, in principle, any tetrad can be utilized. The field equations for the fully invariant formulation of teleparallel gravity and its generalizations are presented and a number of examples using different assumptions on the frame and spin connection are displayed to illustrate the covariant procedure. Various modified teleparallel gravity models are also briefly reviewed.Comment: v2: 72 pages, revised version, references added, matches published versio

    Palatini formulation of modified gravity with a nonminimal curvature-matter coupling

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    We derive the field equations and the equations of motion for massive test particles in modified theories of gravity with an arbitrary coupling between geometry and matter by using the Palatini formalism. We show that the independent connection can be expressed as the Levi-Civita connection of an auxiliary, matter Lagrangian dependent metric, which is related with the physical metric by means of a conformal transformation. Similarly to the metric case, the field equations impose the non-conservation of the energy-momentum tensor. We derive the explicit form of the equations of motion for massive test particles in the case of a perfect fluid, and the expression of the extra-force is obtained in terms of the matter-geometry coupling functions and of their derivatives. Generally, the motion is non-geodesic, and the extra force is orthogonal to the four-velocity.Comment: 7 pages, no figures; v2, revised and corrected version; new Section adde

    Angular size test on the expansion of the Universe

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    Assuming the standard cosmological model as correct, the average linear size of galaxies with the same luminosity is six times smaller at z=3.2 than at z=0, and their average angular size for a given luminosity is approximately proportional to 1/z. Neither the hypothesis that galaxies which formed earlier have much higher densities nor their luminosity evolution, mergers ratio, or massive outflows due to a quasar feedback mechanism are enough to justify such a strong size evolution. Also, at high redshift, the intrinsic ultraviolet surface brightness would be prohibitively high with this evolution, and the velocity dispersion much higher than observed. We explore here another possibility to overcome this problem by considering different cosmological scenarios that might make the observed angular sizes compatible with a weaker evolution. One of the models explored, a very simple phenomenological extrapolation of the linear Hubble law in a Euclidean static universe, fits the angular size vs. redshift dependence quite well, which is also approximately proportional to 1/z with this cosmological model. There are no free parameters derived ad hoc, although the error bars allow a slight size/luminosity evolution. The type Ia supernovae Hubble diagram can also be explained in terms of this model with no ad hoc fitted parameter. WARNING: I do not argue here that the true Universe is static. My intention is just to discuss which theoretical models provide a better fit to the data of observational cosmology.Comment: 44 pages, accepted to be published in Int. J. Mod. Phys.