3 research outputs found

    A European Spectrum of Pharmacogenomic Biomarkers: Implications for Clinical Pharmacogenomics

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    Pharmacogenomics aims to correlate inter-individual differences of drug efficacy and/or toxicity with the underlying genetic composition, particularly in genes encoding for protein factors and enzymes involved in drug metabolism and transport. In several European populations, particularly in countries with lower income, information related to the prevalence of pharmacogenomic biomarkers is incomplete or lacking. Here, we have implemented the microattribution approach to assess the pharmacogenomic biomarkers allelic spectrum in 18 European populations, mostly from developing European countries, by analyzing 1,931 pharmacogenomics biomarkers in 231 genes. Our data show significant interpopulation pharmacogenomic biomarker allele frequency differences, particularly in 7 clinically actionable pharmacogenomic biomarkers in 7 European populations, affecting drug efficacy and/ or toxicity of 51 medication treatment modalities. These data also reflect on the differences observed in the prevalence of high-risk genotypes in these populations, as far as common markers in the CYP2C9, CYP2C19, CYP3A5, VKORC1, SLCO1B1 and TPMT pharmacogenes are concerned. Also, our data demonstrate notable differences in predicted genotype-based warfarin dosing among these populations. Our findings can be exploited not only to develop guidelines for medical prioritization, but most importantly to facilitate integration of pharmacogenomics and to support pre-emptive pharmacogenomic testing. This may subsequently contribute towards significant cost-savings in the overall healthcare expenditure in the participating countries, where pharmacogenomics implementation proves to be cost-effective

    Mitochondrial Gene Polymorphisms That Protect Mice From Colitis

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    Section of Medicine, University of Lubeck [E06-2011, P01-2012]BACKGROUND & AIMS: Dysregulated energy homeostasis in the intestinal mucosa frequently is observed in patients with ulcerative colitis (UC). Intestinal tissues from these patients have reduced activity of the mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) complex, so mitochondrial dysfunction could contribute to the pathogenesis of UC. However, little is known about the mechanisms by which OXPHOS activity could be altered. We used conplastic mice, which have identical nuclear but different mitochondrial genomes, to investigate activities of the OXPHOS complex. METHODS: Colitis was induced in C57BL/6J wild-type (B6.B6) and 3 strains of conplastic mice (B6.NZB, B6.NOD, and B6.AKR) by administration of dextran sodium sulfate or rectal application of trinitrobenzene sulfonate. Colon tissues were collected and analyzed by histopathology, immunohistochemical analysis, and immunoblot analysis; we also measured mucosal levels of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and reactive oxygen species, OXPHOS complex activity, and epithelial cell proliferation and apoptosis. RESULTS: We identified mice with increased mucosal OXPHOS complex activities and levels of ATP. These mice developed less-severe colitis after administration of dextran sodium sulfate or trinitrobenzene sulfonate than mice with lower mucosal levels of ATP. Colon tissues from these mice also had increased enterocyte proliferation and transcription factor nuclear factor-kappa B activity, which have been shown to protect the mucosal barrier-defects in these processes have been associated with inflammatory bowel disease. CONCLUSIONS: Variants in mitochondrial DNA that increase mucosal levels of ATP protect mice from colitis. Increasing mitochondrial ATP synthesis in intestinal epithelial cells could be a therapeutic approach for UC