17 research outputs found

    State and Church in Russian Empire in 1725—1730: Political Aspect of Relations (on Example of Nizhny Novgorod Diocese)

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    The article deals with the issue of relations between the state and the church in the Russian Empire in 1725—1730 in the political sphere. Attention is paid to the preservation of the former policy of the state represented by the Synod in relation to the local episcopate. On the example of the Nizhny Novgorod region, a general description of the organization of the diocesan administration is given with a description of a number of changes that have occurred; the versatile activity of Archbishop Pitirim, who lost the reliable support of Peter I in connection with his death and is now faced with serious challenges, is considered in the article. The results of the analysis of problems in the relationship between secular and spiritual authorities in political terms are presented. A classification of these problems is proposed on the basis of a generalized analysis of the entire range of issues that have become the object of contradictions between the state and the church. Particular attention is paid to problems that were of a financial, economic and administrative-legal nature. It is shown on the basis of regional material that on a number of issues it was clearly not enough for the adoption of this or that decision at the level of the Synod, and the local bishops needed a resolution of the Senate. It is proved that the problems of church-state relations, laid down under Peter I, retained their relevance during subsequent reigns

    The Intelligent System of the Hearing Investigation

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    This paper describes a prototype of the intelligent system of the hearing investigation developed by the Tver State Technical University. The problem of automatic diagnostics, considered as the recognition problem of object not completely determined on set of the diseases classes’ descriptions, is discussed. The management strategy of the hearing investigation is proposed

    Church reform of Peter the Great. FORMATION of synodal MODE OF RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH

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    Выстраивание синодального режима функционирования церковных институтов в период правления Петра I оказалось сопряжено с рядом проблем самого разнообразного характера. Прежде всего, это противоречие между законодательно оформленным процессом разведения предметов ведения гражданских и духовных учреждений, с одной стороны, а с другой, временной невозможностью его реализации в практическом плане, что в итоге серьезно осложняло деятельность архиерейских домов и монастырей. Другим, немаловажным обстоятельством было соперничество Синода и Сената по линии церковных дел, что приводило к прямому саботажу высшим государственным учреждением империи царских постановлений, направленных на формирование административной структуры синодального ведомства. Нарушение паритета светской и духовной властей в пользу первой как итог церковного реформирования Петра I проявилось и в иерархии правительственных учреждений, в рамках которой Синод фактически занимал подчиненное положение по отношению к Сенату, несмотря на относительно формальное равенство.During the reign of Peter the Great, formation of the synodal mode of functioning of the church institutions turned out to be associated with a number of problems of diverse nature. First of all, it was a contradiction between the legislative process of separation of subjects of conducting civil and religious institutions, on the one hand, and on the other, it was a temporary inability to implement it in practical terms, with the result that seriously complicated the work of Episcopal houses and monasteries. Another important factor was the rivalry of the Synod and the Senate on the line of church affairs, which led the highest state institution of empire to direct sabotage of royal decrees aimed at the formation of the administrative structure of the Synod. As a result of church reform of Peter the Great, violation of parity of secular and religious authorities in favor of the first ones appeared in the hierarchy of government institutions, in which the Synod actually occupied a subordinate position in relation to the Senate, despite the relatively formal equality

    Formation of Synodal Regime of Church Administration in Context of Relationship between Secular and Spiritual Authorities in 1721—1725 (Nizhny Novgorod Diocese)

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    The article is devoted to the formation of the synodal regime of government of the Russian Orthodox Church and related problems in the relationship between secular and spiritual authorities. Attention is paid to the new policy of the state represented by the Synod in relation to the local episcopate. The peculiarities of the organization of the diocesan administration are characterized on the materials of the Nizhny Novgorod region. A brief biography of the local Bishop Pitirim, one of the close associates of Peter I is presented. The results of the analysis of problems in relations between the state and the church in the political sphere are given. A classification of these problems is proposed on the basis of various aspects of interaction between secular and clergy. Special attention is paid to issues related to the status of the Synod and its real possibilities to represent the interests of the clergy. It is shown on regional material that the clergy, under synodal conditions, found themselves in a dependent position on the authorities, both central and local. The author especially dwells on the facts describing the arbitrariness of officials in relation to persons of clergy, interference in their competence on certain issues. It has been proved that the establishment of the Synod and the general bureaucratization during the reign of Peter I changed the nature of church-state relations and acted as prerequisites for the emergence of new difficulties


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    The most challenging problem in the relations between the Rus-sian Orthodox Church and the State during the reign of Empress Elizabeth was a question concerning regional clergy’s rights of land and property possession. Government policy with regard to the clergy in economic domain was far from logical integrity. On the one hand, Elizabeth temporarily digressed from a policy started by Peter I on the secularization of church and monastery lands and returned to monasteries the right of full disposal of their ancestral lands. On the other hand, since the late 1740s a question on secularizing reform was introduced into the agenda. Thus the Nizhny Novgorod clergy faced a real challenge of losing their land holdings.Наиболее сложной проблемой во взаимоотношениях Русской Православной Церкви и государства в царствование императрицы Елизаветы был вопрос о правах регионального духовенства на владение землей и имуществом. Правительственная политика по отношению к духовенству в сфере экономики не отличалась логической целостностью. С одной стороны, Елизавета Петровна временно отошла от начатого еще Петром I курса на секуляризацию церковных и монастырских земель и вернула монастырям право полного распоряжения их вотчинами. С другой, уже с конца 1740-х гг. в повестку дня был включен вопрос о секуляризационной реформе. Тем самым перед нижегородским духовенством встала реальная перспектива потери своих земельных владений

    Meccanismo d'azione del bioconiugato idrosolubile paclitaxel-acido ialuronico su linee cellulari umane di tumore della vescica

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    obiettivi il bioconiugato paclitaxel-acido ialuronico \ue8 un farmaco promettente per il trattamento della neoplasia vescicale non muscolo invasiva recidiva, sia per la sua biocompatibilit\ue0 sia per i risultati ottenuti nel recente studio di fase 1-2 nei confronti del carcinoma in situ non responsivo della vescica. l\u2019attivit\ue0 del bioconiugato paclitaxel acido-ialuronico \ue8 stata valutata dopo i risultati ottenuti sulle linee cellulari. materiali e metodi tramite citometria a flusso \ue8 stata individuata l\u2019espressione di cd 44 e rhAmm hyaluronan-binding receptors in linee cellulari umane rt-4 e rt- 112/84; \ue8 stata inoltre valutata l\u2019interazione del bioconiugato con le cellule tumorali e la modulazione dell\u2019espressione del cd 44 dopo il suo passaggio attraverso la membrana cellulare, sia del composto sia del solo ialuronato. l\u2019analisi della localizzazione intracellulare del bioconiugato e gli effetti sull\u2019organizzazione della beta-tubulina sono stati valutati con microscopia confocale. risultati il bioconiugato paclitaxel-acido ialuronico si lega alle cellule di tumore transizionale della vescica, modula l\u2019espressione del cd 44 e penetra all\u2019interno delle cellule attraverso un meccanismo a saturazione che non coinvolge i rhAmm hyaluronana-binding receptors, in quanto questi ultimi vengono espressi solo a livello intracellulare. discussione dopo l\u2019ingresso nella cellula, il bioconiugato viene internalizzato all\u2019interno dei lisosomi, dove viene rotto il legame esterico tra paclitaxel e acido ialuronico portando alla diffusione intracitoplasmatica del farmaco libero il quale, a sua volta, interagendo con la beta tubulina porta alla disgregazione della rete dei microtubuli con conseguente morte cellulare. conclusioni il bioconiugato paclitaxel-acido ialuronico risulta essere una nuova realt\ue0 chimica caratterizzata da un\u2019alta affinit\ue0 per recettori di membrana plasmatica e da un meccanismo di endocitosi recettore-mediato con successivo accumulo all\u2019interno dei lisosomi. infine la molecola attiva \ue8 rilasciata completamente all\u2019interno della cellula preservando cos\uec il potenziale citotossico e l\u2019attivit\ue0 farmacologica del solo paclitaxel