70 research outputs found

    Expression of the inhibitor of DNA-binding (ID)-1 protein as an angiogenic mediator in tumour advancement of uterine cervical cancers

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    The ID protein, an inhibitor of basic helix-loop-helix (HLH) transcription factors, has been involved in multiple cellular processes. To investigate the association between tumour advancement and ID expressions of uterine cervical cancers, the levels of ID-1, ID-2 and ID-3 mRNAs were determined by real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction and the histoscore with the localisation of ID-1 was determined by immunohistochemistry and patient survival in 60 patients. ID-1 histoscores and mRNA levels both significantly (P<0.05) increased in uterine cervical cancers according to clinical stage regardless of histopathological type or lymph node metastasis. Furthermore, the 36-month survival rate of the 30 patients with high ID-1 was poor (60%), whereas that of the other 30 patients with low ID-1 was significantly higher (83%). ID-1 histoscores and mRNA levels significantly (P<0.0001) correlated with microvessel counts in uterine cervical cancers. Tumour cells show mostly diffuse to strong cytoplasmic expression of ID-1 and also very faint expression in endothelial cells. Moreover, ID-1 expression not only correlated with microvessel counts but also correlated significantly with histoscore. Therefore, ID-1 might work on tumour advancement through angiogenic activity and is considered to be a candidate for a prognostic indicator in uterine cervical cancers

    Temporal trends in fetal mortality at and beyond term and induction of labor in Germany 2005-2012 : data from German routine perinatal monitoring

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    Purpose: While a variety of factors may play a role in fetal and neonatal deaths, postmaturity as a cause of stillbirth remains a topic of debate. It still is unclear, whether induction of labor at a particular gestational age may prevent fetal deaths. Methods: A multidisciplinary working group was granted access to the most recent set of relevant German routine perinatal data, comprising all 5,291,011 hospital births from 2005 to 2012. We analyzed correlations in rates of induction of labor (IOL), perinatal mortality (in particular stillbirths) at different gestational ages, and fetal morbidity. Correlations were tested with Pearson's product-moment analysis (α = 5 %). All computations were performed with SPSS version 22. Results: Induction rates rose significantly from 16.5 to 21.9 % (r = 0.98; p \ 0.001). There were no significant changes in stillbirth rates (0.28-0.35 per 100 births; r = 0.045; p = 0.806). Stillbirth rates 2009-2012 remained stable in all gestational age groups irrespective of induction. Fetal morbidity (one or more ICD-10 codes) rose significantly during 2005–2012. This was true for both children with (from 33 to 37 %, r = 0.784, p \ 0.001) and without (from 25 to 31 %, (r = 0.920, p \ 0.001) IOL. Conclusions: An increase in IOL at term is not associated with a decline in perinatal mortality. Perinatal morbidity increased with and without indiction of labor
