15 research outputs found

    Surgical treatment of anomalies of fixing of left half large intestine at children

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    The purpose of surgical interventions at anomalies of fixing of the left bend colon at children is creation of physiological fixing of a thick gut within the anatomic sheaves warning displacement and omission of segments of a intestine in a combination to a resection of its superfluous segments

    Leisure of ukrainian schoolchildren and place of motor functioning in it

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    Purpose: to determine interests and degree of average school age pupils’ motor functioning in leisure time and at physical culture lessons. Material: in the research 5-9th form pupils participated [n=325, age 10-14 years). With the help of questioning we find structure, content of leisure and preferred activities in free time. Results: Children’s attitude to physical culture lessons differs significantly depending on health state (health group). Leisure time is spent at TV or computer by most of children. It was found that 44.5% of children spent less than 2 hours a day for interactive activities. In days off time for TV watching or computer increases greatly and time for walks in he fresh air reduces. Time for walks differs depending on day of week. Conclusions: in general we observed positive attitude to physical culture lessons and physical activity. It is a contradiction that most of schoolchildren choose passive kind of rest (TV watching or computer activities). Walks in the fresh air, attendance of sport circles and mobile games hear house take much less part of pupil’s free time

    Diagnosis of traction electric motor at irregularity in speed of anchor rotation

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    Purpose. To offer a complex diagnostic parameter (or system of parameters) that would allow determining the fault of electric traction motor as well as electromagnetic and mechanical nature. Methodology. Technology transition to maintenance and repair of equipment in accordance with its actual condition are developed rapidly in the world practice in recent years. Control of equipment and forecasting of its technical condition with the use of non-destructive testing and diagnosis in-place methods is the basis of such technologies. In operation the reliability level of electrical machines including traction electric motor is very difficult to maintain. Analyzing failures of rolling stock, which arise from the operation, we can see that traction electric motors are the least reliable nodes. Diagnostics of traction electric motor at irregularity in speed of anchor rotation is proposed. A measurement device for irregularity in speed of anchor rotation was developed. Findings. An experimental research in order to determine the irregularity in speed of anchor armature shaft rotation and coupling of irregularity in speed of anchor rotation with traction electric motors nodes failures was executed. The experimental dependence of the waveform uneven rotation anchor for engines with different technical conditions. Originality. A method for diagnosis of traction electric motors at irregularity in speed of anchor armature shaft rotation was first proposed. This method after further improvement can be used at bench test of engines in their work without load and for the quality of the repair. Practical value. The device for detecting defects of the traction electric motor nodes as well as electromagnetic and mechanical nature without engine disassembly may be used for control of engine assembly after repair, and at testing of traction electric motor without load

    Diathermocoagulation of capillary hemangiomas of critical anatomic areas in children

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    Вивчено ефективність діатермокоагуляції у 31 хворого з капілярними гемангіомами критичних анатомічних ділянок тіла у дітей. Відзначено позитивний ефект при лікуванні капілярних гемангіом у дітей всіх локалізацій.Изучено эффективность диатермокоагуляции у 31 больного с капиллярными гемангиомами критических анатомических областей тела у детей. Отмечено положительный эффект при лечении капиллярных гемангиом у детей всех локализаций.The efficacy of diathermocoagulation in 31 patients with capillary hemangiomas of critical anatomic areas of the body in children has been studied. A positive effect in the treatment of capillary hemangiomas of all localizations in children has been marked