3 research outputs found

    Structural Dynamics of the Precatalytic State of Human Cytochrome c upon T28C, G34C, and A50C Mutations: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Perspective

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    The native structure of cytochrome c (cytc) contains hexacoordinate heme iron with His18 and Met80 residues ligated at the axial sites. Mutations of cytc at Ω-loops have been investigated in modulating the peroxidase activity and, hence, related to the initiation of the apoptotic pathway. Our previous experimental data reported on the peroxidase activity of the cysteine-directed mutants at different parts of the Ω-loop of human cytc (hCytc), that is, T28C, G34C, and A50C. In this work, we performed 1 μs molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to elucidate the detailed structural and dynamic changes upon these mutations, particularly at the proximal Ω-loop. The structures of hCytc were modeled in the hexacoordinated form, which was referred to as the “precatalytic state”. The results showed that the structural features of the G34C mutant were more distinctive than those of other mutants. G34C mutation caused local destabilization and flexibility at the proximal Ω-loop (residues 12–28) and an extended distance between this Ω-loop region and heme iron. Besides, analysis of the orientation of the Arg38 side chain of the G34C mutant revealed the Arg38 conformer facing away from the heme iron. The obtained MD results also suggested structural diversity of the precatalytic states for the three hCytc mutants, specifically the effect of G34C mutation on the flexibility of the proximal Ω-loops. Therefore, our MD simulations combined with previous experimental data provide detailed insights into the structural basis of hCytc that could contribute to its pro-apoptotic function

    Efficiency of membrane fusion inhibitors on different hemagglutinin subtypes: insight from a molecular dynamics simulation perspective

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    The challenge in vaccine development, along with drug resistance issues, has encouraged the search for new anti-influenza drugs targeting different viral proteins. Hemagglutinin (HA) glycoprotein, crucial in the viral replication cycle, has emerged as a promising therapeutic target. CBS1117 and JNJ4796 were reported to exhibit similar potencies against infectious group 1 influenza, which included H1 and H5 HAs; however, their potencies were significantly reduced against group 2 HA. This study aims to explore the molecular binding mechanisms and group specificity of these fusion inhibitors against both group 1 (H5) and group 2 (H3) HA influenza viruses using molecular dynamics simulations. CBS1117 and JNJ4796 exhibit stronger interactions with key residues within the H5 HA binding pocket compared to H3-ligand complexes. Hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic interactions involving residues, such as H381, Q401, T3251 (H5-CBS1117), T3181 (H5-JNJ4796), W212, I452, V482, and V522 predominantly contribute to stabilizing H5-ligand systems. In contrast, these interactions are notably weakened in H3-inhibitor complexes. Predicted protein-ligand binding free energies align with experimental data, indicating CBS1117 and JNJ4796's preference for heterosubtypic group 1 HA binding. Understanding the detailed atomistic mechanisms behind the varying potencies of these inhibitors against the two HA groups can significantly contribute to the development and optimization of effective HA fusion inhibitors. To accomplish this, the knowledge of the transition of HA from its pre- to post-fusion states, the molecular size of ligands, and their potential binding regions, could be carefully considered. Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma</p

    Computational screening of fatty acid synthase inhibitors against thioesterase domain

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    <p>Thioesterase (TE) domain of fatty acid synthase (FAS) is an attractive therapeutic target for design and development of anticancer drugs. In this present work, we search for the potential FAS inhibitors of TE domain from the ZINC database based on similarity search using three natural compounds as templates, including flavonoids, terpenoids, and phenylpropanoids. Molecular docking was used to predict the interaction energy of each screened ligand compared to the reference compound, which is methyl γ-linolenylfluorophosphonate (MGLFP). Based on this computational technique, rosmarinic acid and its eight analogs were observed as a new series of potential FAS inhibitors, which showed a stronger binding affinity than MGLFP. Afterward, nine docked complexes were studied by molecular dynamics simulations for investigating protein–ligand interactions and binding free energies using MM-PB(GB)SA, MM-3DRISM-KH, and QM/MM-GBSA methods. The binding free energy calculation indicated that the ZINC85948835 (R34) displayed the strongest binding efficiency against the TE domain of FAS. There are eight residues (S2308, I2250, E2251, Y2347, Y2351, F2370, L2427, and E2431) mainly contributed for the R34 binding. Moreover, R34 could directly form hydrogen bonds with S2308, which is one of the catalytic triad of TE domain. Therefore, our finding suggested that R34 could be a potential candidate as a novel FAS-TE inhibitor for further drug design.</p