2 research outputs found

    The tariff equivalent of tariff-rate quotas - A case study applied to the import of an agricultural product in Romania

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    The paper presents one methodology of calculating the tariff equivalent of the tariff-rate quota as a particular case of a non-tariff barrier for an agricultural product imported in Romania based on recommendations in international literature. The tariff equivalent of tariff-rate quota of imports from the EU is approximately 35%, lower than the tariff outside the quota. Nonetheless this is considerable higher when compared with the Common External Tariff (CET). Elimination of the nominal protection level as consequence of the adoption the CET is expected to stimulate imports pressure especially from price competitive import partners both from EU (such as Slovakia, Belgium, Austria, Czech Republic and Italy) and non EU countries (Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Croatia). A basic model forecasts that, with the lowered protection, annual imports will rise with at least 13.5 thousand tonnes, thus an increase of 23% compared with the average annual imports during 1990-2005.non-tariff barriers, tariff-rate quotas, tariff equivalent

    The impact of glycogen storage restoration in elective liver resections

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    Ocluzia temporara a aportului vascular pe de o parte si pierderile sanguine importante, pe de alta parte, reprezinta componente cheie ale chirurgiei hepatice. Totodata, aceste strategii de management vor produce alterari ale functiei hepatice in postoperator. Studiul nostru isi propune sa elucideze efectul refacerii rezervelor de glicogen la pacientii propusi pentru rezectii hepatice elective asupra evolutiei biologice si a insuficientei hepatice postoperatorii.Temporary occlusion of blood inflow for resection on one hand and important blood loss on the other hand is a common strategy in liver surgery. However, hepatic vascular occlusion will undoubtedly impair liver function and anemia will produce systemic imbalances. Our study was designed to elucidate the effect of hepatocellular glycogen storages in alleviation of liver ischemia - reperfusion injury during intraoperative haemodynamic liver injuries for elective hepatectomies, the postoperative impairement and consecutive biologic liver failure