2,252 research outputs found

    Probing the nanohydrodynamics at liquid-solid interfaces using thermal motion

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    We report on a new method to characterize nano-hydrodynamic properties at the liquid/solid interface relying solely on the measurement of the thermal motion of confined colloids. Using Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) to probe the diffusion of the colloidal tracers, this optical technique --equivalent in spirit to the microrheology technique used for bulk properties-- is able to achieve nanometric resolution on the slip length measurement. It confirms the no-slip boundary condition on wetting surfaces and shows a partial slip b=18 +/- 5 nm on non-wetting ones. Moreover, in the absence of external forcing, we do not find any evidence for large nano-bubble promoted slippage on moderately rough non-wetting surfaces.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Colloidal motility and pattern formation under rectified diffusiophoresis

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    In this letter, we characterize experimentally the diffusiophoretic motion of colloids and lambda- DNA toward higher concentration of solutes, using microfluidic technology to build spatially- and temporally-controlled concentration gradients. We then demonstrate that segregation and spatial patterning of the particles can be achieved from temporal variations of the solute concentration profile. This segregation takes the form of a strong trapping potential, stemming from an osmotically induced rectification mechanism of the solute time-dependent variations. Depending on the spatial and temporal symmetry of the solute signal, localization patterns with various shapes can be achieved. These results highlight the role of solute contrasts in out-of-equilibrium processes occuring in soft matter

    Dynamic clustering in active colloidal suspensions with chemical signaling

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    In this paper, we explore experimentally the phase behavior of a dense active suspension of self- propelled colloids. In addition to a solid-like and a gas-like phase observed for high and low densities, a novel cluster phase is reported at intermediate densities. This takes the form of a stationary assembly of dense aggregates, with an average size which grows with activity as a linear function of the self-propelling velocity. While different possible scenarii can be considered to account for these observations - such as a generic velocity weakening instability recently put forward -, we show that the experimental results are reproduced by a chemotactic aggregation mechanism, originally introduced to account for bacterial aggregation, and accounting here for diffusiophoretic chemical interaction between colloidal swimmers.Comment: supplementary video :http:// www-lpmcn.univ-lyon1.fr/~lbocquet/Movie-Theurkauff-SI.av

    Slippage of water past superhydrophobic carbon nanotube forests in microchannels

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    We present in this letter an experimental characterization of liquid flow slippage over superhydrophobic surfaces made of carbon nanotube forests, incorporated in microchannels. We make use of a micro-PIV (Particule Image Velocimetry) technique to achieve the submicrometric resolution on the flow profile necessary for accurate measurement of the surface hydrodynamic properties. We demonstrate boundary slippage on the Cassie superhydrophobic state, associated with slip lengths of a few microns, while a vanishing slip length is found in the Wenzel state, when the liquid impregnates the surface. Varying the lateral roughness scale L of our carbon nanotube forest-based superhydrophobic surfaces, we demonstrate that the slip length varies linearly with L in line with theoretical predictions for slippage on patterned surfaces.Comment: under revie

    Scaling laws for slippage on superhydrophobic fractal surfaces

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    We study the slippage on hierarchical fractal superhydrophobic surfaces, and find an unexpected rich behavior for hydrodynamic friction on these surfaces. We develop a scaling law approach for the effective slip length, which is validated by numerical resolution of the hydrodynamic equations. Our results demonstrate that slippage does strongly depend on the fractal dimension, and is found to be always smaller on fractal surfaces as compared to surfaces with regular patterns. This shows that in contrast to naive expectations, the value of effective contact angle is not sufficient to infer the amount of slippage on a fractal surface: depending on the underlying geometry of the roughness, strongly superhydrophobic surfaces may in some cases be fully inefficient in terms of drag reduction. Finally, our scaling analysis can be directly extended to the study of heat transfer at fractal surfaces, in order to estimate the Kapitsa surface resistance on patterned surfaces, as well as to the question of trapping of diffusing particles by patchy hierarchical surfaces, in the context of chemoreception

    Are gravitational waves from giant magnetar flares observable?

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    Are giant flares in magnetars viable sources of gravitational radiation? Few theoretical studies have been concerned with this problem, with the small number using either highly idealized models or assuming a magnetic field orders of magnitude beyond what is supported by observations. We perform nonlinear general-relativistic magnetohydrodynamics simulations of large-scale hydromagnetic instabilities in magnetar models. We utilise these models to find gravitational wave emissions over a wide range of energies, from 10^40 to 10^47 erg. This allows us to derive a systematic relationship between the surface field strength and the gravitational wave strain, which we find to be highly nonlinear. In particular, for typical magnetar fields of a few times 10^15 G, we conclude that a direct observation of f-modes excited by global magnetic field reconfigurations is unlikely with present or near-future gravitational wave observatories, though we also discuss the possibility that modes in a low-frequency band up to 100 Hz could be sufficiently excited to be relevant for observation.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Further information can be found at http://www.physik.uni-tuebingen.de/institute/astronomie-astrophysik/institut/theoretische-astrophysik/forschung.htm

    Contact angle measurements on superhydrophobic Carbon Nanotube Forests : effect of fluid pressure

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    In this paper the effect of pressure on the contact angle of a water drop on superhydrophobic Carbon Nanotube (CNT) forests is studied. Superhydrophobic CNT forests are obtained from a new and simple functionalization strategy, based on the gold-thiol affinity. Using a specifically devised experimental setup, we then show that these surfaces are able to withstand high excess pressures (larger than 10 kPa) without transiting toward a roughness-invaded state, therefore preserving their low adhesion properties. Together with the relatively low technical cost of the process, this robustness versus pressure makes such surfaces very appealing for practical integration into microfluidic systems.Comment: accepted for publication in Europhysics Letter

    Diffusion in pores and its dependence on boundary conditions

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    We study the influence of the boundary conditions at the solid liquid interface on diffusion in a confined fluid. Using an hydrodynamic approach, we compute numerical estimates for the diffusion of a particle confined between two planes. Partial slip is shown to significantly influence the diffusion coefficient near a wall. Analytical expressions are derived in the low and high confinement limits, and are in good agreement with numerical results. These calculations indicate that diffusion of tagged particles could be used as a sensitive probe of the solid-liquid boundary conditions.Comment: soumis \`a J.Phys. Cond. Matt. special issue on "Diffusion in Liquids, Polymers, Biophysics and Chemical Dynamics

    Surfactant-Mediated Epitaxial Growth of Single-Layer Graphene in an Unconventional Orientation on SiC

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    We report the use of a surfactant molecule during the epitaxy of graphene on SiC(0001) that leads to the growth in an unconventional orientation, namely R0∘R0^\circ rotation with respect to the SiC lattice. It yields a very high-quality single-layer graphene with a uniform orientation with respect to the substrate, on the wafer scale. We find an increased quality and homogeneity compared to the approach based on the use of a pre-oriented template to induce the unconventional orientation. Using spot profile analysis low energy electron diffraction, angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy, and the normal incidence x-ray standing wave technique, we assess the crystalline quality and coverage of the graphene layer. Combined with the presence of a covalently-bound graphene layer in the conventional orientation underneath, our surfactant-mediated growth offers an ideal platform to prepare epitaxial twisted bilayer graphene via intercalation.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure
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