470 research outputs found

    The chemical diversity of comets

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    A fundamental question in cometary science is whether the different dynamical classes of comets have different chemical compositions, which would reflect different initial conditions. From the ground or Earth orbit, radio and infrared spectroscopic observations of a now significant sample of comets indeed reveal deep differences in the relative abundances of cometary ices. However, no obvious correlation with dynamical classes is found. Further results come, or are expected, from space exploration. Such investigations, by nature limited to a small number of objects, are unfortunately focussed on short-period comets (mainly Jupiter-family). But these in situ studies provide "ground truth" for remote sensing. We discuss the chemical differences in comets from our database of spectroscopic radio observations, which has been recently enriched by several Jupiter-family and Halley-type comets.Comment: In press in Earth, Moon and Planets (proceedings of the workshop "Future Ground-based Solar System Research: Synergies with Space Probes and Space Telescopes", Portoferraio, Isola d'Elba, Livorno (Italy), 8-12 September 2008). 6 pages with 2 figure

    No compelling evidence of distributed production of CO in comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp) from millimeter interferometric data and a reanalysis of near-IR lines

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    Based on long-slit infrared spectroscopic observations, it has been suggested that half of the carbon monoxide present in the atmosphere of comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp) close to perihelion was released by a distributed source in the coma, whose nature (dust or gas) remains unidentified. We re-assess the origin of CO in Hale-Bopp's coma from millimeter interferometric data and a re-analysis of the IR lines. Simultaneous observations of the CO J(1-0) (115 GHz) and J(2-1) (230 GHz) lines were undertaken with the IRAM interferometer in single-dish and interferometric modes. The diversity of angular resolutions (from 1700 to 42000 km diameter at the comet) is suitable to study the radial distribution of CO and detect the extended source observed in the infrared. We used excitation and radiative transfer models to simulate the observations. Various CO density distributions were considered, including 3D time-dependent hydrodynamical simulations which reproduce a CO rotating jet. The CO J(1-0) and J(2-1) observations can be consistently explained by a nuclear production of CO. Composite 50:50 nuclear/extended productions with characteristic scale lengths of CO parent L_p > 1500 km are rejected. Based on similar radiation transfer calculations, we show that the CO v = 1-0 ro-vibrational lines observed in comet Hale-Bopp at heliocentric distances less than 1.5 AU are severely optically thick. The broad extent of the CO brightness distribution in the infrared is mainly due to optical depth effects. Additional factors can be found in the complex structure of the CO coma, and non-ideal slit positioning caused by the anisotropy of dust IR emission. We conclude that both CO millimeter and infrared lines do not provide compelling evidence for a distributed source of CO in Hale-Bopp's atmosphere.Comment: Accepted for publication in Icarus (55 pages, 13 figures

    Interferometric mapping of the 3.3-mm continuum emission of comet 17P/Holmes after its 2007 outburst

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    Comet 17P/Holmes underwent a dramatic outburst in October 2007, caused by the sudden fragmentation of its nucleus and the production of a large quantity of grains scattering sunlight. We report on 90 GHz continuum observations carried out with the IRAM Plateau de Bure interferometer on 27.1 and 28.2 October 2007 UT, i.e., 4-5 days after the outburst. These observations probed the thermal radiation of large dust particles, and therefore provide the best constraints on the mass in the ejecta debris. The thermal emission of the debris was modelled and coupled to a time-dependent description of their expansion after the outburst. The analysis was performed in the Fourier plane. Visibilities were computed for the two observing dates and compared to the data to measure their velocity and mass. Optical data and 250-GHz continuum measurements published in the literature were used to further constrain the dust kinematics and size distribution. Two distinct dust components in terms of kinematic properties are identified in the data. The large-velocity component, with typical velocities V0 of 50-100 m/s for 1 mm particles, displays a steep size distribution with a size index estimated to q = -3.7 (\pm0.1), assuming a minimum grain size of 0.1 \mum. It corresponds to the fast expanding shell observed in optical images. The slowly-moving "core" component (V0 = 7-9 m/s) detected near the nucleus has a size index |q| < 3.4 and contains a higher proportion of large particles than the shell. The dust mass in the core is in the range 0.1-1 that of the shell. Using optical constants pertaining to porous grains (50% porosity) made of astronomical silicates mixed with water ice (48% in mass), the total dust mass Mdust injected by the outburst is estimated to 4-14 x 10**11 kg, corresponding to 3-9% the nucleus mass.Comment: 15 pages with 11 figures and 7 tables. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Radio observations of Jupiter-family comets

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    Radio observations from decimetric to submillimetric wavelengths are now a basic tool for the investigation of comets. Spectroscopic observations allow us i) to monitor the gas production rate of the comets, by directly observing the water molecule, or by observing secondary products (e.g., the OH radical) or minor species (e.g., HCN); ii) to investigate the chemical composition of comets; iii) to probe the physical conditions of cometary atmospheres: kinetic temperature and expansion velocity. Continuum observations probe large-size dust particles and (for the largest objects) cometary nuclei. Comets are classified from their orbital characteristics into two separate classes: i) nearly-isotropic, mainly long-period comets and ii) ecliptic, short-period comets, the so-called Jupiter-family comets. These two classes apparently come from two different reservoirs, respectively the Oort cloud and the trans-Neptunian scattered disc. Due to their different history and - possibly - their different origin, they may have different chemical and physical properties that are worth being investigated. The present article reviews the contribution of radio observations to our knowledge of the Jupiter-family comets (JFCs). The difficulty of such a study is the commonly low gas and dust productions of these comets. Long-period, nearly-isotropic comets from the Oort cloud are better known from Earth-based observations. On the other hand, Jupiter-family comets are more easily accessed by space missions. However, unique opportunities to observe Jupiter-family comets are offered when these objects come by chance close to the Earth. About a dozen JFCs were successfully observed by radio techniques up to now. No obvious evidence for different properties between JFCs and other families of comets is found.Comment: Accepted for publication in Planetary and Space Science (special issue on Jupiter-family comets). 18 pages including 12 figures and 7 table

    Cometary water expansion velocity from OH line shapes

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    We retrieve the H_2O expansion velocity in a number of comets, using the 18-cm line shapes of the OH radical observed with the Nan\c{c}ay radio telescope. The H_2O velocity is derived from the large base of a trapezium fitted to the observed spectra. This method, which was previously applied to 9 comets, is now extended to 30 further comets. This allows us to study the evolution of their water molecule outflow velocity over a large range of heliocentric distances and gas production rates. Our analysis confirms and extends previous analyses. The retrieved expansion velocities increases with increasing gas production rates and decreasing heliocentric distances. Heuristic laws are proposed, which could be used for the interpretation of observations of cometary molecules and as a touchstone for hydrodynamical models. The expansion velocities retrieved from 18 cm line shapes are larger than those obtained from millimetric observations of parent molecules with smaller fields of view, which demonstrates the acceleration of the gas with cometocentric distance. Our results are in reasonable quantitative agreement with current hydrodynamical models of cometary atmospheres.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Interferometric imaging of carbon monoxide in comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp): evidence for a strong rotating jet

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    Observations of the CO J(1-0) 115 GHz and J(2-1) 230 GHz lines in comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp) were performed with the IRAM Plateau de Bure interferometer on 11 March, 1997. The observations were conducted in both single-dish (ON-OFF) and interferometric modes with 0.13 km s-1 spectral resolution. Images of CO emission with 1.7 to 3" angular resolution were obtained. The ON-OFF and interferometric spectra show a velocity shift with sinusoidal time variations related to the Hale-Bopp nucleus rotation of 11.35 h. The peak position of the CO images moves perpendicularly to the spin axis direction in the plane of the sky. This suggests the presence of a CO jet, which is active night and day at about the same extent, and is spiralling with nucleus rotation. The high quality of the data allows us to constrain the characteristics of this CO jet. We have developed a 3-D model to interpret the temporal evolution of CO spectra and maps. The CO coma is represented as the combination of an isotropic distribution and a spiralling gas jet, both of nucleus origin. Spectra and visibilities (the direct output of interferometric data) analysis shows that the CO jet comprises ~40% the total CO production and is located at a latitude ~20 degrees North on the nucleus surface. Our inability to reproduce all observational characteristics shows that the real structure of the CO coma is more complex than assumed, especially in the first thousand kilometres from the nucleus. The presence of another moving CO structure, faint but compact and possibly created by an outburst, is identified.Comment: 20 pages, 26 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Antifreeze in the hot core of Orion - First detection of ethylene glycol in Orion-KL

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    Comparison of their chemical compositions shows, to first order, a good agreement between the cometary and interstellar abundances. However, a complex O-bearing organic molecule, ethylene glycol (CH2_{2}OH)2_{2}, seems to depart from this correlation because it was not easily detected in the interstellar medium although it proved to be rather abundant with respect to other O-bearing species in comet Hale-Bopp. Ethylene glycol thus appears, together with the related molecules glycolaldehyde CH2_{2}OHCHO and ethanol CH3_{3}CH2_{2}OH, as a key species in the comparison of interstellar and cometary ices as well as in any discussion on the formation of cometary matter. We focus here on the analysis of ethylene glycol in the nearest and best studied hot core-like region, Orion-KL. We use ALMA interferometric data because high spatial resolution observations allow us to reduce the line confusion problem with respect to single-dish observations since different molecules are expected to exhibit different spatial distributions. Furthermore, a large spectral bandwidth is needed because many individual transitions are required to securely detect large organic molecules. Confusion and continuum subtraction are major issues and have been handled with care. We have detected the aGg' conformer of ethylene glycol in Orion-KL. The emission is compact and peaks towards the Hot Core close to the main continuum peak, about 2" to the south-west; this distribution is notably different from other O-bearing species. Assuming optically thin lines and local thermodynamic equilibrium, we derive a rotational temperature of 145 K and a column density of 4.6 1015^{15} cm−2^{-2}. The limit on the column density of the gGg' conformer is five times lower.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures, A&A accepte

    Ethylene glycol in comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)

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    We report the detection of ethylene glycol (HOCH_2CH_2OH) in comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp) from the analysis of archival radio spectra. Its production rate is ≈0.25% that of water, making it one of the most abundant organic molecules in cometary ices. This detection strengthens the similarity between interstellar and cometary material

    The composition of ices in comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp) from radio spectroscopy - Further results and upper limits on undetected species

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    From radio spectroscopic observations of comets, more than 22 molecules, radicals and ions, plus several isotopologues, were detected, the majority of them being recently revealed in comets C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake) and C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp). Among them, 6 molecules were detected for the first time (BockelĂ©e-Morvan et al. [CITE]) in the course of a spectral survey conducted at radio wavelengths in comet Hale-Bopp with the CSO, the IRAM 30-m telescope and Plateau de Bure interferometer. In addition, many species were searched for unsuccessfully, some of them with stringent upper limits. We present here a review of these observations and further analysis of their results. This include: (i) confirmed detection of acetaldehyde (CH_3CHO); (ii) limits on small molecules such as ketene (H_2CCO) or methanimine (CH_2NH); (iii) limits on the abundance ratios in homologous series such as HC_5N/HC_3N, ethanol/methanol, acetic acid/formic acid; (iv) searches for precursors of key cometary species such as atomic Na and HNC; (v) constraints on more exotic species ranging from water dimer (H_2O)_2 to glycine; (vi) detection of the H_2^(34)S isotopic species and independent observations of HDO and DCN; (vii) limits on several other deuterated species; (viii) limits on several radicals and ions and a tentative detection of the C_2H radical; (ix) the presence of unidentified lines. Typical abundance upper limits of 2–5 x 10^(-4) relative to water are achieved for many species. Better upper limits are obtained for some linear molecules with high dipole moments. But more complex molecules such as dimethyl ether or glycine are poorly constrained. These results should give important clues to the chemical composition of cometary ices, to the formation mechanisms of cometary material, and to the chemical processes which occur in the inner coma
