5 research outputs found

    Seed bank analysis and its relation to the standing vegetation in an abandoned field of the pampean prairie

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    La regeneraci贸n de la comunidad vegetal, luego de sufrir alg煤n tipo de disturbio, depende de la disponibilidad de prop谩gulos cuya fuente primaria la constituye el banco de semillas del suelo. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar la composici贸n flor铆stica, abundancia, riqueza y diversidad del banco de semillas y de la comunidad vegetal, y evaluar la relaci贸n entre ambos, en un lote agr铆cola de la llanura pampeana donde se desarroll贸 una sucesi贸n secundaria a lo largo de 20 a帽os. En la vegetaci贸n se registraron 13 especies, entre las cuales predominaron especies perennes y Sorghum halepense fue la dominante. En el banco de semillas se identificaron 12 especies, con predominio de especies anuales. Tres especies: Sorghum halepense, Carduus acanthoides y Verbena bonariensis estuvieron presentes en el banco de semillas y en la vegetaci贸n, pero s贸lo S. halepense mostr贸 una correlaci贸n significativa y positiva. Esta escasa relaci贸n entre la vegetaci贸n y el banco de semillas sugiere que el banco de semillas puede ser de limitada importancia en el reclutamiento, estructura y composici贸n de la comunidad vegetal.The regeneration of plant community after disturbance depends on the availability of propagules. In grasslands, soil bank is the primary source of propagules, although propagule arrival from neighbouring areas may be important as well. There is evidence that in several grasslands there is a low similarity in floristic composition and in the relative abundance of plant species between the standing vegetation and their soil seed banks. The objective of this study was to evaluate the floristic composition, abundance, richness and diversity of the soil seed bank and the standing vegetation and to assess their relationship, in a closed field of the pampean prairie where a secondary succession has developed after 20 years. Thirty-six samples of vegetation and soil were analysed, classified and ordered with multivariate methods. In the standing vegetation, we recorded a total of 13 species, most of them perennials. The dominant species was Sorghum halepense. In the seed bank, we identified 12 species, most of them annuals, and Portulaca oleracea was the most abundant one. The floristic groups of the standing vegetation were more clearly defined than those groups of the soil seed bank. Three species (Sorghum halepense, Carduus acanthoides and Verbena bonariensis) were present in both the seed bank and the standing vegetation, but only for S. halepense showed a positive correlation between both the seed bank and the standing vegetation. The low similarity between the standing vegetation and the soil seed bank shows that, except for Sorghum halepense, the dominant species of the standing vegetation contribute very little to the development of the soil seed bank

    The seed bank of an old pampean prairie and its relation with the standing vegetation

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    Analisou-se o banco de sementes de uma pastagem que n茫o foi arada pelo menos durante 40 anos. Comparou-se com a vegeta莽茫o do lugar. Acharam-se 28 esp茅cies no banco de sementes: 18 monocotiled么neas e 10 dicotiled么neas, mais cinco esp茅cies desconhecidas. Na vegeta莽茫o foram arroladas 39 esp茅cies: 19 monocotiled么neas e 20 dicotiled么neas. O banco de sementes comparte 18 esp茅cies, das 49 conhecidas, com a vegeta莽茫o, e a similitude entre elas 茅 de 54% (铆ndice de Sorensen). As sementes t锚m distribui莽茫o agregada, constituindo um banco muito heterog锚neo.The seed bank of a prairie which has not been ploughed for at least 40 years was analysed and compared with standing vegetation. There were 28 species in the seed bank: 18 monocotyledoneae and 10 dicotyledoneae, plus five unknown species. In the standing vegetation there were 39 species: 19 monocotyledoneae and 20 dicotyledoneae. Seed bank and standing vegetation share 18 out of 49 known species and their similarity is 54% (Sorensen index). The seeds have an aggregate distribution, therefore the bank is very heterogeneous