30 research outputs found

    Electrophoretic Deposition of Chitosan/45S5 Bioactive Glass Composite Coatings Doped with Zn and Sr

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    In this research work, the original 45S5 bioactive glass was modified by introducing zinc and/or strontium oxide (6 mol%) in place of calcium oxide. Sr was added for its ability to stimulate bone formation and Zn for its role in bone metabolism, antibacterial properties, and anti-inflammatory effect. The glasses were produced by means of melting and quenching process. SEM and XRD analyses evidenced that Zr and Sr introduction did not modify the glass structure and morphology while compositional analysis (EDS) demonstrated the effective incorporation of these elements in the glass network. Bioactivity test in simulated body fluid (SBF) up to 1 month evidenced a reduced bioactivity kinetics for Zn-doped glasses. Doped glasses were combined with chitosan to produce organic/inorganic composite coatings on stainless steel AISI 316L by electrophoretic deposition (EPD). Two EPD processes were considered for coating development, namely direct current EPD (DC-EPD) and alternating current EPD (AC-EPD). The stability of the suspension was analyzed and the deposition parameters were optimized. Tape and bending tests demonstrated a good coating-substrate adhesion for coatings containing 45S5-Sr and 45S5-ZnSr glasses, whereas the adhesion to the substrate decreased by using 45S5-Zn glass. FTIR analyses demonstrated the composite nature of coatings and SEM observations indicated that glass particles were well integrated in the polymeric matrix, the coatings were fairly homogeneous and free of cracks; moreover, the AC-EPD technique provided better results than DC-EPD in terms of coating quality. SEM, XRD analyses, and Raman spectroscopy, performed after bioactivity test in SBF solution, confirmed the bioactive behavior of 45S5-Sr-containing coating while coatings containing Zn exhibited no hydroxyapatite formation

    Early stages of metal corrosion in coastal archaeological sites. Effects of chemical composition in silver and copper alloys

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    In this study, metal disks with different chemical composition (two Ag-based alloys and three Cu-based alloys) were buried in the soil of coastal archaeological sites for a period of 15 years. The aim was to naturally induce the growth of corrosion patinas to obtain a deeper insight into the role of alloying elements in the formation of the patinas and into the degradation mechanisms occurring in the very early stages of burial. To reach the aim, the morphological, compositional and structural features of the patinas grown over 15 years were extensively characterized by optical microscopy, field emission scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive spectrometry, X-ray diffraction and micro-Raman spectroscopy. Results showed that the Cu amount in Ag-based alloys strongly affected the final appearance, as well as the composition and structure of the patinas. Corrosion mechanisms typical of archaeological finds, such as the selective dissolution of Cu, Pb and Zn and internal oxidation of Sn, occurred in the Cu-based alloys, even if areas enriched in Zn and Pb compounds were also detected and attributed to an early stage of degradation. In addition, some unusual and rare compounds were detected in the patinas developed on the Cu-based disks

    Micro-Computed-Tomography-Guided Analysis of In Vitro Structural Modifications in Two Types of 45S5 Bioactive Glass Based Scaffolds

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    Three-dimensional 45S5 bioactive glass (BG)-based scaffolds are being investigated for bone regeneration. Besides structural properties, controlled time-dependent alteration of scaffold morphology is crucial to achieve optimal scaffold characteristics for successful bone repair. There is no in vitro evidence concerning the dependence between structural characteristics and dissolution behavior of 45S5 BG-based scaffolds of different morphology. In this study, the dissolution behavior of scaffolds fabricated by the foam replica method using polyurethane foam (Group A) and maritime sponge Spongia Agaricina (Group B) as sacrificial templates was analyzed by micro-computed-tomography (”CT). The scaffolds were immersed in Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium for 56 days under static cell culture conditions and underwent ”CT-analysis initially, and after 7, 14, and 56 days. Group A showed high porosity (91%) and trabecular structure formed by macro-pores (average diameter 692 ”m ± 72 ”m). Group-B-scaffolds were less porous (51%), revealing an optimal pore size distribution within the window of 110–500 ”m pore size diameter, combined with superior mechanical stability. Both groups showed similar structural alteration upon immersion. Surface area and scaffold volume increased whilst density decreased, reflecting initial dissolution followed by hydroxycarbonate-apatite-layer-formation on the scaffold surfaces. In vitro- and/or in vivo-testing of cell-seeded BG-scaffolds used in this study should be performed to evaluate the BG-scaffolds’ time-dependent osteogenic properties in relation to the measured in vitro structural changes

    Secondo Protocollo di Implementazione Misure per il contrasto e il contenimento della diffusione del virus Sars-CoV-2

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    Questo documento Ăš da intendersi come protocollo di implementazione delle attivitĂ  nel corso della attuale fase dell’emergenza pandemica e, con lo “Addendum al Documento di Valutazione dei Rischi dedicato al rischio biologico derivante da Sars-CoV-2, protocollo di sicurezza anti contagio, misure di prevenzione e protezione, formazione e informazione”, le Linee guida operative per i lavoratori e le lavoratrici dello “Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica” Misure per il contrasto e il contenimento della diffusione del virus Sars-CoV-2 e il Protocollo di implementazione MAB (Musei Archivi Biblioteche) dell’INAF, Misure per il contrasto e il contenimento della diffusione del virus Sars-CoV-2, dei quali costituisce parte integrante, contiene misure per il contrasto e il contenimento della diffusione del virus Sars-CoV-2 per ogni Struttura di Ricerca INAF - Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica e per la sede della Amministrazione Centrale, e sostituisce integralmente il “Protocollo di Implementazione Fase 2, Misure per il contrasto e il contenimento della diffusione del virus Sars-CoV-2” adottato con nota Circolare del Direttore Generale del 15 maggio 2020, numero 2482. Le disposizioni contenute nel Decreto del Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri del 5 Agosto 2020 non si concretano in una totale “ripresa” delle attivitĂ  di ricerca, ma semplicemente in un “ampliamento”, peraltro assai limitato e condizionato, delle stesse. È quindi necessario, in questa “Fase”, adottare misure che consentano, ove possibile, di svolgere le attivitĂ  lavorative nella massima sicurezza. Pertanto, il Direttore Generale, d'intesa con il Presidente, il Direttore Scientifico e il Collegio dei Direttori di Struttura, ha avviato un processo volto a definire le azioni propedeutiche all’aggiornamento del “processo di implementazione” delle attivitĂ  di ricerca e di laboratorio che potranno essere svolte in questa nuova “Fase”, nella consapevolezza che le stesse non devono arrecare alcun nocumento alla salute dei dipendenti dell'Ente e non devono, in alcun modo, favorire, direttamente o indirettamente, una recrudescenza della pandemia in atto, salvaguardando il bene supremo della salute pubblica, costituzionalmente tutelato, e che facciano, quindi, prevalere l'interesse generale sulle logiche puramente individualistiche (Circolare 2 maggio 2020, n. 2083, Allegato 9). Il presente documento tiene conto delle indicazioni contenute nei vari aggiornamenti dei provvedimenti Governativi e delle raccomandazioni delle AutoritĂ  Sanitarie Nazionali ed Internazionali, individua e definisce, per tutte le Strutture di Ricerca, le misure di sicurezza che dovranno essere adottate e i dispositivi da utilizzare, suscettibili di ulteriori e/o diverse implementazioni a livello locale, in ragione delle diverse peculiaritĂ  delle singole Strutture della specificitĂ  dei luoghi, delle esigenze logistiche, delle misure organizzative adottate e di eventuali aggiornamenti delle disposizioni normative. Resta inteso che in base all’evoluzione dello scenario epidemiologico, e nell’ottica della tutela della pubblica sicurezza, le misure indicate potranno essere rimodulate, anche in senso piĂč restrittivo, e dovranno essere immediatamente applicate eventuali, future e piĂč restrittive disposizioni governative Regionali e/o locali. Il Direttore Generale, il Direttore Scientifico e i Direttori di Struttura, ciascuno nell'ambito delle rispettive competenze, individuano idonee procedure di controllo dell'applicazione delle predette misure di sicurezza, con la collaborazione di RSPP, RLS e Medico Competente. I contenuti del documento saranno aggiornati ad ogni variazione della valutazione del rischio e delle misure di contrasto alla diffusione del Sars-CoV-19 da parte degli organi competenti. Ogni sede integra con eventuali indicazioni del Responsabile della Prevenzione e Protezione, del Medico Competente, del Rappresentante dei Lavoratori per la Sicurezza, anche in relazione all’ambiente specifico

    Bioactive glass-derived trabecular coating: a smart solution for enhancing osteointegration of prosthetic elements

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    In this work, the use of foam-like glass-ceramic scaffolds as trabecular coatings on ceramic prosthetic devices to enhance implant osteointegration is proposed. The feasibility of this innovative device was explored in a simplified, flat geometry: glass-ceramic scaffolds, prepared by polymeric sponge replication and mimicking the trabecular architecture of cancellous bone, were joined to alumina square substrates by a dense glass coating (interlayer). The role played by different formulations of starting glasses was examined, with particular care to the effect on the mechanical properties and bioactivity of the final coating. Microindentations at the coating/substrate interface and tensile tests were performed to evaluate the bonding strength between the sample's components. In vitro bioactive behaviour was assessed by soaking in simulated body fluid and evaluating the apatite formation on the surface and inside the pores of the trabecular coating. The concepts disclosed in the present study can have a significant impact in the field of implantable devices, suggesting a valuable alternative to traditional, often invasive bone-prosthesis fixatio

    Protocollo per l’aggiornamento delle Misure per il contrasto e il contenimento della diffusione del virus SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19 nelle Strutture di Ricerca e nella Sede della Amministrazione Centrale dello Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica.

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    Il documento Ăš da intendersi come protocollo per l’aggiornamento delle misure di contrasto alla diffusione dell’epidemia da Covid-19, anche in considerazione dell’emanazione dei nuovi provvedimenti adottati dal Governo e dal Ministero della Salute, di circolari e “comunicazioni” di Ministeri e AutoritĂ  competenti, e della legislazione vigente in materia di contrasto alla diffusione dell’epidemia da Covid-19, e contiene linee guida per la revisione e l’aggiornamento dei “Protocolli di sicurezza” adottati a livello locale dalle Strutture di Ricerca e dalla sede della Amministrazione Centrale, tenuto conto della situazione epidemiologica e della necessitĂ  di conservare misure efficaci per prevenire e ridurre il rischio di contagio. Il documento tiene conto delle nuove disposizioni normative e, in particolare, del “Protocollo condiviso di aggiornamento delle misure per il contrasto e il contenimento della diffusione del virus SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 negli ambienti di lavoro”, siglato il 30 giugno 2022 e ha l’obiettivo di fornire indicazioni operative e linee guida aggiornate per garantire l’efficacia delle misure precauzionali di contenimento adottate per contrastare l’epidemia da Covid-19, applicando tutte le misure necessarie allo svolgimento delle attivitĂ  lavorative nella massima sicurezza, tenendo in particolare conto gli aspetti che riguardano il benessere del personale nell’accezione piĂč ampia del termine. Il documento richiama, inoltre, la necessitĂ  di promuovere e favorire, in ogni sistema di prevenzione di qualunque rischio, un ambiente di lavoro sereno, in cui i rapporti interpersonali siano improntati alla correttezza, al reciproco rispetto della libertĂ  e dignitĂ  della persona in quanto diritti inviolabili di tutto il personale che a qualsiasi titolo lavora e opera all'interno dell'Istituto, delle lavoratrici e dei lavoratori chiamati ad applicare, a garantire il rispetto del presente documento e di chi ha lavorato per la sua stesura. Atteggiamenti offensivi, molesti, violenti e lesivi della dignitĂ  e della professionalitĂ  dell’individuo sul luogo di lavoro, oltre a costituire fattori di rischio lavorativo, sono stigmatizzati dai “Codici” adottati dall’Ente

    Electrophoretic Deposition of Chitosan/45S5 Bioactive Glass Composite Coatings Doped with Zn and Sr.

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    In this research work, the original 45S5 bioactive glass was modified by introducing zinc and/or strontium oxide (6 mol%) in place of calcium oxide. Sr was added for its ability to stimulate bone formation and Zn for its role in bone metabolism, antibacterial properties, and anti-inflammatory effect. The glasses were produced by means of melting and quenching process. SEM and XRD analyses evidenced that Zr and Sr introduction did not modify the glass structure and morphology while compositional analysis (EDS) demonstrated the effective incorporation of these elements in the glass network. Bioactivity test in simulated body fluid (SBF) up to 1 month evidenced a reduced bioactivity kinetics for Zn-doped glasses. Doped glasses were combined with chitosan to produce organic/inorganic composite coatings on stainless steel AISI 316L by electrophoretic deposition (EPD). Two EPD processes were considered for coating development, namely direct current EPD (DC-EPD) and alternating current EPD (AC-EPD). The stability of the suspension was analyzed and the deposition parameters were optimized. Tape and bending tests demonstrated a good coating-substrate adhesion for coatings containing 45S5-Sr and 45S5-ZnSr glasses, whereas the adhesion to the substrate decreased by using 45S5-Zn glass. FTIR analyses demonstrated the composite nature of coatings and SEM observations indicated that glass particles were well integrated in the polymeric matrix, the coatings were fairly homogeneous and free of cracks; moreover, the AC-EPD technique provided better results than DC-EPD in terms of coating quality. SEM, XRD analyses, and Raman spectroscopy, performed after bioactivity test in SBF solution, confirmed the bioactive behavior of 45S5-Sr-containing coating while coatings containing Zn exhibited no hydroxyapatite formation

    Experimental and computational analyses of lead zirconate titanate reinforced glass matrix composites for structural applications

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    The mechanical reliability of glass matrix composites depends on the properties of the composite constituents, e.g. matrix and reinforcement. In many cases, microstructural variables, such as the volume fraction of the reinforcing secondary phase, the crystallographic anisotropy of the involved materials, and the physical coupling between the underlying thermodynamic fields, influences the macroscopic mechanical behaviour, in particular fracture toughness. In this paper, the mechanical properties of lead silicate glass matrix composites reinforced with 30wt% lead zirconate titanate (PZT) ferroelectric particles were studied. The samples were fabricated by hot pressing, and characterized by means of SEM, X-ray diffraction, DTA, and Vickers' indentation techniques. For this material, the stress fields at the tip of an advancing crack should be able to re-orient the ferroelectric domains in the PZT inclusions, inducing local crack-arrest, thus contributing to an increase of the macroscopic fracture toughness. Microstructural effects, such as crack-particle interactions were analysed using a FEM-based numerical approach. A good agreement between predicted crack propagation patterns and those obtained experimentally by the indentation technique was found. Numerical and experimental results suggest that traditional toughening mechanisms such as crack deflection, thermal cooling residual stresses, and load-transfer toughening are not active in the studied glass/PZT composites