4 research outputs found


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    INTRODUCTION: The human motor system developed under the influence of earth's gravitational field on the evolutionary process. Modern techniques for jumps in track & field have developed on the basis of man's natural jump locomotions. The training process for long jumpers is based on the fundamentals of biomechanics of the human body's gravitational interactions, which in turn are realized by the athlete thanks to active moves of his body mass in the environment about the support accounted for by differential and highly-coordinated contraction of definite muscle groups. That is why the biomechanical control of those interactions in the training process of highly skilled athletes is of a great interest today. This gives a possibility to identify the mechanisms of the athlete's body mass interaction with support and to evaluate objectively their skeletal muscle condition during training for major competitions. The objective of this research is to study the possibilities of biomechanical control for efficiency increase in technical training of highly skilled long jumpers. METHODS AND PROCEDURES: In order to reach the objectives of this research, special experiments were carried out with highly skilled long jumpers who have displayed an average result of 5.9-7.35m. The main anthropometrical parameters of the subjects were measured and their body masses' geometry defined. The parameters of their CM (center of mass) fluctuations in orthograde pose about the horizontal plane were measured using the stabilography method with the computer. Moreover, the biomechanical properties of the same athletes' large skeletal muscle groups, which realized the main components of technical actions in long jumping, were measured with a myotonometrical system consisting of a piezoelectric inertial accelerometer and analog-to-digital converters connected with a computer


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    INTRODUCTION: The development of personal computers and video-technique in the 90s gave a new impulse for improving the automation of training process control. By this time, in biomechanics, the wide experiences in the analysis of human movements in sport have been yet cumulated. However, its large scale usage, based mainly on the traditional cinematography & photography technologies of movements registration, has been slowed by a complexity and capacity of digital operations during kinograms processing in practice. So a wellturned conjunction of video-technology for movement registration and very effective technology for results processing based on biomechanical analysis algorithms, already tested in multiple experiments, have had impressive results. This direction of sport training was mostly expanded in civilized states where just from the beginning of the 80s the technological base was exchanged in the athlete's movement measuring sphere to «on-line» (real time) mode. The advanced biomechanical achievements employment in sport practice resulted in a research technology exchange that was a major computerization at all levels, designing and manufacturing the highly productive and inexpensive microcomputers. That is why a more effective measuring technology and complicated precise measuring equipment which is available to register any necessary parameter, are important characteristics of this exchanging. Among the advanced technologies, the remote and non-contact researching technologies are in first place. The above statements identify three basic directions of measuring system development in sport biomechanics today: • high-speed video-cameras connected with video-film converter for personal computer; • stationary mounted dynamographic platforms operated in natural conditions of sport training and providing data output through analog-to-digital converters with personal computers; • automated videogram processing systems including personal computers. In of three cases, data fixation & processing technology while personal computer is used in «real time» mode, gives a possibility to operate with large data dimensions. At that, the accent of the research is directed to the studying of the technique model for highly skilled athletes. It became the ground for mobile laboratories with compact measuring systems which gave a possibility to control the athlete's motor action during the training process under natural conditions and to give close solutions to sport technique simulation problems. The main goal of the given research is to solve the problem of how to improve training process quality by means of skill technique improvement with elite athletes on the base of application of group and individual biomechanical models of their technique (Augulo & Dapena 1992, Haliand, Tamp & Soosar, 1988). The following main tasks were solved: • process design for biomechanical criteria control in the technique of studied actions; • identification of quantitative (kinematical) technique model for highly skilled athletes; • forecasting different variants and possibilities for element correction of studied motor action technique on the basis of video-computer animation with designed models

    Formation of Physical Preparation for Running on Long Distances.

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    Рассмотрены направления совершенствования физической подготовленности на основе улучшения функционального состояния и физических качеств бегунов на средние дистанции путём применения трени- ровочных средств, направленных на развитие скоростных и скоростно-силовых способностей в трениро- вочном процессе для повышения результативности соревновательной деятельности. В статье затраги- ваются проблемы использования рационально обоснованных средств скоростной и скоростно-силовой направленности, которые влияют на эффективность подготовки бегунов на средние дистанции – улучшение спортивного результата. Поэтому разработка групп упражнений специфической направленности, влияющих на формирование основных функциональных систем и развитие необходимых способностей на этапах подго- товки к высшим достижением и максимальной реализации индивидуальных возможностей, способствует достижению высоких спортивных результатов. It was examined directions of mastering of physical preparation on the basis of improving of functional condition and physical qualities of runners on average distances by means of applying of training means aimed at development of speed and speed-power abilities during the training process for increasing of effectiveness of competitive activity. The article deals with the problems of usage of rationally based means of speed and speed-power orientation that influence the effectiveness of preparation of runners on average distances – improvement of sports result. That is why the development of a group of exercises of specific orientation that influence the formation of main functional systems and development of necessary abilities on the stages of preparation for higher achievements and maximal realization of individual possibilities assists in achievement of high sports results

    Influence of Specific Groups of Exercises of Different Preferential Orientation on Performance of Skilled Middle Distance Runners

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    Останній чемпіонат Європи з легкої атлетики (Прага, Чехія) засвідчив, що українські бігуни показали спортивні результати на рівні 29-го і 37-го місць на дистанції 800 м, а на 1500 м узагалі не брали участь. Сучасна спортивна підготовка в бігових видах легкої атлетики вимагає від спортсмена не лише добре розвинених фізичних здібностей, адекватних основним функціональним системам, які впливають на високі досягнення, а й показу спортивного результату протягом усього змагального періоду, тривалість якого – близько шести місяців, що можна спосте­рігати протягом останніх 10–15 років міжнародного календаря змагань, запропонованих Міжнародною асоціацією легкоатлетичних федерацій (ІААФ). Завдання роботи – розробити специфічні групи вправ різної переважної спрямованості, що впливають на вдосконалення технічної майстерності, підвищення фізичних спроможностей і результативність кваліфікованих бігунів на середні дистанції. Методологія роботи: удосконалення тренувального процесу на етапі максимальної реалізації індивідуальних можливостей кваліфікованих бігунів на середні дистанції в цій статті ґрунтується на аналізі та вивченні застосування раціональних тренувальних вправ, сформованих у специфічні групи на основі аналізу науково-методичної літератури, узагальнення передової практичної практики (анкетування, опитування тренерів, аналіз щоденників спортсменів), аналізу протоколів змагань, вивчення біоме­ханічних і фізіологічних характеристик бігу на середні дистанції та методів математичної обробки результатів дослідження. Упровадження специфічних груп вправ різної переважної спрямованості на першому та другому році етапу максимальної реалізації індивідуальних можливостей сприяло підвищенню спортивних результатів в експе­риментальній групі бігунів на середні дистанції в середньому від 4 до 6 %. Розроблені специфічні групи вправ, які впливають на розвиток і підтримання спеціальної витривалості, силових та швидкісних здібностей, застосо­вуються на етапах спеціальної фізичної підготовки осінньо-зимового та весняно-літнього підготовчих періодів, а також зимового й літнього змагальних періодів, котрі здебільшого дають можливість адекватно вплинути на рівень фізичної підготовленості бігунів на 800 і 1500 м та перебувати протягом тривалого змагального періоду в стані найвищої готовності. The last European track and field championship (Prague, Czech Republic) has demonstrated sports results of Ukrainian athletes at the level of the 29 th and the 37 th places at 800 m distance, without participation at 1500 m distance. Current athletic preparation in running events of track and field requires well-developed physical capacities, adequate to the major functional systems which influence high achieve­ments, as well as demonstration of sports result during the whole competitive period, duration of which constitutes about 6 months. The above could be observed during the last 10–15 years of the International calendar of competitions suggested by the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF). Task of the work. To develop specific groups of exercises of different preferential direction which effect the improvement of technical skills, physical abilities and performance of skilled middle distance runners. In the article it is presented the improvement of the training process at the stage of maximal realization of individual capabilities of skilled middle distance runners. It is underpinned by analysis and research using of rational training exercises formed in specific groups which are based on the analysis of scientific and methodological literature summarizing best practical experiences (questionnaires, polling of coaches, analysis of athletes’ diaries), analysis of competition scoresheets, the study of biomechanical and physiological characteristics of middle distance running and mathematical statistics. Introduction of specific groups of exercises of different preferential direction at the first and the second year of the stage of maximal realization of individual capabilities has contributed to improvement of sports results in experimental group of middle distance runners from 4 % to 6 % of personal results, on the average. Elaborated specific exercise groups, affecting development and maintenance of special endurance, strength and speed capacities are used at the stages of special physical preparation of fall-winter and spring-summer preparatory periods, as well as winter and summer competitive periods which allow adequate influencing the level of physical fitness of 800 m and 1500 m runners to a greater extent and provides the maintenance of the highest fitness level during prolonged competitive period