81 research outputs found

    Biochemical Parameters in Tomato Fruits from Different Cultivars as Functional Foods for Agricultural, Industrial, and Pharmaceutical Uses

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    Tomato and tomato based products are an important agricultural production worldwide. More than 80 % of grown tomatoes in the worldwide are processing in the products such as tomato juice, paste, puree, catsup, sauce, and salsa. Tomato fruit is rich in phytochemicals and vitamins. Tomato nutritional value, color, fruit and flavor of their products depends mainly on lycopene, β-carotene, ascorbic acid and sugars and their ratio in fruits. Epidemiological studies and the results associated with the consumption of tomato products against the prevention of chronic diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease, confirming the tomato products as a functional food, and show that lycopene and β-carotene acts as an antioxidant. In order to increase the amount of these elements in tomato fruit, it is important to evaluate and investigate tomato genotypes influence to the carotenoids accumulation. Studies have confirmed that the carotenoid content in tomato fruits is determined by genotypic characteristics. In this work the main attention will be focused on from the biochemical and physical properties in tomato of different varieties, chemical and physical properties, to functional properties of supercritical fluid extraction of lycopene from tomato processing by products supercritical fluid tomato extracts

    The effect of heavy metals and thidiazuron on winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedlings

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    Abstract We studied the influence of a synthetic cytokinin-like growth regulator thidiazuron (TDZ) and ions of heavy metals (HMs) -Pb , and Ni 2+ on the growth, generation of superoxide anion, concentration of total peroxides, lipid peroxidation, and catalase activity in the leaves of 7-day-old winter wheat plants (Triticum aestivum L. cv. 'Mironovskaya 808'). It was found that 1 mM solution of HMs inhibited the growth of roots in the following sequence: Zn . HMs inhibited the growth of aboveground parts of young wheat plants, too. HMs stimulated superoxide production by a factor of 1.3-4.9. The content of total peroxides in wheat leaves increased in the presence of HMs in the growth medium. Our analyses showed that malonic dialdehyde (MDA) content in leaves increased with increasing Cu 2+ or Ni 2+ concentra tions in the medium and hardly changed with increasing Pb 2+ or Zn 2+ concentrations. HMs enhanced catalase activity in wheat plants 1.1-2.8-fold at all concentrations studied. All these regularities are indications of HMs-induced oxidative stress in wheat plants. In most treatments, TDZ alleviated the HMs-induced oxidative stress and promoted an increase in Wilkinson tolerance index (WTI). This suggests that the wheat seedlings treated with TDZ were more HMs-resistant than the untreated ones

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    Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    NewSQL database management systems application in production environment

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    NewSQL defines group of database management systems oriented at problems arising from demand for high troughput and consistency compliance. Research goal was set to verify weather NewSQL usability level allows appliances in production environment. In order to assess usability architectural decisions were analysed, common use cases for NewsSQL were identified and compared by usability to alternative database management systems. Moreover, investigation was performed in order to compare NewSQL troughtput and analytical properties to relational database management systems. Also horizontal scalability was evaluated and additional drawbacks interfering with usability in production environment were identified. Conclusion was reached that in specific high troughput OLTP use cases NewSQL can deliver upto few times better performance than relational database management systems. However, it also became clear that lack of technical maturity complicates appliance in real life business situations. Also, it is nescescary to localize domain model that it could be sharded in to shared nothing partitions

    Karvių melžimas mašinomis

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    Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Žolės miltų granulių saugyklos OZV-1 modernizacija

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    Virš. antr.: XXXVI dėstytojų mokslinė konferencija.Trumpi pranešimaiVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Automatinės girdytuvės ir vandens slėgimo įrenginiai

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    Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij