33 research outputs found

    A characterization of admissible algebras with formal two-ray modules

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    In the paper we characterize, in terms of quivers and relations, the admissible algebras with formal two-ray modules introduced by G. Bobi\'nski and A. Skowro\'nski [Cent. Eur. J.Math.1 (2003), 457--476].Comment: Mainly correcting typos. Also a new abstract and minor changes in the introduction and subsection 3.

    Cycle-finite module categories

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    We describe the structure of module categories of finite dimensional algebras over an algebraically closed field for which the cycles of nonzero nonisomorphisms between indecomposable finite dimensional modules are finite (do not belong to the infinite Jacobson radical of the module category). Moreover, geometric and homological properties of these module categories are exhibited

    SIMMAG3D AS a tool for designing of storage facilities in 3D

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    Designing of storage facilities is an interdisciplinary process that requires consideration of technical, economic, social or environmental issues. Storage facilities, as a part of supply chain are designed to provide customers availability of goods at a certain time, quantity and place. This involves the functions resulting therefrom, such as storage, sorting, picking, packing, etc. The efficiency of processes in the supply chains is strongly influenced by the location and shape of the storage facilities that are critical components. These issues are multi-threaded, and they are subject of an iterative approach in which information tools are playing a special role. One of such tool is the SIMMAG3D system. It is a system for modelling and visualization in 3D of warehouse facilities, which was built based on developed mathematical models, computational algorithms and functional dependencies necessary for the designing of storage facilities. It also takes into account the different types of warehouses and design methodologies as well as the location of warehouses in the logistic network. The article presents the elements of the SIMMAG3D system and characterizes its functional capabilities. It has been pointed out that one of the key elements of the system is the module for 3D visualization of storage facilities. In addition, an example of the visualizer operation on real data concerning one of the FMCG storage facility is provided

    Ważne geostanowiska Sudetów polskich

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    Sudety obejmują północną, brzeżną część Masywu Czeskiego. Obszar ten stanowi fragment orogenu waryscyjskiego, który został odmłodzony w trzeciorzędzie, poprzecinany uskokami i wypiętrzony. Rzeźba Sudetów została ukształtowana pod wpływem denudacji, erozji oraz procesów glacjalnych, fluwialnych i wulkanicznych. Ochronę przyrody nieożywionej w Sudetach zapoczątkowali Niemcy, a po 1945 roku kontynuowali naukowcy polscy. Obecnie sieć geostanowisk obejmuje 2 parki narodowe, 7 parków krajobrazowych, 12 rezerwatów geologicznych, 70 pomników przyrody nieożywionej oraz 1 zespół przyrodniczo-krajobrazowy. Prace nad tworzeniem sieci stanowisk dokumentacyjnych - nowej formy ochrony prawnej - są znacznie zaawansowane. Wiele obszarów chronionych na terenie Sudetów przechodzi na terytorium Czech. Takie miejsca powinny był wspólnie chronione. W niniejszym artykule omówiono 8 wybranych geostanowisk w Sudetach

    Old heaps in the Sudetes Mts. – a new geodatabase of the Polish Geological Institute

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    Od końca 2017 roku na portalu internetowym Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego – PIB dostępna jest Geobaza HAŁDY. Zawiera ona informacje i dane o mineralnych surowcach odpadowych zgromadzonych na starych hałdach, składowiskach przemysłowych i w osadnikach poeksploatacyjnych, z terenu polskiej części Sudetów. W artykule przedstawia się rodzaje danych i informacji zawarte w geobazie oraz metodykę ich gromadzenia. W rezultacie czteroletnich prac badawczych, zwiadu terenowego, kwerendy archiwów i geologicznych badań podstawowych zinwentaryzowano 445 obiektów dawnego górnictwa i przetwórstwa kopalin. Są to 403 hałdy kopalniane, 16 osadników przemysłowych, 23 składowiska i 3 zwałowiska zewnętrzne. Głównie są to obiekty po górnictwie węgla kamiennego i rud metali, w tym pouranowe. Największe możliwości gospodarczego wykorzystania odpadów wiążą się z mułami węglowymi, zgromadzonymi w osadnikach zlikwidowanego Dolnośląskiego Zagłębia Węglowego. Do łatwego wykorzystania jest również materiał z kamiennych hałd po górnictwie rud polimetali, żelaza i fluorytu. Wciąż otwarta pozostaje kwestia gospodarczego wykorzystania odpadów poflotacyjnych rud miedzi, czy też odzysku metali (w tym złota) z hałd górnictwa arsenowego. Ograniczeniem jest tu efektywność technologii odzysku metali oraz obostrzenia środowiskowe. Część obiektów znajduje się na terenach chronionych, co wyklucza możliwość zagospodarowania odpadów. Niektóre składowiska i hałdy powinny być starannie zrekultywowane i objęte monitoringiem środowiskowym, ze względu na ich szkodliwe oddziaływanie na komponenty środowiska.As of the spring of 2017, the HAŁDY Database is available on the Polish Geological Institute – NRI website. The geodatabase contains information and data on waste mineral raw materials collected on old heaps, 148 industrial waste stock-piles and in post-mining settlers, from the Polish part of the Sudety Mountains. The article presents the types of data and information contained in the geodatabase and the methodology for their collection. As a result of four-year research works, field reconnaissance, archives and geological basic research, 445 objects of former mining and mineral processing were inventoried. There are 403 mine heaps, 16 industrial settlers, 23 stock-piles and 3 external dumps. These are mainly objects after coal mining and metal ores, including post-uranium. The greatest opportunities for the economic use of waste are associated with coal sludge accumulated in settlers of the liquidated Lower Silesian Coal Basin. The material from stone heaps after polymetallic, iron and fluorite ore mining is also easy to use. The issue of the economic use of post-flotation copper ore waste or the recovery of metals (including gold) from dumps of arsenic mining remains open. The limitation here is the efficiency of metal recovery technologies and environmental restrictions. Some of the objects are located in protected areas, which excludes the possibility of waste management. Some stock-piles and heaps should be carefully reclaimed and covered by environmental monitoring, due to their harmful impact on environmental components

    Self-government HPV vaccination programmes in Poland, 2009–2016

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    Introduction. Cervical cancer is the fourth neoplasm in women with respect to incidence. In Poland, both cervical cancer incidence and corresponding mortality are gradually decreasing. Despite these improvements, the epidemiological situation significantly deviates from European standards. Poland has one of Europe’s lowest five-year survival rates at 54.1% for patients diagnosed in 2000–2002, compared to the European mean value of 62.1%. Objective. The aim of this study is to present health policy programmes related to HPV vaccinations run by local self-government units in 2009–2016. Materials and method. The research is based on analysis of already existing data developed by provincial governors and annual information reviews on health-policy programmes implemented by local self-government units presented to the Ministry of Health. All the programmes that included HPV vaccinations have been subjected to analysis. Results. In 2009–2016, local government units implemented a total of 1,204 health policy programmes that covered HPV vaccinations. Under these programmes, 2.05% of girls aged 10–14 were vaccinated. Percentage-wise, these were communes that contributed the most financially to the HPV vaccination programmes, whereas the counties the least. Conclusions. Local self-government’s programmes covering HPV vaccinations conform with the trends outlined in strategic documents on fighting neoplastic diseases. It is possible that the availability of HPV vaccination was limited for girls living in rural communes. Differences in the number of programmes, number of vaccinated girls and the financial outlays allocated for the implementation of HPV vaccination programmes in particular provinces, may be determined by the epidemiological situation in a given region, measured by the incidence rate of cervical cancer