65 research outputs found

    Application of Multicriteria Decision-Making Methods in Railway Engineering: A Case Study of Train Control Information Systems (TCIS)

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    In order to improve its position in the transport market railway, as a complex system, it has to fulfill a number of objectives such as increased capacity and asset utilization, improved reliability and safety, higher customer service levels, better energy efficiency and fewer emissions, along with increased economic viability and profits. Some of these objectives call for the implementation of maximum values, while some of them require minimum values. Additionally, some can be expressed quantitatively, while some, for example, customer service, can be described qualitatively through a descriptive scale of points. The application of MCDM in railway engineering can play a significant role. Therefore, the major objective of this chapter is the review of the application of MCDM methods in railway engineering. As one of the means in achieving the objectives of railways and above all the utilization of capacity are Train Control Information Systems (TCIS). Based on that, the aim of this chapter is the evaluation of the efficiency of TCIS in the improvement of railway capacity utilization through defined technical-technological indicators. The non-radial Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) model for the evaluation of TCIS efficiency in improvement of utilization of railway capacity using the selected indicators is proposed. The proposed non-radial DEA model for TCIS efficiency evaluation in using railway capacity could be applied to an overall network or for separate parts of railway lines

    Proizvodna, nutritivna i antioksidativna svojstva sorti ribizle (Ribes cv.)

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    Currant (Ribes sp.) is a very important berry fruit species ranking the second, after strawberry, for its commercial production on a world scale. In Serbia, currant is unjustifiably neglected fruit species because Serbia has very favorable agro-climate conditions for its successful growing and market demands for this fruit are persistent. Sporadic cultivation on small size areas or individual holdings, resulting in low yields and poor quality fruit, does not meet the demands of domestic market. Therefore, the production of this high-profitable fruit species must be intensified, which is possible to achieve not only by planting orchards based on modern technology of fruit growing principles but also by introducing new varieties of high quality fruits. Currant cultivars, especially representatives of black currant, demonstrate potent anti-oxidative, antiinflammatory, anti-microbial and anti-cancer activities due to the presence of phenolic compounds and vitamins in their fruits. Taking into account currant fruit species’ outstanding nutritional and medicinal properties as well as excellent production characteristics, the aim of investigations was to examine newly introduced cultivars of black, red and white currant and establish the suitability for their larger-scale cultivation in agro-ecological conditions of Serbia. The obtained results will be used to choose the cultivars with best properties to be recommended for exploitation in more intensive growing orchards covering larger production areas. Investigations predominantly focused on currant fruit biochemical properties and juices, and fatty oils quality from seeds of various cultivars was determined via essential fatty acids contents. Due to steady consumption needs for this fruit, analysis involved the effects of technological treatments (freezing and processing) on the contents and activities of polyphenolic components in them. Investigations were carried out in a currant collection orchard, the property of the “Omega” nursery (Mislodjin village, Obrenovacka Posavina), in the period 2007- 2009. The experimental orchard was planted in 2006, using the hedge system (a bush form), at 1.8 m of inter-row and 0.8 m intra-row spacing. Investigations comprised 29 currant cultivars (13 black currant cultivars, 11 red currant cultivars and 5 white currant cultivars). Laboratory analyses were performed at the Chair of Fruit Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade University, and at the Institute for Medicinal Plant Research “Dr. Josif Pancic’, Belgrade...Ribizla (Ribes sp.) je veoma značajna vrsta jagodastih voćaka, koja se po obimu proizvodnje u svetskim razmerama nalazi na drugom mestu, odmah iza jagode. U Srbiji je ribizla neopravdano zapostavljena vrsta, iako postoje izuzetno pogodni agroklimatski uslovi za njeno uspešno gajenje i konstantna tražnja na tržištu za ovim voćem. Sporadično gajenje na malim površinama ili okućnicama, praćeno niskim prinosima i lošijim kvalitetom ploda, ne zadovoljava potrebe domaćeg tržišta. Stoga, nameće se potreba za intenziviranjem proizvodnje ove visokorentabilne vrste voćaka, a to je moguće ostvariti ne samo podizanjem zasada po principu moderne tehnologije gajenja, već i introdukcijom novih sorti visokog kvaliteta ploda. Sorte ribizle, a naročito predstavnici crne ribizle, zahvaljujući prisustvu fenolnih jedinjenja i vitamina u svojim plodovima, ispoljavaju vrlo visoku antioksidativnu, antiinflamatornu, antimikrobnu i antikarcinogenu aktivnost. Uzimajući u obzir izražena nutritivna i lekovita svojstva plodova ribizle, kao i odlične proizvodne osobine ove voćne vrste, cilj ovih istraživanja je bio da se ispitaju novointodukovane sorte crne, crvene i bele ribizle i ustanovi pogodnost njihovog masovnijeg gajenja u agreokološkim uslovima Srbije. Dobijeni rezultati poslužiće za odabir sorti sa najboljim karakteristikama, koje će biti preporučene za esploataciju u intenzivnim zasadima na znatno većim proizvodnim površinama. Poseban akcenat u istraživanjima je dat biohemijskim svojstvima plodova i sokova sorti ribizle, a preko sadržaja esencijalnih masnih kiselina određen je i kvalitet masnih ulja iz semena različitih sorti. Zbog potrebe za stalnim konzumom plodova i sokova ribizle, analiziran je uticaj tehnoloških tretmana (zamrzavanja i prerade) na sadržaj i aktivnost polifenolnih komponenti u njima. Ispitivanja su vršena u kolekcionom zasadu ribizle na imanju rasadnika „Omega“ (selo Mislođin, Obrenovačka Posavina), u periodu 2007-2009. godina. Ogledni zasad je podignut 2006. godine, po sistemu žive ograde (forma žbunova), sa međurednim rastojanjem od 1,8 m i rastojanjem u redu od 0,8 m. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 29 sorti ribizle (13 sorti crne, 11 sorti crvene i pet sorti bele ribizle). Laboratorijska ispitivanja su vršena na Katedri za voćarstvo Poljoprivrednog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu i na Institutu za proučavanje lekovitog bilja „Dr Josif Pančić“ u Beogradu..


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    Apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.) is the most important of the deciduous tree fruits in Serbia in last decade, with annual production of about 450.000 tonnes. The cultivar Gala is one of the most represented cultivar in orchard. Serious problem in increase of profitability of apple producers in Serbia is low fruits quality of this cultivar, especially expressed in decrease of surface blushing. Summer pruning, before fruits harvest is one of possiability to improved their quality. In this paper the aim of examination was to determine effects of three different times of summer pruning to productivity and fruits quality of cultivar Gala Brookfield. The trees pruning four weeks before harvest (treatment 1) had significantly bigger fruits (138.6 g) with higher diameter (68.4 mm), percent of surface blushing (66.3 %) and content of soluble solid (12.9° Brix) according to other treatments. The trees pruning two weeks before pruning (treatment 3) had the lowest fruits quality in terms of fruits mass (109.5 g), intensity of surface blushing (1.6) and content of soluble solid  (11.4° Brix). Mainly, the highest values of fruits quality in all treatments had fruits in upper part of trees. Trees in treatment 1 and treatment 2 (pruning threes weeks before harvest) had fruits with more than 65% of surface blushing and without of sunburn demage

    Određivanje zona različitog trajanja vegetacije šljive na prostoru Srbije

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    Zoning of Serbia territory was performed according to the length of active period of photosynthesis for plum cv. Požegača. Relations between thermal indicators of location and plum growing period length are examined. It was found that the length of growing period is of great extent, determined by the length of frost-free period, as well as by the mean annual air temperature and the mean air temperature for the growing period. The study was carried out using data from 55 phenological and 26 climatological stations in Serbia for the period from 1961 to 1995.U radu je izvršeno zoniranje prostora Srbije na osnovu srednjeg trajanja fotosinetske aktivnosti listova šljive sorte Požegača. Analizirani su i odnosi toplotnih pokazatelja lokaliteta i trajanja vegetacije ove voćke na osnovu podataka sa 55 fenoloških i 26 klimatoloških stanica u Srbiji u periodu od 1961. do 1995. godine. Toplotni uslovi sredine u velikoj meri određuju početak listanja ove voćke, ali ne i fenološku fazu žućenja listova. Dugom vegetacijom šljive požegače odlikuju se lokaliteti sa visokim srednjom godišnjim i srednjom vegetacionom (april - oktobar) temperaturama vazduha i dugim bezmraznim periodom. Mesta sa visokom srednjom temperaturom vazduha u martu i srednjim datumom pojave poslednjeg mraza do 5. aprila, predstavljaju potencijalno povoljne lokalitete za gajenje sorti šljive ranog vremena zrenja

    Environmental Efficiency Assessment of Dublin Port Using Two-Stage Non-Radial DEA Model

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    Global maritime trade has reached 11 billion tons and accounts for more than 80% of global merchandise trade (United Nations Conference on Trade & Development (UNCTAD), 2019). As a result, there is a wide range of vessels, from very large bulk carriers (coal, ores, grains, etc., and crude oil/refinery carriers) to container ships to various cruise ships and naval vessels. To efficiently accommodate these various vessels, ports have had to evolve from wharves to efficient logistical hubs within the larger supply chain that move vessels deeper into the hinterland. Port development is critical to managing the growing volume of cargo (European Commission (EC), 2011)

    An Evaluation of Indicators of Railway Intelligent Transportation Systems using the Group Analytic Hierarchy Process

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    Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) have a significant and promising role in the overall improvement of transport performances. However, in the absence of a set of key performance indicators (KPI), it is very difficult to evaluate ITS and the effects of their application objectively. Therefore, the first aim of the paper is to develop an appropriate KPIs for assessment of railway ITS and the monitoring of their impacts. Based on that, a tool for the evaluation of the importance of these indicators is proposed. For that purpose a set of twenty-four indicators was grouped by topics under the economic, social, and environmental dimensions of sustainability. The paper thoroughly describes their development and classification. An evaluation of indicators based on expert opinions via the Group Analytic Hierarchy Process (GAHP) method is presented. Results obtained by the GAHP method illustrate the importance or significance of indicators for railway ITS

    Proizvodne osobine novijih sorti jabuke gajenih u sistemu kose sadnje

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    Productive traits of apple cultivars Top red (4.395 trees per ha), Rajnders (4.395 trees per ha) and Fudži (3.809 trees per ha), which were grown in V training system in slender spindle form were examined in this paper. Total yield of these cultivars in second and third year after planting was between 58,67 t (Top red) and 79, 72 t (Fudži) and average fruit weight was from 172,65 g (Rajnders) to 220,33 g (Top red).U radu je analizirana proizvodna vrednost sorti jabuke: Top red (4.395 stabala po hektaru), Rajnders (4.395 stabala po hektaru) i Fudži (3.809 stabala po hektaru), gajenih u sistemu kose sadnje u formi vitkog vretena. Kumulativni prinos ovih sorti u drugoj i trećoj godini po sadnji kretao se između 58,67 tona (Top red) i 79, 72 tone (Fudži), a prosečna masa plodova od 172,65 g (Rajnders) do 220,33 g (Top red)

    Bio-chemical properties and susceptibility to fire blight (Erwinia amylovora Burrill) of scab-resistant apple cultivars (Malus domestica Borkh.)

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    The focus of our research was to evaluate different apples cultivars in terms of their biological properties and bioactive compounds content, and determine the levels of their resistance (or susceptibility) to fire blight. The properties of 10 scab-resistant apple cultivars were examined on the Zica monastery estate (West Serbia) during the period from 2011 to 2015. The biological and chemical properties such as firmness, maturity stage, total soluble solids, total acids, total and reducing sugars, ascorbic acid content and surface blush of apple fruits were monitored. Various phenolic compounds in the tested samples were tentatively identified by LC-MS analyses. A study of generative properties included: number of flowerbuds, fruit mass and width, crop load, yield efficiency and yield. During the period of blooming and intensive shoot growth, artificial inoculations were carried out. For each cultivar, a fire blight score was determined by dividing the average length of necrotic tissue by the average total shoot length. In the study period, the cultivars 'CroldRush' (41.1 t ha(-1)) and 'Florina' (35.9 t ha(-1)) produced the highest yields, and the cultivars 'Discovery' (19.0 t ha(-1)) and Selection 25/63 (15.1 t ha(-1)) the lowest. The cultivar 'William's Pride' produced the largest fruits, with an average fruit mass of 206.8 g. The earliest harvest period was recorded for the cultivar 'Discovery' (end of July), and the latest for the cultivar 'CroldRush' (beginning of October). The cultivar 'Enterprise' had the highest value of total phenols (432.2 mg 100 g(-1) FW), while the cultivar 'Topaz' had the highest value of total flavanols (145.2 mg 100 g(-1) FW). The highest degree of susceptibility to fire blight was found in Selection 25/63, and the greatest resistance was manifested by the cultivar 'CroldRush'. In the five-year study period, the cultivars 'GoldRush', 'Rewena' and 'Enterprise' exhibited better bio-chemical properties and higher levels of resistance to fire blight than the remaining cultivars

    Pomološke osobine novijih sorti bele ribizle (Ribes niveum L.)

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    The paper presents the results pomological testing of 5 varieties white currant (Primus, Bela Šampanjska, Bela iz Iteburga, Bela Perla and Viktoria), in the period 2007 - 2008 year. Essay are followed by important indicators of the physical properties of grapes and physical and chemical properties of fruit. The analysis results revealed that the variety Primus has a significantly higher production value than the other varieties, which is recommended for further expansion in similar conditions.U radu su prikazani rezultati pomoloških ispitivanja 5 sorti bele ribizle (Primus, Bela Šampanjska, Bela iz Iteburga, Bela Perla i Viktoria), u periodu 2007 - 2008 godine. Ogledom su praćeni važniji pokazatelji fizičkih osobina grozda i fizičkih i hemijskih osobina ploda. Analizom dobijenih rezultata utvrđeno je da sorta Primus poseduje značajno veću proizvodnu vrednost od ostalih sorti, što je preporučuje za dalje širenje u sličnim agroklimatskim uslovima


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    Apples fruit quality is mainly influenced by biotic and abiotic factors. Various possible pomological approaches are able to improve fruit quality and market value. Among these, techniques of fruit bagging and summer pruning have become an integral part of pomological practises in many countries, because it is a safe and eco-friendly technique to protect fruits from multiple stresses, preserving or improving the overall quality. The bagging consists essentially of enclosing a young fruit in a cardboard bag. Isolating the fruit from the external environment protects it during development from mechanical or biotic damage, especially in regions where fruits are prone to attacks by fungi, bacteria, insects and even birds. The expected increasing fruit skin color in comparison to non-bagged fruits can therefore correspond either to a reduction or an increase in color or even a greater homogeneity of the color itself. The aim of this research was to determine how the application of post-harvest aids affects the quality of fruits and storage capacity of three cultivars of late-ripening apples (Breaburn, Fuji and Pink Lady). Applying summer pruning and covering apple fruits with cardboard bags has a positive effect on increasing the surface of the complementary color on the skin of the fruit.In addition, the influence of these measures on the physical and chemical properties of the fruits after harvest and storage for a period of four months was examined. The experiment was set up in 2019 in a completely randomized design with five replications in the nine leaves old orchards of the Faculty of Agriculture in Belgrade. The used pre-harvest treatments influenced the increase in yield, fruit firmness, and chemical composition. The summer pruning of branches four weeks before harvesting significantly improve percentage of fruit skin color to all examined cultivars, while bagging of fruits only had increased of fruit skin to cultivar Breaburn. &nbsp