90 research outputs found

    Sintesi ed analisi CE/MS, in matrici biologiche, di nuove amfetamine e feniletilammine designer drugs

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    L’attività allucinogena sull’uomo della 2,5- dimetossi-4-metilamfetamina (DOM), è riconducibile ad un’elevata affinità per il recettore serotoninergico. Ulteriori sostituzioni in posizione 4 con piccoli gruppi alchilici, quali etile (DOET) e propile (DOPR), o con alogeni, producono composti con effetti DOM-like di potenza pari o addirittura superiore alla stessa DOM. Sulla base di queste considerazioni in primo luogo sono state selezionate le molecole di questa serie già inserite nelle tabelle ministeriali come sostanze stupefacenti (DMA, DOM, DOB, DOET, 2C-T-2, 2C-T-7, 2CI, 2C-B). Successivamente sono state identificate le molecole ad esse più strettamente correlate sia dal punto di vista strutturale che dell’attività per un totale di venti molecole, che ci sono sembrate le più rappresentative di tutta la serie. Data l’elevata solubilità in acqua dei cloridrati 12nfetaminici, l’elettroforesi capillare accoppiata alla spettrometria di massa (CE-MS) si è rivelata la tecnica ideale per l’analisi di queste molecole

    Formamidines with antinociceptive and antiinflammatory activities

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    Pursuing our investigations on 7-amino-2,3-polymethyleneindole derivatives, a set of 7-(dimethylaminomethylene)-amino-2,3-polymethyleneindoles, together with some other aryl or cycloalkyl substituted formamidines, were prepared and tested for analgesic and antiinflammatory activities. Several compounds resulted endowed with one or both of these activities; the indole derivatives 1 and 2 exhibited a good degree of both of them

    Amides and formamidines with antinociceptive activity: note II

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    Forty amides, formamidines and trifluoromethylsulfonylamides bearing on the nitrogen a cyclohexyl residue, eventually 2-substituted, were prepared and tested for analgesic activity against a chemical stimulus. Good activity was exhibited by amides 9, 11 and 28, by formamidine 34, as well as by triflyamide 40. Eleven additional compounds exhibited a moderate activity

    Fungicidal activity of some o-nitrophenyl-hydrazones

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    The antimycotic activity of 16 o-nitrophenylhydrazones against strains of Hansenula anomala, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Candida parapsyliosis, and Cryptococcus albidus was tested. All 16 compounds inhibited growth of the yeast strains. The inhibitory activity of the 4 methyl-derivatives substituted on the aromatic nucleus was particularly significant

    Determinazione di nuove feniletilamine designer drugs (serie 2C-T) nel plasma umano mediante CE/MS

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    I composti della serie 2C-T appartengono alla classe delle 2,5-dimetossifeniletilamine 4- tiosostituite. In questo lavoro riportiamo i risultati di uno studio sulla determinazione nel plasma umano di quattro derivati della serie 2C-T, mediante elettroforesi capillare accoppiata alla spettrometria di massa

    Prepuberal stimulation of 5-HT7-R by LP-211 in a rat model of hyper-activity and attention-deficit: permanent effects on attention, brain amino acids and synaptic markers in the fronto-striatal interface

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    The cross-talk at the prefronto-striatal interface involves excitatory amino acids, different receptors, transducers and modulators. We investigated long-term effects of a prepuberal, subchronic 5-HT7-R agonist (LP-211) on adult behaviour, amino acids and synaptic markers in a model for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Naples High Excitability rats (NHE) and their Random Bred controls (NRB) were daily treated with LP-211 in the 5th and 6th postnatal week. One month after treatment, these rats were tested for indices of activity, non selective (NSA), selective spatial attention (SSA) and emotionality. The quantity of L-Glutamate (L-Glu), L-Aspartate (L-Asp) and L-Leucine (L-Leu), dopamine transporter (DAT), NMDAR1 subunit and CAMKIIα, were assessed in prefrontal cortex (PFC), dorsal (DS) and ventral striatum (VS), for their role in synaptic transmission, neural plasticity and information processing. Prepuberal LP-211 (at lower dose) reduced horizontal activity and (at higher dose) increased SSA, only for NHE but not in NRB rats. Prepuberal LP-211 increased, in NHE rats, L-Glu in the PFC and L-Asp in the VS (at 0.250 mg/kg dose), whereas (at 0.125 mg/kg dose) it decreased L-Glu and L-Asp in the DS. The L-Glu was decreased, at 0.125 mg/kg, only in the VS of NRB rats. The DAT levels were decreased with the 0.125 mg/kg dose (in the PFC), and increased with the 0.250 mg/kg dose (in the VS), significantly for NHE rats. The basal NMDAR1 level was higher in the PFC of NHE than NRB rats; LP-211 treatment (at 0.125 mg/kg dose) decreased NMDAR1 in the VS of NRB rats. This study represents a starting point about the impact of developmental 5-HT7-R activation on neuro-physiology of attentive processes, executive functions and their neural substrates

    Ketogal: A Derivative Ketorolac Molecule with Minor Ulcerogenic and Renal Toxicity

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    Ketorolac is a powerful non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), with a great analgesic activity, present on the Italian market since 1991. Despite the excellent therapeutic activity, the chronic use of ketorolac has long been limited owing to the high incidence of gastrointestinal and kidney side events. In our previous study, we demonstrated that ketorolac–galactose conjugate (ketogal), synthesized and tested in a single-dose study, was able to reduce ulcerogenicity, while preserving the high pharmacological efficacy of its parent drug. In this paper, in order to verify the suitability of this compound, for repeated administration, ex vivo experiments on naïve mice were performed. Mice were treated for 5 or 7 days with the highest doses of two drugs (ketorolac 10 mg/kg and ketogal 16.3 mg/kg), and the expression of both gastric COX-1 and PGsyn was evaluated. Results showed that oral ketorolac treatment significantly reduced both enzymes; surprisingly, oral treatment with ketogal did not produce significant variation in the expression of the two constitutive enzymes. Moreover, histological experiments on stomach and kidneys clearly indicated that repeated administration of ketogal induced lower toxicity than ketorolac. At same time, in vivo results clearly showed that both ketorolac and ketogal had a similar therapeutic activity in a model of inflammation and in pain perception. These effects were accompanied by the reduction of enzyme expression such as COX-2 and iNOS, and by the modulation of levels of nuclear NF-kB and cytosolic IkB-a in the inflamed paws. These very encouraging results demonstrate for the first time that ketogal could represent a valid and novel therapeutic alternative to the ketorolac and might pave the way for clinical studies

    Synthesis of amides with anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities

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    A series of N-Aroyl-cyclohexyl- and cyclohexenylamides 3- or 4-methylsubstituted were synthesized and evaluated for their anti-inflammatory and analgesic potencies, and gastrointestinal irritation liability. One compound, N-benzoyl-4-methyl-cyclohexylamide 6a, possessed an anti-inflammatory activity comparable to that of indomethacin

    Determination of 4-alkyl 2,5 dimethoxy-amphetamine derivatives by capillary electrophoresis with mass spectrometry detection from urine samples

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    The methylenedioxy-derivatives of amphetamine represent the largest group of designer drugs. The 4-methyl (DOM), -ethyl (DOET) and -propyl (DOPR) derivatives of 2,5-dimethoxy-amphetamine (2,5-DMA) were found to possess quite similar serotonin receptor affinities [R.A. Glennon, D.L. Doot, R. Young, Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. 14 (1981) 287.]. This paper describes a method to screen for and quantify DOM, DOET and DOPR in urine samples, using capillary electrophoresis coupled to electrospray ionisation-mass spectrometry (CE-ESI-MS). Prior to CE-MS analysis, a simple solid-phase extraction (SPE) was used for sample cleanup. The method was validated according to international guidelines. Data for accuracy and precision were within required limits. Calibration curves were generated ranging from 10 to 1000 ng/mL and correlation coefficients always exceeded 0.996

    Coal-oil mixture from a synthetic oil obtained by hydroliquefaction of a South African coal

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    A coal-oil mixture (COM) was prepared from a South African coal and a synthetic oil derived from the same coal by hydroliquefaction. The settling and rheological properties of this mixture were compared with those of a mixture of the same coal with fuel oil. The synthetic oil mixture showed greater settling stability, comparable with that of a commercial COM containing additives. The increased stability may be related to polar compounds present in the oil and on the coal surface
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