4 research outputs found

    Measuring a Safety Culture: Critical Pathway or Academic Activity?

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    he Institute of Medicine (IOM) identified six core needs in a health care system, the first of which was safety. 1 Furthermore, several IOM committees and others have identified the creation of a “culture of safety ” as the key institutional requirement to achieve safe medical care. 1–3 In this issue of the journal, Modak et al. 4 present an instrument that may help measure the extent to which a patient safety culture exists in an ambulatory setting. While these authors and others have done considerable work on defining and measuring a culture of safety in the hospital setting, 5,6 few have tackled the difficult task of measuring a safety culture in the ambulatory arena within the US health care system. Even in the hospital setting, where there has been more effort, the development of a culture of safety within all US hospitals has been spotty and, for some safety advocates, too slow. 7 There are many potential reasons for the poor progress in developing a culture of safety: confusion about the difference between safety and quality, concerns that increasing safety will further erode profits, or perhaps simply a lack of attention by institutional leaders. Whatever the reasons for the slow pace of transformation across the nation’s 5,000-plus hospitals, it is likely that this transformation will be even more difficult to achieve in the much larger and more diverse ambulatory setting. Thus, it is important to define and measure an ambulatory culture of safety. It is also difficult, perhaps impossible, to change beliefs, attitudes, knowledge, or actions (all components of a “culture”) without some form of feedback. Therefore, a necessary step in creating a culture of safety is to develop tools to measure the components of that culture. For those individuals and institutions that wish to truly improve the safety of the care they deliver, the creation and testing of tools such as the Safety Attitudes Questionnaire-Ambulatory (SAQ-A) version is critical. Beliefs, attitudes, and knowledge do not always lend themselves to clear-cut end points. Thus, we can expect to see more than one safety culture measuremen