34 research outputs found

    Pomoći žrtvama ratnog nasilja - Ā«Projekt 1 Billion Ā»

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    Ministarstvo zdravstva i socijalne skrbi Republike Hrvatske sudjeluje u velikom međunarodnom projektu usmjerenom ka pomoći žrtvama ratnog nasilja. Ā«Projekt 1 Billion Ā» prvi je međunarodni Ā  projekt posvećen isključivo problemu poratnog oporavka stanovniÅ”tva s naglaskom na psihičko zdravlje unesrećene populacije. Procjenjuje se da je preko milijardu ljudi Å”irom svijeta proživjelo tragično iskustvo rata, etničkih sukoba i drugih nasilnih konflikata. Preživjele žrtve nasilja Ā  i njihove obitelji Ā  se često same, ili uz nedovoljnu pomoć nacionalnih zdravstvenih sustava i samih oslabljenih ratom, bore s teÅ”kim psihičkim traumama. Projekt je i dobio ime po toj milijardi ratom unesrećenih Ā  ljudi

    The Metabolic Syndrome - Historical Notice

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    Godine 1988. Reaven je opisao ulogu inzulinske rezistencije i hiperinzulinizma i nazvao je "sindrom X" po kojem se Å”iroko prepoznaje. Suvremena defi nicija metabolički sindrom označava kao skupinu metaboličkih poremećaja povezanih sa stanjem inzulinske rezistencije koji su često povezani s visokim rizikom od fenotipa prekomjerne težine i pretilosti. Metabolički sindrom je danas najvažniji izvor novih dijabetičnih bolesnika, a isto tako najveći uzrok koronarne bolesti.In 1988, G. Reaven described the role of insulin resistance and hyperinsulinism and gave it the name by which it has become widely recognised, "Syndrome X". A contemporary defi nition of Metabolic Syndrome refers to a cluster of metabolic disorders related to insulin resistance, a state that is often associated with a high-risk overweight/ obesity phenotype. Today, metabolic syndrome is the most important source of new diabetic cases, as well as the major cause of coronary heart disease

    On the Ocassion of Course Osteoporosis

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    The antioxidative protecting role of the Mediterranean diet [Antioksidativno protektivno djelovanje mediteranske dijete]

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    Recent meta-analysis shows that adherence to a Mediterranean diet (MD) can significantly decrease the risk of overall mortality, mortality from cardiovascular diseases, as well as incidence of mortality from cancer, and incidence of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. All of these diseases could be linked to oxidative stress (OS) as antioxidative effect of MD is getting more attention nowadays. Although a lot of research has been done in this area and it suggests antioxidative protective role of MD, the presented evidence is still inconclusive. The aim of this paper is to review studies investigating the effect of MD on OS, as well as to identify the areas for further research

    The Jubilees of the Discovery of Insulin & Glycemic Index: Where Conventional meets Complementary Medicine in the Management of Diabetes Mellitus

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    This year we marked two important jubilees in the management of diabetes mellitus: one is the discovery of insulin 90 years ago and the other one is the introduction of the Glycemic Index, 60 years later, both originated at the University of Toronto, Canada. Both discoveries can help to improve diabetes tremendously and thus have contributed to the advancement of management of this troubling disease the incidence of which continues to climb at a staggering rate

    Red blood cell distribution width as a prognostic marker of mortality in patients on chronic dialysis: a single center, prospective longitudinal study

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    Aim To determine if red cell distribution width (RDW) is associated with all-cause mortality in patients on chronic dialysis and to evaluate its prognostic value among validated prognostic biomarkers. Methods This is a single center, prospective longitudinal study. At the time of inclusion in January 2011, all patients were physically examined and a routine blood analysis was performed. A sera sample was preserved for determination of NT-pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-pro-BNP) and eosinophil cationic protein. Carotid intima media thickness (IMT) was also measured. Following one year, all-cause mortality was evaluated. Results Of 100 patients, 25 patients died during the follow- up period of one-year. Patients who died had significantly higher median [range] RDW levels (16.7% [14.3-19.5] vs 15.5% [13.2-19.7], P < 0.001. They had significantly higher Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status (4 [2-4] vs 2 [1-4], P < 0.001), increased intima-media thickness (IMT) (0.71 [0.47-1.25] vs 0.63 [0.31-1.55], P = 0.011), increased NT-pro-BNP levels (8300 [1108-35000] vs 4837 [413-35000], P = 0.043), and increased C-reactive protein (CRP) levels (11.6 [1.3-154.2] vs 4.9 [0.4-92.9], P < 0.001). For each 1% point increase in RDW level as a continuous variable, one-year all cause mortality risk was increased by 54% in univariate Cox proportional hazard analysis. In the final model, when RDW was entered as a categorical variable, mortality risk was significantly increased (hazard ratio, 5.15, 95% confidence interval, 2.33 to 11.36) and patients with RDW levels above 15.75% had significantly shorter survival time (Log rank P < 0.001) than others. Conclusions RDW could be an additive predictor for allcause mortality in patients on chronic dialysis. Furthermore, RDW combined with sound clinical judgment improves identification of patients who are at increased risk compared to RDW alone

    Carotid Endarterectomy Unexpectedly Resulted in Optimal Blood Pressure Control

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    Resistant hypertension is defined as hypertension that remains above 140/90 mmHg despite the provision of three or more antihypertensive drugs in a rational combination at full doses and including a diuretic. It is associated with adverse clinical outcome and therefore requires aggressive medical treatment. We present a case of 70-year-old woman who was treated for resistant hypertension with a diuretic, ACE-inhibitor, calcium channel blocker, and with centrally acting antihypertensive, moxonodine. Despite of aggressive medical treatment her blood pressure remained above 160/90 mmHg continuously. Large diagnostic workup excluded common causes of secondary hypertension, but revealed significant carotid stenosis present on left internal carotid artery. Carotid endarterectomy was performed in order to improve cerebrovascular prognosis, but unexpectedly resulted in optimal control of her blood pressure. Two months after operation patient was on only one antihypertensive drug, having blood pressure below 130/85 mmHg. We suggest that in selected patients resistant hypertension could be associated with carotid stenosis and carotid sinus baroreceptor dysfunction. For definite conclusions further studies are warranted