82 research outputs found

    Regionalni aspekti strukturnih promena na porodičnim gazdinstvima Republike Srbije

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    Considering the importance of the size of the land property in regard to the development of agriculture and its effectiveness, the ownership structure, its interdependence with the available labour force (the number of persons and annual work units) and economic size of family holdings, are analysed in the present study. Given that the territory of the Republic of Serbia is very heterogeneous in terms of the achieved level of economic development of certain regions, as well as available resources for the development of agriculture, the structural characteristics are analysed in following four statistical regions: Vojvodina, Belgrade, Å umadija and Western Serbia, Eastern and Southern Serbia. Key indicators of family holding structure in Serbia are compared with the average for the EU-27. The aim of the present paper is to review the basic aspects of structural characteristics of family holdings, based primarily on the size of holdings/holdings, available labour force, economic size, as well as their regional diversity in 2012, according to Agricultural Census.Polazeći od značaja koji veličina poseda ima za razvoj poljoprivrede i njenu efikasnost, u radu je analizirana posedovna struktura, njena međuzavisnost sa raspoloživom radnom snagom (broj lica i godiÅ”nje radne jedinice) i ekonomskom veličinom porodičnih gazdinstava. S obzirom da je teritorija Republike Srbije veoma heterogena u pogledu dostignutog stepena privredne razvijenosti pojedinih regiona, kao i raspoloživih potencijala za razvoj poljoprivrede, to su navedene strukturne promene analizirane na nivou četiri regiona: Region Vojvodine, Beogradski Region, Region Å umadije i Zapadne Srbije, i Region Istočne i Južne Srbije. Ključni pokazatelji strukture poridičnih gazdinstava Srbije prikazani su i u komparaciji sa prosekom za EU-27. Cilj rada je da se sagledaju osnovni aspekti strukturnih promena na porodičnim gazdinstvima, polazeći, prvenstveno, od veličine poseda, raspoložive radne snage, ekonomske veličine, kao i njihove regionalne raznolikosti

    Veličina gazdinstva kao faktor zaposlenosti i dohotka članova porodičnih gazdinstava

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    Based on data collected through a survey of 35 family farms in Vojvodina, specialized in the market-oriented agricultural production, the interdependence of the size of family farm and structure of field crop production was studied, and its impact on the employment of permanent members actively employed in agriculture and their income. It was found that with an increase of farm size from 20 to 100 ha, the utilization of the available fund of working hours of active members increases by almost 2 times. In addition, with an increase in the size of the farm and increase in the share of industrial crops in the structure of field crop production, income per active member of the family household employed in agriculture also exhibits a tendency to increase. Income per active member, on the farms of 50-100 ha, is 3.6 times higher than the income generated on farms of 10-20 ha in size.Na osnovu podataka prikupljenih metodom ankete na 35 porodičnih gazdinstava sa područja Vojvodine specijalizovanih na tržiÅ”no orijentisanu ratarsku proizvodnju u ovom radu je ispitivana međuzavisnost veličine porodičnih gazdinstava i strukture ratarske proizvodnje na zaposlenost aktivnih članova stalno zaposlenih u poljoprivredi i njihov dohodak. Ustanovljeno je da se sa povećanjem veličine gazdinstva sa 20 na 100 ha povećava iskoriŔćenost raspoloživog fonda radnog vremena aktivnih članova stalno zaposlenih u poljoprivredi za skoro 2 puta. Pored toga, sa povećanjem veličine gazdinstva i povećanjem učeŔća industrijskih biljaka u strukturi setve, dohodak po aktivnom članu gazdinstva stalno zaposlenom u poljoprivredi takođe ispoljava tendenciju porasta. Na gazdinstvima veličine 50-100 ha dohodak po aktivnom članu 3,6 puta je veći od dohotka ostvarenog na gazdinstvima veličine poseda 10-20 ha

    Foreign trade and competitiveness of raspberry of the Republic of Serbia and selected countries

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    The subject of this study is the analysis of foreign trade and competitiveness of raspberries from Serbia and selected major producers and exporters (Poland and Ukraine), as well as from neighboring countries where raspberries play an increasingly important role in production and export (Bosnia and Herzegovina and Bulgaria), in the period 2010-2021. The aim of the paper is to examine the competitive position of raspberries from Serbia and selected countries on global market and to give insight into changes between countries regarding competitiveness of raspberries. The results show that Serbia and Poland are leaders in the global market of frozen raspberries. Frozen raspberries from Serbia, Ukraine and Bulgaria are quality competitive, while Polish raspberries are competitive in price. The decrease in competitiveness of the leading countries on global market of frozen raspberries is noticeable, while the greatest increase in competitiveness was achieved in Ukraine

    Značaj poljoprivrede u strukturi zaposlenosti i stepen privredne razvijenosti

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    The regularity of reducing the contribution of agriculture to economic development is reflected in its participation in total employment. In the initial stages of economic development, the participation of those who find employment in agriculture is reduced only relatively, and at a higher level of development the reduction is absolute. The paper analyzes the changed role of agriculture in the structure of employment of certain regions, groups and countries of various degrees of economic development in the world, including the Republic of Serbia. The classification of countries according to their level of economic development is based on the methodology of the World Bank. The given regularity was confirmed on the case of data taken from the KILM database of The International Labor Organization for the period 1995-2014. In developed regions, with high income, the share of agriculture in total employment has fallen below 4%; in the most developed countries, it is about 1%, while in the least developed regions it exceeds 68%. Employment in agriculture in Serbia exceeds 20% and is significantly higher than the average for EU member states (about 5%) and most CEFTA countries (except Albania and Moldova).Sa privrednim razvojem ispoljava se zakonomernost smanjivanja doprinosa poljoprivrede privrednom razvoju, iskazano njenim udelom u ukupnoj zaposlenosti. UčeŔće onih koji zaposlenje nalaze u poljoprivredi se, u početnim fazama privrednog razvoja, smanjuje samo relativno, a na viÅ”em stepenu razvijenosti i apsolutno. U radu se analizira promenjena uloga poljoprivrede u strukturi zaposlenosti pojedinih regiona, grupacija i zemalja u svetu, različitog stepena privredne razvijenosti, uključujući i Republiku Srbiju. Klasifikacija zemalja prema stepenu privredne razvijenosti je izvedena na osnovu metodologije Svetske banke. Navedena zakonomernost je potvrđena na primeru podataka preuzetih iz KILM baze Međunarodne organizacije rada za period 1995-2014. godina. U razvijenim regionima, sa visokim dohotkom, udeo poljoprivrede u ukupnoj zaposlenosti je opao ispod 4%, u najrazvijenijim zemljama iznosi oko 1%, dok u najmanje razvijenim regionima prelazi 68%. Zaposlenost u poljoprivredi Srbije premaÅ”uje 20% i značajno je viÅ”a u odnosu na prosek za zemlje članice EU (oko 5%) i većinu zemalja CEFTA (osim Albanije i Moldavije)

    Merenje prehrambene (ne)sigurnosti i stanje u Srbiji i zemljama u okruženju

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    The problem of hunger and measurement of food (in)security is still a current issue. The international community committed to eliminate all forms of hunger and malnutrition in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. The concept of food security that consists of a number of dimensions (availability, access, quality and stability of food) and indicators measuring all these aspects have changed over time. The aim of this paper is to analyze the most commonly used indicators which describe and measure different dimensions of food (in)security and hunger. It also aims to examine the situation in Serbia and neighboring countries. A comparative analysis was performed using the Global Index hunger (GHI), which is calculated by International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) every year.Problem gladi i merenje prehrambene (ne)sigurnosti, predstavlja, i dalje, aktuelno pitanje. Međunarodna zajednica se obavezala, da u skladu sa ciljevima održivog razvoja (Sustainable Development Goals SDGs) UN eliminiÅ”e glad i sve oblike pothranjenosti do 2030. godine. Koncept prehrambene sigurnosti se tokom vremena menjao i s obzirom da obuhvata viÅ”e dimenzija (raspoloživost, pristup, kvalitet i stabilnost hrane) menjao se broj i tip indikatora koji mere navedene aspekte. Cilj rada je da se analiziraju najčeŔće koriŔćeni indikatori kojima se opisuju i mere različite dimenzije prehrambene (ne)sigurnosti i gladi, kao i da se sagleda stanje u Srbiji i zemljama u okruženju. Komparativna analiza je izvedena primenom Globalnog indeksa gladi (Global Hunger Index-GHI), koji svake godine izračunava Institut za istraživanja u međunarodnoj prehrambenoj politici (International Food Policy Research Institute-IFPRI)

    Otorhinolaryngological war injuries treated at the Vinkovci hospital during Croatian Liberation war

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    Za vrijeme srpske agresije Opća bolnica u Vinkovcima podnijela je veliki teret i postala prava ratna bolnica uz prvu liniju bojiÅ”nice. U sklopu rada kirurÅ”ke ekipe radila je i ORL-služba prilikom zbrinjavanja ratnih ozljeda glave i vrata. Brojne manje ozljede i traumatska oÅ”tećenja sluha, kao i eksplozivne ozljede bubnjića, nisu ovdje prikazane, jer u tijeku žestokog rata nisu sve bile niti evidentirane. Prikazali smo 107 ranjenika sa ozljedama ORL-regije, koji su upisani u veliki operacijski protokol, koje smo zbrinuli za vrijeme Domovinskog rata 1991/92. godine. Najveći broj ozljeda ORL-regije je u nas i definitivno zbrinut, dok su evakuacije u druge zdravstvene ustanove uslijedile zbog opće teÅ”ke ratne situacije i prijetnje od potpunog okruženja grada.The civilian hospital in Vinkovci carried a great burden during Serbian aggression on Croatia and turned into a real wartime hospital on the first front line. Included in a surgical service, an otorhinolaryngological team assisted in taking care of the war injuries of head and neck. Numerous minor injuries and traumatic damage of the sense of hearing as well as axplosive wounds of the eardrum have not been reviewed here, since all of them could not have been registered due to the violent war. We give an overview of 107 wounded with the injuries of ear, nose and throat, who were treated in our hospital during Croatian Liberation War of 1991-1992. Most of the patients with otorhinolaryngological injuries underwent a complete treatment at our hospital, whereas some cases had to be evacuated to other medical centres due to difficult war time and the threat of our town being completely encircled

    Spoljnotrgovinska razmena Srbije i značaj agrarnog sektora

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    The foreign trade of the Serbian economy is characterized by a large deficit and unfavourable structure. The importance of the agrarian sector in total trade is reflected in the constant positive trade balance and increasing participation, particularly in export. The aim of the paper is to analyze the basic characteristics of foreign trade of Serbia, as well as to point out the importance of the agrarian sector in the period 2005-2014. In the first part of the paper are analyzed trends of export, import, and the level of openness of Serbian economy. In the following part the structure of export and import is discussed, and the concentration index presented, or the Herfindahl-Hirschmann index, as well as the diversification index which indicates the difference between the structure of Serbian export and import and the international average. In addition to these indicators, the revealed comparative advantage index was calculated. The analysis of foreign trade of Serbian overall economy indicates a significant presence of agricultural and food products in its structure, particularly in export, and confirms that the agrarian sector is one of few sectors with a constant surplus. Determined indicators show that the comparative advantage in the overall economy trade of Serbia with the world is achieved in primary products and products of lower processing phase, of which a significant part is from the agrarian sector. Therefore, in the final part of the paper the participation of the agrarian sector in the total foreign trade of Serbia is shown.Spoljnotrgovinsku razmenu ukupne ekonomije Srbije karakteriÅ”e veliki deficit i nepovoljna struktura. Značaj agrarnog sektora u ukupnoj razmeni ogleda se u neprestanom pozitivnom spoljnotrgovinskom saldu i povećavanju učeŔća, prvenstveno u izvozu. Cilj rada je analiza osnovnih obeležja spoljnotrgovinske razmene Srbije, kao i ukazivanje na značaj agrarnog sektora u periodu 2005-2014. godine. U prvom delu rada analiziran je trend izvoza, uvoza, kao i stepen otvorenosti srpske ekonomije. U nastavku je razmatrana struktura izvoza i uvoza, obračunati su indeksi koncentracije, odnosno Herfindahl-Hirschmann indeks, kao i indeksi diverzifikacije koji ukazuju na razliku između strukture izvoza i uvoza Srbije i svetskog proseka. Pored ovih pokazatelja, obračunat je i indikator otkrivene komparativne prednosti. Analiza spoljnotrgovinske razmene ukupne ekonomije Srbije ukazuje na značajnu zastupljenost poljoprivredno-prehrambenih proizvoda u njenoj strukturi, posebno izvozu, i potvrđuje da agrarni sektor predstavlja jedan od retkih sektora koji konstantno ostvaruje suficit. Komparativne prednosti u razmeni ukupne ekonomije Srbije sa svetom ostvarene su, prvenstveno, kod primarnih proizvoda i proizvoda niže faze prerade, od kojih je značajan deo iz agrarnog sektora

    Reforma ZAP (2014-2020) i komparacija sa instrumentima agrarne politike Srbije

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    The Republic of Serbia is in the process of joining the EU, which implies harmonization of Serbia's agricultural policy with Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) measures and mechanisms that are constantly in the process of reforming. The aim of the paper is to present the CAP reform solutions for the 2014-2020 programming period, as well as their comparison with the instruments of agricultural policy in Serbia. The analysis is primarily focused on direct payments due to their significance, in the total EU and the CAP budget, and importance in overall agricultural support in Serbia. Comparison of the instruments of CAP with the instruments of agricultural policy of Serbia, within direct payments, indicates significant differences. Namely, agricultural policy of Serbia is characterised by certain forms of direct incentives, which are fully eliminated in the CAP (payments based on output, input subsidies, etc.).Republika Srbija se nalazi u procesu pristupanje EU, Å”to, pored ostalog, podrazumeva usklađivanje agrarne politike Srbije s merama i mehanizmima Zajedničke agrarne politike - ZAP (Common Agricultural Policy), koja se neprekidno reformiÅ”e. Cilj rada jeste da se prikažu reformska reÅ”enja ZAP za period 2014-2020. godine, kao i komparacija s instrumentima agrarne politike Srbije. Analizom su prvenstveno obuhvaćena direktna plaćanja, s obzirom na njihov značaj u ukupnom budžetu EU i budžetu ZAP, te značaj koji imaju u ukupnoj agrarnoj podrÅ”ci u Srbiji. Komparacija instrumenta ZAP s postojećima u agrarnoj politici Srbije, u okviru direktnih plaćanja, ukazuje na to da se ona značajno razlikuju. Naime, u agrarnoj politici Srbije evidentno je prisustvo pojedinih oblika direktnih podsticaja koji su u ZAP potpuno eliminisani (proizvodno vezana plaćanja po autputu; regresi za đubrivo i sl.)

    Otorhinolaryngological war injuries treated at the Vinkovci hospital during Croatian Liberation war

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    Za vrijeme srpske agresije Opća bolnica u Vinkovcima podnijela je veliki teret i postala prava ratna bolnica uz prvu liniju bojiÅ”nice. U sklopu rada kirurÅ”ke ekipe radila je i ORL-služba prilikom zbrinjavanja ratnih ozljeda glave i vrata. Brojne manje ozljede i traumatska oÅ”tećenja sluha, kao i eksplozivne ozljede bubnjića, nisu ovdje prikazane, jer u tijeku žestokog rata nisu sve bile niti evidentirane. Prikazali smo 107 ranjenika sa ozljedama ORL-regije, koji su upisani u veliki operacijski protokol, koje smo zbrinuli za vrijeme Domovinskog rata 1991/92. godine. Najveći broj ozljeda ORL-regije je u nas i definitivno zbrinut, dok su evakuacije u druge zdravstvene ustanove uslijedile zbog opće teÅ”ke ratne situacije i prijetnje od potpunog okruženja grada.The civilian hospital in Vinkovci carried a great burden during Serbian aggression on Croatia and turned into a real wartime hospital on the first front line. Included in a surgical service, an otorhinolaryngological team assisted in taking care of the war injuries of head and neck. Numerous minor injuries and traumatic damage of the sense of hearing as well as axplosive wounds of the eardrum have not been reviewed here, since all of them could not have been registered due to the violent war. We give an overview of 107 wounded with the injuries of ear, nose and throat, who were treated in our hospital during Croatian Liberation War of 1991-1992. Most of the patients with otorhinolaryngological injuries underwent a complete treatment at our hospital, whereas some cases had to be evacuated to other medical centres due to difficult war time and the threat of our town being completely encircled

    Contribution of food industry to economic development of Republic of Serbia and selected European countries

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    Prehrambena industrija predstavlja značajan segment prehrambenog sistema, čija je osnovna uloga da osigura zadovoljavanje prehrambenih potreba stanovniÅ”tva. Predmet istraživanja u radu je analiza značaja prehrambene industrije u privrednom razvoju Republike Srbije u periodu 2016-2020. godina. Cilj istraživanja je da se na osnovu odabranih indikatora izvrÅ”i komparacija doprinosa prehrambene industrije privrednom razvoju u Republici Srbiji i pojedinim evropskim zemljama. Pored opÅ”tih naučnih metoda, u radu se primenjuju matematičko-statističke metode za obračun odabranih indikatora i komparativni metod za njihovo poređenje. Prehrambena industrija Republike Srbije učestvuje sa preko 22% u bruto dodatoj vrednosti prerađivačke industrije. Proizvodnjom prehrambenih proizvoda i pića se bavi oko 3.300 preduzeća koja zapoÅ”ljavaju preko 100 hiljada ljudi, Å”to čini skoro 5% ukupnog broja zaposlenih. UčeŔće poljoprivredno-prehrambenih proizvoda u spoljno-trgovinskoj razmeni Republike Srbije se kreće oko 20% u izvozu i 8% u uvozu. Komparacijom dobijenih rezultata sa istim indikatorima u odabranim evropskim zemljama utvđeno je da prehrambena industrija u Republici Srbiji ima značajnu ulogu u privrednom razvoju i da je njen doprinos viÅ”i u odnosu na doprinos u većini analiziranih zemalja, Å”to je uslovljeno dostignutim stepenom ukupne privredne razvijenosti zemlje, kao i prirodno datom resursnom osnovom.The food industry represents an important segment of the food system, whose main role is to ensure that the population's nutritional needs are met. The subject of research in the paper is the analysis of the importance of the food industry in the economic development of the Republic of Serbia in the period 2016-2020. year. The aim of the research is to compare the contribution of the food industry to economic development in the Republic of Serbia and certain European countries based on selected indicators. In addition to general scientific methods, in the paper are applied mathematical and statistical methods for calculating selected indicators and a comparative method for comparing them. The food industry of the Republic of Serbia participates with over 22% in the gross added value of the processing industry. About 3,300 companies that employ over 100,000 people, which makes up almost 5% of the total number of employees, are engaged in the production of food products and beverages. The share of agricultural and food products in the foreign trade of the Republic of Serbia is around 20% in exports and 8% in imports. By comparing the obtained results with the same indicators in selected European countries, it was found that the food industry in the Republic of Serbia plays a significant role in economic development and that its contribution is higher compared to the contribution in most of the analyzed countries, which is conditioned by the level of overall economic development of the country, as and naturally given resource base
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