12 research outputs found

    Solid-State Fermentation Reduces Phytic Acid Level, Improves the Profile of Myo-Inositol Phosphates and Enhances the Availability of Selected Minerals in Flaxseed Oil Cake

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    U radu su ispitani in vitro sljedeći parametri: udjel fitata (InsP6), svojstva mioinozitol fosfata i iskoristivost esencijalnih mineralnih tvari iz lanene pogače fermentirane s pomoću gljivice Rhizopus oligosporus (DSM 1964 i ATCC 64063). Maseni udjel fitata u lanenoj pogači bio je 13,9 mg/g, nakon 96 sati fermentacije s pomoću R. oligosporus DSM 1964 smanjen je za 48 %, a s pomoću R. oligosporus ATCC 64063 za 33 %. Fermentacijom s pomoću soja DSM 1964 postignuti su bolji rezultati, jer je dobiven dominantni mioinozitol InsP3-5, dok je fermentacijom s pomoću soja ATCC 64603 dobiven uglavnom InsP5-6. Fermentacijom na čvrstoj podlozi od lanene pogače poboljšana je in vitro iskoristivost kalcija za 14 %, magnezija za 3,3 % i fosfora za 2-4 %.Flaxseed oil cake was subjected to fermentation with Rhizopus oligosporus (DSM 1964 a nd ATCC 64063), and the phytate (InsP6) content, myo-inositol phosphate profile and in vitro bioavailability of essential minerals were studied. Flaxseed oil cake had a phytate mass fraction of 13.9 mg/g. A 96-hour fermentation of flaxseed oil cake by R. oligo sporus DSM 1964 and R. oligosporus ATCC 64063 decreased the InsP6 content by 48 and 33 %, respectively. The strains had different phytate-degrading activities: fermentation of flaxseed oil cake with R. oligosporus DSM 1964 was more advantageous, yielding InsP3-5 as a predominating myo-inositol compound, while fermentation with R. oligosporus ATCC 64603 produced predominantly InsP5-6. Solid-state fermentation of flaxseed oil cake enhanced in vitro bioavailability of calcium by 14, magnesium by 3.3 and phosphorus by 2–4 %

    Oncom from Surplus Bread Enriched in Vitamin B12 via In Situ Production by <i>Propionibacterium freudenreichii</i>

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    Bread is a frequently wasted food product. Surplus or stale bread can be successfully processed by solid-state fermentation and used as the only fermentation substrate. Oncom, which originated in Indonesia, is made with moulds of the Neurospora genus. This experiment aimed to obtain oncome from stale bread enriched in vitamin B12. Co-fermentation with N. sitophila and Propionibacterium freudenreichii was carried out on two types of bread differing in chemical composition and initial pH value. Oncom obtained after 5 days of fermentation, depending on the substrate used and the fermentation variant (fungal, fungal-bacterial), contained from 35 to 40% dry mass, from 17.5 to about 23% protein, about 2 to max 5% fat, and from 65 to 74% carbohydrates by weight in dry mass. Vitamin B12 content depended largely on the bacterial strain, the colony-forming unit dose in the inoculum, and also the initial pH of the substrate. The oncom product obtained after co-fermentation with P. freudenreichii DSM 20271 contained a maximum of 1.3 µg/100 g, which corresponds to the vitamin B12 level in a chicken egg

    Fermentation with Edible Rhizopus Strains to Enhance the Bioactive Potential of Hull-Less Pumpkin Oil Cake

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    Solid-state fermentation with food-grade fungal strains can be applied to enhance the bioactive parameters of agro-industrial by-products. Tempe-type fermentation can be adapted to various substrates, but the key factor is the appropriate strain selection. The aim of this study was to compare the potential of Rhizopus strains for obtaining products of improved antioxidant activity from pumpkin oil cake. For this purpose, substances reacting with the Folin-Ciocalteu reagent, with free radical scavenging potential, as well as reducing power were assessed. The effect of the fermentation on the phytate level and inositol phosphate profile in the material was also monitored. The fermentation resulted in the significant enhancement of the antioxidant potential of pumpkin oil cake in the case of all the strains tested, but the most efficient one was R. oligosporus ATCC 64063. During the course of fermentation, the level of phytate in the material decreased (the highest reduction rate was observed in the oil cake fermented with R. oryzae CBS 372.63), while peptides and fungal glucosamine were accumulated. Tempe-type fermentation can be considered as an alternative way of improving the bioactive parameters of pumpkin oil cake and, thanks to the various activities of different Rhizopus strains, it is possible to obtain products of desired parameters

    Rhizopus oligosporus and Lactobacillus plantarum Co-Fermentation as a Tool for Increasing the Antioxidant Potential of Grass Pea and Flaxseed Oil-Cake Tempe

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    Tempe-type fermentation originating from Indonesia can enhance the antioxidant activity of plant material. However, this biological potential depends on substrates and applied microorganisms. This study aimed to determine whether co-fermentation with Rhizopus oligosporus and Lactobacillus plantarum improved antioxidant activity of tempe obtained from grass pea seeds with flaxseed oil-cake addition (up to 30%). For this purpose, substances reacting with Folin&ndash;Ciocalteu reagent and free radicals scavenging potential were measured in water-soluble fractions and dialysates from simulated in vitro digestion. Additionally, the water-soluble phenolic profile was estimated. The higher level of water-extractable compounds with antioxidant activity was determined in co-fermentation products than in fungal fermentation products. Moreover, the fermentation process with the use of L. plantarum contributed to a greater accumulation of some phenolic acids (gallic acid, protocatechuic acid) in tempe without having a negative effect on the levels of other phenolic compounds determined in fungal fermented tempe. During in vitro digestion simulating the human digestive tract, more antioxidant compounds were released from products obtained after co-fermentation than fungal fermentation. An addition of 20% flaxseed oil-cake and the application of bacterial&ndash;fungal co-fermentation, can be considered as an alternative tool to enhance the antioxidant parameters of grass pea tempe

    Enzymatically Extracted Apple Pectin Possesses Antioxidant and Antitumor Activity

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    The biological activity of apple pectin extracted conventionally or enzymatically using endo-xylanase and endo-cellulase, was tested in vitro. The analyses were performerd in tetraplicates and the statistical significance of the differences were assessed using ANOVA, Tukey post hoc and LSD (the least significant difference) tests. Multivariate regression analysis was applied to determine the structural components that have a crucial importance for antioxidant and antitumor properties of pectins. The pectins extracted by enzymes contained up to four times more ferulic acid and showed twice as great ability to neutralize free radicals and Fe(III) reduction. The antiradical potential positively correlated with phenols, fucose and rhamnose content. In the assays performed on HT-29 human adenocarcinoma and B16F10 melanoma cell cultures, the “green” pectins, contrary to acid isolated ones, exhibited remarkable anti-neoplastic potential while being nontoxic to nontransformed L929 cell line. The pectins in the dose of 1 mg/mL were capable of inhibiting adhesion (max 23.1%), proliferation (max 40.4%), invasion (max 76.9%) and anchorage-independent growth (max 90%) of HT-29 cells (significance level p &lt; 0.001). These pectin preparations were slightly less active towards B16F10 cells. The enzyme-isolated apple pectins may be useful as a functional food additive and an ingredient of the ointment formulas for post-surgical melanoma treatment

    Enzymatically Extracted Apple Pectin Possesses Antioxidant and Antitumor Activity

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    The biological activity of apple pectin extracted conventionally or enzymatically using endo-xylanase and endo-cellulase, was tested in vitro. The analyses were performerd in tetraplicates and the statistical significance of the differences were assessed using ANOVA, Tukey post hoc and LSD (the least significant difference) tests. Multivariate regression analysis was applied to determine the structural components that have a crucial importance for antioxidant and antitumor properties of pectins. The pectins extracted by enzymes contained up to four times more ferulic acid and showed twice as great ability to neutralize free radicals and Fe(III) reduction. The antiradical potential positively correlated with phenols, fucose and rhamnose content. In the assays performed on HT-29 human adenocarcinoma and B16F10 melanoma cell cultures, the “green” pectins, contrary to acid isolated ones, exhibited remarkable anti-neoplastic potential while being nontoxic to nontransformed L929 cell line. The pectins in the dose of 1 mg/mL were capable of inhibiting adhesion (max 23.1%), proliferation (max 40.4%), invasion (max 76.9%) and anchorage-independent growth (max 90%) of HT-29 cells (significance level p < 0.001). These pectin preparations were slightly less active towards B16F10 cells. The enzyme-isolated apple pectins may be useful as a functional food additive and an ingredient of the ointment formulas for post-surgical melanoma treatment

    Phenolic Profile, Antioxidant Activity and Amino Acid Composition of Moringa Leaves Fermented with Edible Fungal Strains

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    Solid-state fermentation (SSF) is widely recognised as a technique to increase the bioactive potential and nutritional value of plant materials. However, the effect of this biotreatment differs for individual substrates. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of SSF with filamentous fungi (Rhizopus, Aspergillus, and Neurospora) on a moringa leaf phenolic profile, antioxidant activity, and amino acid composition. A total of 43 phenolic compounds were determined in the dried leaves analysed by HPLC-ESI-TOF-MS. The leaves contained 11.79 mg/g of free phenolics: flavonols (80.6%, mainly quercetin and kaempferol glycosides), hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives (12.3%), vitexin and vicenin (6.9%), and a small amount of lignan (isolariciresinol isomers). The result of the 1-day fermentation was a slight enhancement in the concentration of individual free phenolics (flavones) and the antioxidant activity of the leaves. However, extending the incubation period caused a significant decrease in those parameters and cannot be recommended for obtaining a food fortificant from moringa leaves. In contrast, the 3-day fermentation with N. intermedia led to a 26% average accumulation of individual amino acids. Therefore, the SSF with Neurospora can be a promising method for improving the nutritional composition of moringa leaves and needs further investigation