23 research outputs found

    Network of breathing. Multifunctional role of the diaphragm: a review

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      The diaphragm is the primary muscle involved in active inspiration and serves also as an important anatomical landmark that separates the thoracic and abdominal cavity. However, the diaphragm muscle like other structures and organs in the human body has more than one function, and displays many anatomic links throughout the body, thereby forming a ‘network of breathing’. Besides respiratory function, it is important for postural control as it stabilises the lumbar spine during loading tasks. It also plays a vital role in the vascular and lymphatic systems, as well as, is greatly involved in gastroesophageal functions such as swallowing, vomiting, and contributing to the gastroesophageal reflux barrier. In this paper we set out in detail the anatomy and embryology of the diaphragm and attempt to show it serves as both: an important exchange point of information, originating in different areas of the body, and a source of information in itself. The study also discusses all of its functions related to breathing.

    „Sieć oddechowa”. Wielofunkcyjna rola przepony — przegląd piśmiennictwa

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    Przepona jest głównym mięśniem zaangażowanym w proces oddychania. Stanowi też istotny punkt anatomiczny oddzielający jamę klatki piersiowej od jamy brzusznej. Podobnie jak inne struktury i narządy w ludzkim ciele, spełnia więcej niż jedną funkcję, poprzez wiele połączeń anatomicznych, które razem tworzą „sieć oddechową”. Poza funkcją oddechową, przepona pomaga utrzymać właściwą postawę ciała, stabilizuje bowiem odcinek lędźwiowy kręgosłupa podczas wykonywania rozmaitych czynności ruchowych. Odgrywa także ważną rolę w prawidłowym funkcjonowaniu układu naczyniowego i limfatycznego, a także uczestniczy w czynnościach żołądkowo-przełykowych, takich jak połykanie, wymiotowanie. Jest również barierą antyrefluksową. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono szczegółowo anatomię i zagadnienia związane z embriologią przepony, próbując także wykazać, że jest ona ważny „punktem wymiany informacji” pochodzących z różnych miejsc ludzkiego organizmu oraz że sama w sobie stanowi źródło owych „informacji”. W pracy omówiono także wszystkie funkcje przepony związane z oddychaniem.Przepona jest głównym mięśniem zaangażowanym w proces oddychania. Stanowi też istotny punkt anatomiczny oddzielający jamę klatki piersiowej od jamy brzusznej. Podobnie jak inne struktury i narządy w ludzkim ciele, spełnia więcej niż jedną funkcję, poprzez wiele połączeń anatomicznych, które razem tworzą „sieć oddechową”. Poza funkcją oddechową, przepona pomaga utrzymać właściwą postawę ciała, stabilizuje bowiem odcinek lędźwiowy kręgosłupa podczas wykonywania rozmaitych czynności ruchowych. Odgrywa także ważną rolę w prawidłowym funkcjonowaniu układu naczyniowego i limfatycznego, a także uczestniczy w czynnościach żołądkowo-przełykowych, takich jak połykanie, wymiotowanie. Jest również barierą antyrefluksową. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono szczegółowo anatomię i zagadnienia związane z embriologią przepony, próbując także wykazać, że jest ona ważny „punktem wymiany informacji” pochodzących z różnych miejsc ludzkiego organizmu oraz że sama w sobie stanowi źródło owych „informacji”. W pracy omówiono także wszystkie funkcje przepony związane z oddychaniem

    Hybrid nanofillers creating the stable PVDF nanocomposite films and their effect on the friction and mechanical properties

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    The solvent casting method was used for five types of polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) nanocomposite film preparation. The effect of nanofillers in PVDF nanocomposite films on the structural, phase, and friction and mechanical properties was examined and compared with that of the natural PVDF film. The surface topography of PVDF nanocomposite films was investigated using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and correlative imaging (CPEM, combinate AFM and SEM). A selection of 2D CPEM images was used for a detailed study of the spherulitic morphologies (grains size around 6-10 mu m) and surface roughness (value of 50-68 nm). The chemical interactions were evaluated by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Dominant polar gamma-phase in the original PVDF, PVDF ZnO and PVDF ZnO/V, the most stable non-polar alpha-phase in the PVDF V CH nanocomposite film and mixture of y and oc phases in the PVDF _V and PVDF ZnO/V CH nanocomposite films were confirmed. Moderately hydrophilic PVDF nanocomposite films with water contact angle values (WCA) in the range of 58 degrees-69 degrees showed surface stability with respect to the Zeta potential values. The effect of positive or negative Zeta-potential values of nanofillers (zeta(n)) on the resulting negative Zeta-potential values (zeta) of PVDF nanocomposite films was demonstrated. Interaction of PVDF chains with hydroxy groups of vermiculite and amino and imino groups of CH caused transformation of y-phase to a. The friction properties were evaluated based on the wear testing and mechanical properties were evaluated from the tensile tests based on Young's modulus (E) and tensile strength (Rm) values. Used nanofillers caused decreasing of friction and mechanical properties of PVDF nanocomposite material films.Web of Science1418art. no. 383

    Functional properties of polyurethane ureteral stents with PLGA and papaverine hydrochloride coating

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    Despite the obvious benefits of using ureteral stents to drain the ureters, there is also a risk of complications from 80-90%. The presence of a foreign body in the human body causes disturbances in its proper functioning. It can lead to biofilm formation on the stent surface, which may favor the development of urinary tract infections or the formation of encrustation, as well as stent fragmentation, complicating its subsequent removal. In this work, the effect of the polymeric coating containing the active substance-papaverine hydrochloride on the functional properties of ureteral stents significant for clinical practice were assessed. Methods: The most commonly clinically used polyurethane ureteral Double-J stent was selected for the study. Using the dip-coating method, the surface of the stent was coated with a poly(D,L-lactide-glycolide) (PLGA) coating containing the papaverine hydrochloride (PAP). In particular, strength properties, retention strength of the stent ends, dynamic frictional force, and the fluoroscopic visibility of the stent during X-ray imaging were determined. Results: The analysis of the test results indicates the usefulness of a biodegradable polymer coating containing the active substance for the modification of the surface of polyurethane ureteral stents. The stents coated with PLGA+PAP coating compared to polyurethane stents are characterized by more favorable strength properties, the smaller value of the dynamic frictional force, without reducing the fluoroscopic visibility.Web of Science2214art. no. 770

    Evaluation of the strength properties of materials intended for tracheobronchial tubes

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    The desire to increase the comfort of patients and to continue production despite the decreasing amount of available materials on the market has led to the constant search for novel materials that could be used to obtain tracheobronchial tubes. The aim of this study is to determine the mechanical properties of a new thermoplastic elastomer. Two materials - the thermoplastic elastomer and the natural rubber were subjected to three tests: static tensile test, static compression test and static three-point bending test. During the static tensile test, samples of the tested materials were examined, and during the next two examinations, the final products. The materials underwent the processes of sterilization, hydrolytic degradation and degradation by oxidation. The treated samples were also tested in order to compare the obtained results. The mechanical properties of the tested materials improved both after the hydrolytic degradation and oxidative degradation, as well as after the sterilization process. Yet the thermoplastic elastomer revealed a more noticeable increase. The elastomer hardening is a positive phenomenon potentially leading to fewer accidental closures of the tubes cross-section. Both the sterilization process and various degradation methods improved the mechanical properties by strengthening the tested materials. This phenomenon seems to be desirable to avoid the closure of the implemented tube during its application

    Assessment of the strength properties of tracheostomy tubes

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    W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań wytrzymałościowych materiału wykorzystywanego do produkcji rurek tracheostomijnych oraz dwóch materiałów, przewidzianych do ich produkcji w nowej technologii wywarzania. Przebadano trzy materiały (polietylen małej gęstości przeznaczonego do wytłaczania - polietylen nr 2 oraz dwóch polietylenów małej gęstości przeznaczonych do przetwarzania za pomocą procesu wtrysku - polietylen nr 1 oraz polietylen nr 3) dla których wyznaczono maksymalną siłę zginającą i ściskającą oraz maksymalne naprężenia. Uzyskane wyniki badań poddano analizie w celu poszukiwania optymalnego materiału wykorzystywanego w procesie produkcyjnym.The paper presents the results of strength tests of the material used for the production of tracheostomy tubes and two materials intended for their production in the new manufacturing technology. Three materials (low density polyethylene intended for extrusion - polyethylene No. 2 and two low density polyethylenes intended for injection molding - polyethylene No. 1 and polyethylene No. 3) were tested for which the maximum bending and compressive force and maximum stress were determined. The obtained test results were analyzed in order to search for the optimal material used in the production process

    Impact of diaphragm function parameters on balance maintenance.

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    The diaphragm is well known for its role as the principal muscle of respiration. However, according to previous studies, its role is multifactorial, from breathing through pain perception, regulation of emotional sphere, collaborating in gastroesophageal functions, facilitating the venous and lymphatic return, to an essential role in the maintenance of lumbar spine stability. The purpose of the study was to examine whether diaphragm function parameters (thickness and range of motion) are associated with static balance maintenance. A total of 142 participants were examined and divided into three groups: G1-patients qualified for lung resection due to cancer; G2 -patients after lobe resection; G3 -healthy subjects. Diaphragm thickness and excursion was measured using ultrasonography. Stabilometric parameters of balance were assessed by Zebris FDM-S platform. Greater diaphragm thickening during active breathing and diaphragm thickness fraction were associated with better static balance parameters. Limitation of diaphragm motion during quiet breathing and deep breathing was linked to balance disorders. There was no correlation between diaphragm muscle excursion during sniff maneuvers and balance parameters. Deterioration of diaphragm function observed after thoracic surgery was closely related with deterioration of balance maintenance. Impairment of diaphragm function manifested by decrease of muscle thickness and movement restriction is strongly associated with balance disorders in a clinical sample and among healthy subjects

    Development of novel thin polycaprolactone (PCL)/clay nanocomposite films with antimicrobial activity promoted by the study of mechanical, thermal, and surface properties

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    Infection with pathogenic microorganisms is of great concern in many areas, especially in healthcare, but also in food packaging and storage, or in water purification systems. Antimicrobial polymer nanocomposites have gained great popularity in these areas. Therefore, this study focused on new approaches to develop thin antimicrobial films based on biodegradable polycaprolactone (PCL) with clay mineral natural vermiculite as a carrier for antimicrobial compounds, where the active organic antimicrobial component is antifungal ciclopirox olamine (CPX). For possible synergistic effects, a sample in combination with the inorganic antimicrobial active ingredient zinc oxide was also prepared. The structures of all the prepared samples were studied by X-ray diffraction, FTIR analysis and, predominantly, by SEM. The very different structure properties of the prepared nanofillers had a fundamental influence on the final structural arrangement of thin PCL nanocomposite films as well as on their mechanical, thermal, and surface properties. As sample PCL/ZnOVER_CPX possessed the best results for antimicrobial activity against examined microbial strains, the synergic effect of CPX and ZnO combination on antimicrobial activity was proved, but on the other hand, its mechanical resistance was the lowest.Web of Science1318art. no. 319

    The Analysis of Polyethylene Hip Joint Endoprostheses Strength Parameters Changes after Use inside the Human Body

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    The influence of dynamic loads resulting from human motor activity and electrocorrosion inside the human body on the strength parameters of artificial joint elements has not yet been investigated. Hip joint arthroplasty is the most common surgical procedure in the world that allows doctors to remove pain and restore motor skills in people with severe hip diseases, after accidents, and in the elderly. Based on the reports, this article assesses changes in the number of implanted endoprostheses in the years 2005–2019 and determines the trends and estimated changes in the number of implanted hip prostheses in the following decades. The study assesses changes in selected strength parameters of UHMW-PE polyethylene inserts of hip joint endoprostheses during their use in the human body. The research was carried out on appropriately collected samples from UHMW-PE cups removed from the human body with a known history and lifetime from 4 to 10 years. Patients’ body weight ranged from 735 [N] to 820 [N], and the declared physical activity was similar in the entire research group. As part of the research, the values of changes in dynamic modules and the mechanical loss coefficient were determined in relation to the share of the crystalline and amorphous phases of artificial UHMW-PE cups, removed from the human body after different periods of exploitation under similar operating conditions. The analysis of selected strength parameters was performed at a temperature of 40 °C, which corresponds to the working conditions inside the human body. On the basis of numerical studies, the influence of changes in material parameters on the deformation of the artificial acetabulum during the patient’s motor activity, which is one of the causes of fatigue destruction, was determined