12 research outputs found

    Blood phenylalanine instability strongly correlates with anxiety in phenylketonuria

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    We assessed the relationship between anxiety and long-term metabolic control in adolescents with phenylketonuria (PKU). We used a standardized psychological test to measure anxiety level and analyzed lifelong blood phenylalanine stability in a selected group of 25 PKU teenagers with treatment adherence problems. We demonstrated significant correlations of anxiety with variability of blood phenylalanine concentrations and with severity of hyperphenylalaninemia. Avoiding blood phenylalanine fluctuations in childhood can probably reduce anxiety in PKU adolescents

    Dynamics of hyperphenylalaninemia and intellectual outcome in teenagers with phenylketonuria

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    Insufficient treatment adherence after early childhood is frequently observed in patients with phenylketonuria. Assessment of these individuals' long-term metabolic control could enable early detection of the risk of intellectual deterioration resulting from high blood phenylalanine concentration. However, the predictive value of specific parameters related to individual dynamics of hyperphenylalaninemia is not clear. Here, we assessed the impact of blood phenylalanine fluctuations during the first 12 years of life on cognitive outcome in early and continuously treated teenagers with phenylketonuria. We have analyzed a total of 5141 results of blood phenylalanine measurements in 32 patients. The phenylalanine levels of these patients were usually acceptable during their early childhood, but the control of hyperphenylalaninemia worsened and the average treatment adherence dropped to 40% during the late primary school. Our analysis revealed a strong association between the Wechsler intelligence verbal scores and the mean of the yearly means of phenylalanine concentrations (r=-0.62). The correlations of IQ scores with median phenylalanine concentrations and the variability of blood phenylalanine levels gave weaker associations. The Wechsler verbal scores were also strongly correlated with the treatment adherence level during preschool and late primary school (r=0.61 and 0.72). The mean of the yearly means of blood phenylalanine concentrations appears to be a better predictor of cognitive outcome in children with phenylketonuria than other parameters related to phenylalanine fluctuations. The percentage of acceptable phenylalanine levels below 50-60% should be regarded as a "red flag" due to the risk of intellectual deterioration in patients

    Molecular genetics of PKU in Poland and potential impact of mutations on BH4 responsiveness

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    Tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) has been recently approved as a treatment of patients with phenylketonuria. However, as a confirmation of BH4-responsiveness, it might require a very expensive trial treatment with BH4 or prolonged BH4-loading procedures. The selection of patients eligible for BH4-therapy by means of genotyping of the PAH gene mutations may be recommended as a complementary approach. A population-wide genotyping study was carried out in 1286 Polish phenyloketonuria-patients. The aim was to estimate the BH4 demand and to cover prospectively the treatment by a National Health Fund. A total of 95 types of mutations were identified. Genetic variants corresponding with probable BH4-responsiveness were found in 28.2% of cases. However, patients with mild or classical phenylketonuria who require continuous treatment accounted for 11.4% of the studied population only. Analysis of the published data shows similar percentage of the "BH4-responsive" variants of a PAH gene in patients from other countries of Eastern Europe. Therefore, it can be concluded, that the proportion of phenylketonuria-patients who could benefit from the use of BH4 reaches approximately 10% in the entire region

    Untreated PKU patients without intellectual disability: what do they teach us?

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    Phenylketonuria (PKU) management is aimed at preventing neurocognitive and psychosocial dysfunction by keeping plasma phenylalanine concentrations within the recommended target range. It can be questioned, however, whether universal plasma phenylalanine target levels would result in optimal neurocognitive outcomes for all patients, as similar plasma phenylalanine concentrations do not seem to have the same consequences to the brain for each PKU individual. To better understand the inter-individual differences in brain vulnerability to high plasma phenylalanine concentrations, we aimed to identify untreated and/or late-diagnosed PKU patients with near-normal outcome, despite high plasma phenylalanine concentrations, who are still alive. In total, we identified 16 such cases. While intellectual functioning in these patients was relatively unaffected, they often did present other neurological, psychological, and behavioral problems. Thereby, these "unusual" PKU patients show that the classical symptomatology of untreated or late-treated PKU may have to be rewritten. Moreover, these cases show that a lack of intellectual dysfunction despite high plasma phenylalanine concentrations does not necessarily imply that these high phenylalanine concentrations have not been toxic to the brain. Also, these cases may suggest that different mechanisms are involved in PKU pathophysiology, of which the relative importance seems to differ between patients and possibly also with increasing age. Further research should aim to better distinguish PKU patients with respect to their cerebral effects to high plasma phenylalanine concentrations

    Management precautions for risk of obesity are necessary among infants with PKU carrying the rs113883650 variant of the LAT1 gene : A cross-sectional study

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    Patients with phenylketonuria (PKU), an inborn error of phenylalanine metabolism, require consistent treatment to avoid the brain toxicity caused by hyperphenylalaninemia. The treatment consists of life-long use of a low-phenylalanine diet, which aims at decreasing hyperphenylalaninemia and maintaining blood phenylalanine concentration in a safe range. Problems with balancing diet can result in suboptimal treatment outcomes; however, recent findings suggest that genetic alteration of the transport of phenylalanine might result in an additional health burden. We assessed the effect of a common variant (rs113883650) of the LAT1(SLC7A5) gene, which encodes the main transmembrane phenylalanine transporter, on the development of overweight in 54 infants with PKU who received standard therapy and adhered well to therapeutic prescriptions, and in 55 infants with a milder disease form—the so-called mild hyperphenylalaninemia (MHP), which does not require treatment. We found that infants with PKU—carriers of the rs113883650 variant had significantly higher Body Mass Index (BMI) at 1 year compared to PKU infants without the variant (mean BMI Z-Score of +1.15 SD vs -0.15 SD, respectively; t(52) = 5.25, p = 0.00005). Conversely, no significant BMI differences were detected in the subgroups of infants with MHP (t(53) = 1.15, p = 0.25). Additionally, high BMI in infants with PKU—carriers of the rs113883650 variant positively correlated with high variability of their blood phenylalanine levels (r(52) = 0.42, p = 0.002). It should be noted that this is an observational study, which does not determine causation. Nevertheless, our findings show that the rs113883650 variant of the LAT1 gene may be a risk factor for overweight in properly treated infants with PKU. Management precautions should be taken to prevent the development of overweight and obesit

    Professional activity, gender and disease-related emotions: The impact on parents' experiences in caring for children with phenylketonuria

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    Introduction: Clinical management of rare diseases often fails to acknowledge the challenges faced by caregivers. Whilst management of phenylketonuria (PKU) may not be considered as dire as other conditions, most studies primarily concentrate on clinical issues, dietary adherence, or the quality of life of the PKU patients, leaving caregivers in the background. The aim of the study was to evaluate the psychosocial effects of PKU on family caregivers. Methods: Between October 30th, 2022 and February 28th, 2023, we collected data from caregivers of children with PKU using an anonymous, self-administered, computer-assisted online questionnaire. The survey was distributed among to patients during their regular visits to five Polish PKU treatment centers. Results: A total of 159 Polish caregivers of children with PKU completed the survey. This research shows that while women caregivers were more likely to be unemployed due to their responsibilities for childcare (50.3% compared to 0% for men), and men caregivers were more likely to be employed full-time (93.8% compared to 40.6% for women), the former reported higher emotional engagement in caregiving (88.1% vs 56.3% respectively). Significantly, unemployed mothers reported higher levels of loneliness, helplessness, and emotional control problems, and lacked psychological/emotional support more often than employed mothers. This research also shows a statistically significant positive correlation between mothers' education level and financial situation (p < 0.05) and education level and professional activity (p < 0.01). Additionally, a significant positive correlation was found between perceived financial situation and feeling of happiness (p < 0.001), and between financial situation and professional activity (p < 0.001). Finally, a significant positive correlation was observed between feeling of happiness and professional activity (p < 0.05). Conclusions: According to our findings, there is a link between subjective happiness, financial situation, and professional activity among female caregivers. The relationship between these factors goes beyond just the income earned from work. The results of our study imply that there could even be a therapeutic advantage for working mothers. It is crucial to recognize the emotional difficulties that employed mothers may experience while taking care of a child with PKU, and to provide them with the necessary assistance and resources to meet their needs. Additionally, our results may provide a foundation for redefining the support system for caregivers in Poland