7 research outputs found

    Functional properties of polyurethane ureteral stents with PLGA and papaverine hydrochloride coating

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    Despite the obvious benefits of using ureteral stents to drain the ureters, there is also a risk of complications from 80-90%. The presence of a foreign body in the human body causes disturbances in its proper functioning. It can lead to biofilm formation on the stent surface, which may favor the development of urinary tract infections or the formation of encrustation, as well as stent fragmentation, complicating its subsequent removal. In this work, the effect of the polymeric coating containing the active substance-papaverine hydrochloride on the functional properties of ureteral stents significant for clinical practice were assessed. Methods: The most commonly clinically used polyurethane ureteral Double-J stent was selected for the study. Using the dip-coating method, the surface of the stent was coated with a poly(D,L-lactide-glycolide) (PLGA) coating containing the papaverine hydrochloride (PAP). In particular, strength properties, retention strength of the stent ends, dynamic frictional force, and the fluoroscopic visibility of the stent during X-ray imaging were determined. Results: The analysis of the test results indicates the usefulness of a biodegradable polymer coating containing the active substance for the modification of the surface of polyurethane ureteral stents. The stents coated with PLGA+PAP coating compared to polyurethane stents are characterized by more favorable strength properties, the smaller value of the dynamic frictional force, without reducing the fluoroscopic visibility.Web of Science2214art. no. 770

    Assessment of Articulation and Motoric Activity of Articulatory Organs in Patients with Class III Dentofacial Deformity Before and After Orthognathic Surgery

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    Występowanie wad wymowy, czyli wadliwych realizacji fonemów języka polskiego u osób z wadą szkieletową twarzoczaszki jest przedmiotem nielicznych badań logopedii polskiej, ortodoncji czy chirurgii szczękowej. Celem pracy była ocena wymowy i sprawności narządów artykulacyjnych, realizacji fonemów spółgłoskowych języka polskiego oraz cech fonetycznych występujących w realizacjach głoskowych fonemów u pacjentów z wadą szkieletową twarzy klasy III przed zabiegiem i po zabiegu ortognatycznym. Materiał stanowiło 15 pacjentów leczonych w Klinice Chirurgii Szczękowo-Twarzowej i Plastycznej Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Białymstoku z powodu wad szkieletowych klasy III. Wszystkim chorym wykonywano osteotomie dwuszczękowe: szczęki typu Le Fort I, żuchwy sposobem Obwegesera – Dal Ponta. W postępowaniu badawczym wykorzystano: dane z badania lekarskiego – wywiad oraz zawarte w kwestionariuszach dane z wywiadu i badania logopedycznego. Zastosowano następujące narzędzia badawcze: karta wywiadu (zał.1), kwestionariusze logopedyczne: Badanie sprawności motorycznej narządów mowy, w opracowaniu Z. M. Kurkowskiego i T. Woźniaka (UMCS Lublin) oraz Kartę mowy i wymowy dziecka, opracowaną przez A. Balejko. Każdy pacjent przystąpił do badania dwukrotnie: bezpośrednio przed operacją oraz trzy miesiące po zabiegu ortognatycznym. Realizacje głosek oceniano zarówno wzrokowo, jak i słuchowo. W ocenie subiektywnej 73,3% badanych uznało, że mowa po zabiegu się poprawiła, a 33,3% badanych, że poprawiła się również ruchomość narządów artykulacyjnych. Wady wymowy stwierdzono przed zabiegiem u 100% badanych, natomiast po operacji u 46,7%. Stwierdzono również poprawę sprawności narządów artykulacyjnych, jak też szybkości wykonywanych przez nie ruchów po operacji. U wszystkich badanych pacjentów przed operacją występowały zaburzenia artykulacji oraz nieprawidłowy przetrwały niemowlęcy typ połykania. Po zabiegu ortognatycznym znacząco poprawiła się zarówno wymowa, jak też sprawność narządów artykulacyjnych, co potwierdzili sami pacjenci. W celu uzyskania optymalnej rehabilitacji nieprawidłowej mowy u pacjentów z wadą szkieletową klasy III konieczna jest interdyscyplinarna współpraca logopedy z ortodontą i chirurgiem szczękowym.The appearance of articulation disorders, i.e. non-normative realizations of Polish phonemes in patients with dentofacial deformity is a rare subject of Polish logopedics, orthodontics or dental surgery. The aim of the study was the assessment of articulation and motoric activity of articulatory organs, realization of Polish consonant phonemes and phonetic features present in realization of phonemes in patients with class III dentofacial deformity before and after orthognathic surgery. Fifteen patients treated in the Department of Maxillofacial and Plastic Surgery in Medical University of Białystok because of class III dentofacial deformities were included into the study. All patients had performed bimaxillary osteotomies: Le Fort I osteotomy of maxilla and sagittal-split osteotomy of mandible (Obwegeser–Dal Pont method). In research procedure the data from medical anamnesis and data covered in questionnaires from logopedic anamnesis and examination were taken into consideration. The following research tools were used: anamnesis (appendix 1), logopedic questionnaires: The examination of motoric activity of articulatory organs by Z.M. Kurkowski and T. Woźniak (UMCS, Lublin) and The cart of child speech and pronunciation by A. Balejko. Every patient took part in the examination twice: before and three months after the orthognathic procedure. The realization of phonemes were evaluated visually as well as auditory. Results of conducted researches show that subjectively in 73.3% of patients the improvement of articulation after surgery was noticed and 33.3% of patients show better motoric activity of articulatory organs. The articulation disorders were indicated in all patients before operation, whereas after surgery they were observed in 46.7% of patients. The improvement of motoric activity of articulatory organs and rate of their movements after surgery was observed. To sum up, in all patients articulation disorders and incorrect, infantile type of swallowing before surgery were claimed. After orthognathic surgery the improvement of articulation as well as of motoric activity of articulatory organs was clearly visible, as confirmed also by patients. In order to achieve the optimal rehabilitation of incorrect articulation in patients with class III dentofacial deformity, it is necessary the interdisciplinary cooperation between speech therapist, orthodontist and dental surgeon

    Development of novel thin polycaprolactone (PCL)/clay nanocomposite films with antimicrobial activity promoted by the study of mechanical, thermal, and surface properties

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    Infection with pathogenic microorganisms is of great concern in many areas, especially in healthcare, but also in food packaging and storage, or in water purification systems. Antimicrobial polymer nanocomposites have gained great popularity in these areas. Therefore, this study focused on new approaches to develop thin antimicrobial films based on biodegradable polycaprolactone (PCL) with clay mineral natural vermiculite as a carrier for antimicrobial compounds, where the active organic antimicrobial component is antifungal ciclopirox olamine (CPX). For possible synergistic effects, a sample in combination with the inorganic antimicrobial active ingredient zinc oxide was also prepared. The structures of all the prepared samples were studied by X-ray diffraction, FTIR analysis and, predominantly, by SEM. The very different structure properties of the prepared nanofillers had a fundamental influence on the final structural arrangement of thin PCL nanocomposite films as well as on their mechanical, thermal, and surface properties. As sample PCL/ZnOVER_CPX possessed the best results for antimicrobial activity against examined microbial strains, the synergic effect of CPX and ZnO combination on antimicrobial activity was proved, but on the other hand, its mechanical resistance was the lowest.Web of Science1318art. no. 319

    Glutathione Metabolism, Mitochondria Activity, and Nitrosative Stress in Patients Treated for Mandible Fractures

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of titanium bone fixations on mitochondrial activity, reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, glutathione metabolism, and selected markers of oxidative/nitrosative stress in the periosteum-like tissue of patients treated with mandible fractures. The study group consisted of 30 patients with bilateral fractures of the mandible body eligible for surgical treatment. Our study is the first one that indicates disturbances of mitochondrial activity as well as a higher production of ROS in the periosteum-like tissue covering titanium fixations of the mandible. We also found significantly higher levels of reduced glutathione and enhanced activity of glutathione reductase in the periosteum homogenates of patients in the study group compared to the control group. Levels of nitrosative (S-nitrosothiols, peroxynitrite, nitrotyrosine) and oxidative stress biomarkers (malondialdehyde, protein carbonyls, dityrosine, kynurenine, and N-formylkynurenine) were statistically elevated in periosteum-like tissue covering titanium fixations. Although exposure to titanium fixations induces local antioxidant mechanisms, patients suffer oxidative damage, and in the periosteum-like tissue the phenomenon of metallosis was observed. Titanium implants cause oxidative/nitrosative stress as well as disturbances in mitochondrial activity

    Exposure to Ti4Al4V Titanium Alloy Leads to Redox Abnormalities, Oxidative Stress, and Oxidative Damage in Patients Treated for Mandible Fractures

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    Due to the high biotolerance, favourable mechanical properties, and osseointegration ability, titanium is the basic biomaterial used in maxillofacial surgery. The passive layer of titanium dioxide on the surface of the implant effectively provides anticorrosive properties, but it can be damaged, resulting in the release of titanium ions to the surrounding tissues. The aim of our work was to evaluate the influence of Ti6Al4V titanium alloy on redox balance and oxidative damage in the periosteum surrounding the titanium miniplates and screws as well as in plasma and erythrocytes of patients with mandibular fractures. The study included 31 previously implanted patients (aged 21–29) treated for mandibular fractures and 31 healthy controls. We have demonstrated increased activity/concentration of antioxidants both in the mandibular periosteum and plasma/erythrocytes of patients with titanium mandibular fixations. However, increased concentrations of the products of oxidative protein and lipid modifications were only observed in the periosteum of the study group patients. The correlation between the products of oxidative modification of the mandible and antioxidants in plasma/erythrocytes suggests a relationship between the increase of oxidative damage at the implantation site and central redox disorders in patients with titanium miniplates and screws

    Mitochondrial Redox Balance of Fibroblasts Exposed to Ti-6Al-4V Microplates Subjected to Different Types of Anodizing

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    Despite the high biocompatibility of titanium and its alloys, the need to remove titanium implants is increasingly being debated due to the potential for adverse effects associated with long-term retention. Therefore, new solutions are being sought to enhance the biocompatibility of titanium implants. One of them is to increase the thickness of the passive layer of the implant made of titanium dioxide. We were the first to evaluate the effect of hard-anodized (type II) Ti-6Al-4V alloy discs on the cytotoxicity, mitochondrial function, and redox balance of fibroblasts mitochondria compared to standard-anodized (type III) and non-anodized discs. The study used fibroblasts obtained from human gingival tissue. The test discs were applied to the bottom of 12-well plates. Cells were cultured for 24 h and 7, 14, and 21 days and mitochondria were isolated. We demonstrated the occurrence of oxidative stress in the mitochondria of fibroblasts of all tested groups, regardless of the presence and type of anodization. Type II anodization prevented changes in complex II activity (vs. control). The lowest degree of citrate synthase inhibition occurred in mitochondria exposed to titanium discs with type II anodization. In the last phase of culture, the presence of type II anodization reduced the degree of cytochrome c oxidase inhibition compared to the other tests groups and the control group, and prevented apoptosis. Throughout the experiment, the release of titanium, aluminium, and vanadium ions from titanium discs with a hard-anodized passive layer was higher than from the other titanium discs, but decreased with time. The obtained results proved the existence of dysfunction and redox imbalance in the mitochondria of fibroblasts exposed to hard-anodized titanium discs, suggesting the need to search for new materials perhaps biodegradable in tissues of the human body