112 research outputs found

    Plastičnost pseudoglejnih zemljišta opštine Ub

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    The paper includes the results of determination of Atterberg plasticity limits of arable (0-25 cm) and subarable (25-50 cm) horizons in 53 pseudogley profiles from the community of Ub. On the basis of performed laboratory investigations, it has been found that the pseudogley belongs to the group of moderately plastic soils, with plasticity index higher than 17. In the arable horizon, average moisture at the plastic limit is about 20 %, and in the subarable horizon - about 19 %. Average values of the liquid limit in the arable horizon are about 38 %, and in the subarable horizon about 40 %. The optimal moisture for machine tillage of the investigated pseudogley and for other field operations varies between 19 and 22 %. Several other physical and textural characteristics are presented, including clay activity index and potential mechanical instability and soil susceptibility to treading.U radu su prikazani rezultati određivanja Aterbergovih granica plastičnosti oraničnog (0-25 cm) i podoraničnog (25-50 cm) horizonta pseudogleja opštine Ub (jugoistočna Srbija) iz 53 profila. Na osnovu sprovedenih laboratorijskih istraživanja utvrđeno je da ispitani pseudoglej spada u grupu srednje plastičnih zemljišta, s indeksom plastičnosti većim od 17. U oraničnom horizontu, prosečna vlažnost pri donjoj granici plastičnosti je oko 20 %, a u podoraničnom oko 19 %. Prosečne vrednosti gornje granici plastičnosti u oraničnom horizontu su oko 38 %, a u podoraničnom oko 40 %. Optimalna vlažnost za mehaničku obradu istraženog pseudogleja i izvođenje drugih poljskih radova varira u intervalu od 19 do 22 %. Određene su i prikazane i neke druge fizičko-mehaničke osobine, među kojima indeks aktivnosti gline i potencijalna mehanička nestabilnost i osetljivost zemljišta na gaženje

    Agregatni sastav i stabilnost strukturnih agregata u humusnom horizontu šumskih, pašnjačkih i njivskih rendzina

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    The present study includes the results of comparative investigations of aggregate composition and water stability of structural aggregates in humus horizons of calcareous rendzina, Estern Serbia, under native forest and pasture vegetations and the same rendzina utilized long-term as arable field. The results show that aggregate composition and water stability of structural aggregates in the cultivated calcareous rendzina are significantly impaired due to a long-term anthropogenization. In the cultivated rendzina, the content of agronomically most valuable aggregates (0.25-10 mm) is decreased, while the percentage of cloddy aggregates (>10 mm) is increased about 1.5 to 2 times in comparison with the forest and pasture. The forest and the permanent pasture calcareous rendzina had a greater aggregate water stability than the cultivated rendzina in humus horizon. The lowest water stability is found in aggregates >3 mm. The largest mean weight diameters (MWD) of dry aggregates were found in forest calcareous rendzina (4.48 mm, vs. 4.23 mm in pasture and 3.98 mm in arable field). MWD of water stable agregates was higher in pasture (1.32 mm) and forest (1.12 mm) than in cultivated calcareous rendzina (0.54 mm). The structure coefficient of cultivated calcareous rendzina was lower than in forest and meadow. .U ovom radu je izvršeno uporedno istraživanje agregatnog sastava i vodootpornosti strukturnih agregata u humusnom horizontu karbonatnih, skeletno praškasto-glinovito ilovastih do glinovito ilovastih rendzina na laporcu i laporovitim krečnjacima, pod prirodnom šumskom i pašnjačkom vegetacijom, i istih rendzina koje se dugotrajno (stolećima) koriste kao njivska zemljišta u istočnoj Srbiji. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da su agregatni sastav i vodootpornost strukturnih agregata u humusnom, tj. oraničnom horizontu njivskih rendzina znatno pogoršani usled dugotrajne antropogenizacije. Međutim, i pored toga, prema klasifikaciji koju navode ŠEIN et al. (2001), njihov agregatni sastav je još uvek dobar. U njivskim rendzinama sadržaj agronomski najpovoljnijih agregata (prečnika 0.25-10 mm) je znatno smanjen, dok je udeo (prosek 20.55%) grudvastih agregata (prečnika >10 mm) povećan za 1.5 do 2 puta u poređenju sa šumom (13.49%) i pašnjakom (11.84%). U humusnom horizontu istraženih karbonatnih rendzina pod šumom i pašnjakom utvrđena je znatno veća vodootpornost strukturnih agregata nego u njivskoj rendzini. Najmanju vodootpornost pokazali su strukturni agregati prečnika >3 mm. Najveći prosečni prečnik strukturnih agregata (MWD) u suvom stanju utvrđen je u zemljištu pod šumom (4.48 mm), 4.23 mm pod pašnjakom i 3.98 mm u njivskoj rendzini. MWD vodootpornih strukturnih agregata veći je za oko 2 puta u zemljištu pod pašnjakom (1.32 mm) i pod šumom (1.12 mm) nego u njivskoj (0.54 mm) karbonatnoj rendzini. Koeficijent strukturnosti u njivskoj redndzini znatno je manji nego pod šumom i pašnjakom.

    Specifična površina smonica aleksinačke kotline

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    In the present paper an estimation was given of total specific area (S) of very clayey soils of smonitza type in Central Serbia on the basis of the data on their textural composition and maximal hygroscopic moisture. Total specific area (m2g-1) of the analysed very clayey smonitzas is, on average equal to the product of maximal hygroscopic moisture (MH), expressed in percent ratio of the mass, and the coefficient 11.50, i.e. S = 11.50*MH (m2g-1).U ovom radu je dat prikaz ocene određivanja ukupne specifične površine (S) jako glinovitih zemljišta tipa smonice centralne Srbije na osnovu podataka o njihovom mehaničkom sastavu i maksimalnoj higroskopskoj vlažnosti. Ukupna specifična površina (m2 g-1) istraženih jako glinovitih smonica je jednaka u proseku proizvodu njihove maksimalne higroskopne vlažnosti (MH), izražene u procentima na masu, i koeficijenta 11.50, tj. S = 11.50*MH (m2 g-1)

    Uzroci i posledice zbijanja njivskih zemljišta

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    Soil compaction is one of the major problems facing modern agriculture. Over use of machinery, intensive cropping, short crop rotations and inappropriate soil management leads to compaction. Soil compaction increases soil strength and decreases soil physical fertility through decreasing storage and supply of water and nutrients, which leads to additional fertilizer requirement and increasing production cost. A detrimental sequence then occurs of reduced plant growth leading to lower inputs of fresh organic matter to the soil reduced nutrient recycling and mineralization, reduced activities of micro-organisms and increased wear and tear on cultivation machinery. In this review we discuss the nature and causes of soil compaction and possible solutions suggested in the literature.Sabijanje (kompakcija) zemljišta je jedan od osnovnih problema savremene poljoprivrede. Prekomerno korišćenje teške mehanizacije za obradu, žetvu i transport na prevlaženim zemljištima, intenzivno ratarenje, neodgovarajući plodoredi i nepodesno korišćenje zemljišta izaziva njegovo pojačano sabijanje. Sabijanjem se povećava čvrstoća zemljišta i smanjuje njegova fizička plodnost usled smanjenja zaliha i dostupnosti vode i hranljivih materija biljkama. Za obradu jako sabijenih zemljišta potrebni su znatno veći utrošci energenata, a prinos i kvalitet gajenih biljaka na njima se smanjuje. Pored toga, pri obradi jako sabijenih zemljišta dolazi do povećanog habanja i oštećenja poljoprivrednih mašina. Sve to ima za posledicu povećanje cene proizvodnje na takvim zemljištima. Sabijena zemljišta nisu pogodna ni kao staništa za mnogobrojnu zemljišnu floru i faunu. S obzirom da je proces sabijanja zemljišta i njegovi efekti na fizičke karakteristike, rast biljaka fizičke, hemijske i ekološke procese još uvek prilično nerazumljivi ovaj rad je fokusiran na uzroke i posledice sabijanja njivskih zemljišta, kao i na moguća rešenja tog problema

    Uticaj gaženja stoke pri ispaši na zbijanje pašnjačkih zemljišta

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    The aim of the performed investigations was to establish the influence of long-term threading of neat cattle and sheep during intensive grazing on compaction of non-carbonate, smonitza-like meadow black soils in the Kolubara river valley. To achieve the set task, six soil profiles were opened under similar relief conditions. Three of the profiles originated from a plot which has been, according to the statement of its owner, more than 20 years used as grazing land, and the other 3 profiles were opened at a nearby site under natural forest vegetation, comprised of common oak and common ash (As. Querceto-Fraxinetum serbicum, Rud) with a well developed grass cover in the ground layer. The profiles under forest vegetation served as comparative (virgin) soils. Bulk density of the soils in the surface (0-10 cm and 10-20 cm) layers of the humus horizon of the meadow black soil under grazing land increased significantly (p lt 0.05) due to the grazing, by 0.29 Mg m-3 in the layer between 0 and 10 cm, and by 0.13 Mg m-3, in the layer between 10 and 20 cm, in comparison with the forest black soil. At the same time, this caused a significant decrease of total porosity, macro porosity and hydraulic conductance. Total porosity of the meadow black soil under grazing land was decreased by about 10% in the layer between 0 and 10 cm, and about 4% in the layer between 10 and 20 cm. In the surface layer (0-20 cm) of the humus horizon of the grazing land macro porosity is about two times lower than in the forest. Macro porosity of the humus horizon of the grazing land is very low and varies between 2.9 and 7.8% vol. Saturated hydraulic conductivity in the humus horizon (0-30 cm) of the grazing land is significantly lower (8-10 mm h-1) than in the forest (115-285 mm h-1). The investigated physical characteristics of meadow black soil under grazing land do not yield favorable conditions for normal development and health of crops.Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrđivanje uticaja posledica višegodišnjeg gaženja krava i ovaca, u toku intenzivne ispaši na zbijanje beskarbonatnih smoničavih livadskih crnica (semigleja) u dolini reke Kolubare. Za realizaciju tog cilja otvoreno je 6 zemljišnih profila u sličnim reljefskim uslovima, i to: 3 profila na parceli koja se, po izjavi njenog vlasnika preko 20 godina koristi kao pašnjak, a druga 3 profila iskopana su na bliskom rastojanju pod prirodnom šumskom vegetacijom, koju čini zajednica hrasta lužnjaka i poljskog jasena (As. Querceto-Fraxinetum serbicum, Rud) sa dobro razvijenim prizemnim travnim pokrivačem. Profili pod šumskom vegetacijom poslužili su kao uporedna (devičanska) zemljišta. Rezultati ovih ispitivanja pokazali su da je se pod uticajem ispaše zapreminska masa (gustina) zemljišta značajno (P lt 0.05) povećala u površinskom delu profila (na dubinama od 0 do 10 i 10-20 cm), i to za 0.29 Mg m-3, na dubini od 0-10 cm, i za 0.13 Mg m-3, na dubini 10-20 cm, u poređenju sa livadskom crnicom pod šumom. To je istovremeno imalo za posledicu i znatno smanjenje ukupne poroznosti, makroporoznosti i hidrauličke provodljivosti. Ukupna poroznost livadske crnice pod pašnjakom smanjena je za oko 10% na dubini od 0 do 10 cm, odnosno, oko 4% na dubini 10-20 cm. U površinskom delu (0-20 cm) humusnog horizonta pašnjaka makroporoznost je za oko dva puta manja nego u šumi. Makroporoznost humusnog horizonta pašnjaka je veoma mala i varira od 2.9 do 7.8% zapreminskih. Saturisani hidraulički konduktivitet u humusnom horizontu (0-30 cm) pašnjaka je mnogo manji (8-10 mm h-1) nego u šumi (115-285 mm h-1). Na osnovu rezultata ovih istraživanja može se zaključiti da fizičke osobine livadske crnice pod pašnjakom ne pružaju povoljne uslove za normalni porast i zdravlje biljaka

    Zbijenost zemljišta kao posledica načina korišćenja

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    Long-standing utilization of agricultural machines in agricultural production leads to a significant increase of compaction in noncarbonate, slightly smonitza - like meadow black soils, in the Kolubara river valley. A substantial increase of compaction in the investigated soils was found in arable and subarable horizons down to the depth of 30 cm. The compaction increase induced negative changes in other most important physical properties of soil, like the increase of bulk density and packing density of soil particles, and the decrease of total porosity, content of pores > 30 mm and void ratio.Višegodišnje korišćenje poljoprivredne tehnike u intenzivnoj poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji dovelo je do znatnog povećanja zbijenosti beskarbonatnih, slabo smoničavih livadskih crnica u dolini reke Kolubare. Znatno povećanje zbijenosti u istraženim zemljištima utvrđeno je u oraničnom i podoraničnom horizontu do 30 cm dubine. Povećanje zbijenosti negativno se odrazilo i na ostale najvažnije fizičke osobine zemljišta, i to uglavnom na znatno povećanje zapreminske mase i gustine pakovanja zemljišnih čestica, kao i na znatno smanjenje ukupne poroznosti, sadržaja pora > 30 µm i koeficijenta pora

    Brownfield investments as possibility of revitalization and sustainability of locations

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    Investments for revitalization of locations through Brownfield investments provide an opportunity to establish and test new sustainable development practices. The economic advantage of analyzed Brownfield investments is that there are already certain capacities and infrastructure in a specific location. The research found that the funds invested in the cleaning of the terrain, waste treatment with the so-called. "Wild" landfills, in adaptation of buildings, arrangement of green areas, improvement of infrastructure and the like, have economic and financial justification. In addition, a number of other qualitative effects of general interest have been highlighted. The effects of this investment are considered from socioeconomic, environmental and other aspects, as well as to the development of local economy and environmental protection. In addition to the ecological and economic aspects of investing in Brownfield investment, special attention should be paid to risk management and social aspects of local sustainable development

    Neka ograničenja primene metoda za određivanje međudrenskog rastojanja u nestacionarnom režimu filtracije na močvarno-glejnom zemljištu

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    The aim of this research was to figure out certain limitations of methods for drain spacing determination application in unsteady-state of flow rate to the drains in the eugley soil. The well-known Glover-Dumm method was taken in this analysis. The analysis was based on the results of drain discharge and water table depth measurements. Measurements were carried out on the experimental field. Three different drainage treatments were set up with three different drainage spacings such as 10 m, 20 m and 30 m. The results of analysis showed significant constraints of the method due to non-modeling dynamic of water flow to the drains. These effects are marked on the plot with the least drain spacing (10 m).Cilj ovog rada je da prikaže izvesna ograničenja primene metoda za određivanje rastojanja između drenova u nestacionarnom režimu filtracije na močvarno-glejnim zemljištima. Analiza je izvedena na primeru metode Glover-Dumm-a kao glavnog predstavnika ove grupe metoda, a na osnovu eksperimentalnih rezultata merenja drenažnog isticanja i dubine nivoa podzemnih voda na drenažnom sistemu sa tri varijante rastojanja između drenova: 10, 20 i 30 metara. Metode primenljive u uslovima nestacionarnog režima filtracije podrazumevaju da doticaja osim merenog, dakle padavina ili navodnjavanja, nema. S obzirom da močvarno-glejno zemljište obiluje podzemnim vodama, postoje doticaji koji nisu obuhvaćeni niti kroz padavine, niti kroz navodnjavanje. Metoda Glover-Dumm-a smanjenje dubine podzemnih voda pokušava da obrazloži fiktivnim, većim rastojanjem između drenova. Poređenjem podataka o dubini podzemne vode dobijenih računskim putem i podataka dobijenih merenjem uočava se da i jedni i drugi podaci podležu eksponencijalnoj regresiji, ali da su koeficijenti značajno različiti. Naime, na svim varijantama merenja računski su dobijene vrednosti koeficijenta reakcije a koje su višestruko veće od koeficijenata regresionih krivih sekvence merenja. Na svim izdvojenim segmentima uočljivo je mnogo blaže opadanje regresione linije nego što to sračunava metoda. Ova osobina pokazaće se kao veliko ograničenje u primeni, jer zahteva egzaktno merenje i poznavanje svih doticaja. U sistemima sa većim međudrenskim rastojanjima efekat nemodelirane dinamike doticaja ima manje uticaja, te se metoda pod izvesnim ograničenjima može sa vise uspeha primenjivati

    Agregatni sastav karbonatnih černozema Južnog Banata

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    In order to estimate the aggregate composition of carbonate loamy chernozems on the loess of South Banat, utilized as cultivated and pasture, fractionation was performed of individual categories of structural aggregates according to their size and also the determination of structure coefficient, mean weight diameter and geometric mean diameter of the dry structural aggregates. Laboratory analyses involved soil samples of the humus, i.e. arable (0-20-30 cm) and subarable horizons (20-40 and 40-60 cm) from 24 profiles of cultivated land and the samples of surface (0-20-30 cm) and subsurface layers (20-40 and 40-60 cm) of the humus horizons of 4 pasture profiles. The results of the investigations showed that beside favorable, mainly crumby-beady structure there appeared also significant differences in aggregate composition, both between various profiles, in dependence on the utilization mode of the soil, and between various depth zones of the humus horizon. The content of agronomical most valuable aggregates fraction (0.25-10 mm) in all depth zones of the humus horizon of the investigated profiles is >60%, which is, according to the classification by ŠEIN et al. (2001), a characteristic of good-structured soil. According to the values of structure coefficient and the mentioned classification, the cultivated soil profiles (1.5-2.42) show good, and those from pasture (1.15-1.70) satisfactory structure. In cultivated soil profiles, mean weight diameter and geometric mean diameter of the dry aggregates is significantly higher than in those from the pasture, and when they are larger, the structure of the soil is better and vice versa. .U cilju ocene agregatnog sastava karbonatnih ilovastih černozema na lesu Južnog Banata, pri njivskom i pašnjačkom načinu korišćenja, izvršeno je frakcionisanje pojedinih kategorija strukturnih agregata prema njihovoj veličini i određivanje koeficijenta strukturnosti, srednjeg masenog i srednjeg geometrijskog dijametra strukturnih agregata. Laboratorijskim analizama obuhvaćeni su zemljišni uzorci humusnog, odnosno oraničnog (0-20-30 cm) i podoraničnog horizonta (20-40 i 40-60 cm) iz 24 njivska profila i uzorci površinske (0-20-30 cm) i podpovršinskih proba (20-40 i 40-60 cm) humusnog horizonta iz 4 pašnjačka profila. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da pored povoljne, pretežno mrvičasto-graškaste strukture postoje i znatne razlike u agregatnom sastavu kako među raznim profilima, u zavisnosti od načina korišćenja zemljišta, tako i u raznim dubinskim zonama humusnog horizonta. Sadržaj agronomski najpovoljnijih agregata (0.5-10 mm) u svim dubinskim zonama humusnog horizonta istraženih profila je > 60%, što je, prema klasifikaciji Šein-a et al. (2001), karakteristika zemljišta dobre strukture. Prema vrednostima koeficijenta strukturnosti i navedenoj klasifikaciji njivski profili (1.5-2.42) pokazuju dobru, a pašnjački (1.15-1.70) zadovoljavajuću strukturnost. U njivskim profilima prosečni maseni i geometrijski prečnik agregata znatno je veći nego u pašnjačkim, a kada su njihove vrednosti veće struktura zemljišta je bolja i obratno.

    The history, activities and future perspectives of the Serbian Soil Science Society

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    The future capacity of soils to support life on Earth is becoming questionable and in such a situation an important attention is given to soil science and land use–soil policy. This paper presents the historical overview, conducted activities and roles of the Yugoslav and Serbian Soil Science Society (SSSS) from its begining to recent days, as well as future plans. The material tackles the development of soil science in Serbia: foundation of the Soil Society, international cooperation, publication of the journal ''Soil and Plant'' and other publishing activities, structural organization of the Society, organization of congresses and symposia, and impact of the Society to overall well being by development of various programmes. It also highlights the coordination, consulting, and supporting role of the Society in preparation of the soil map of Yugoslavia. The role of SSSS today is aimed at the general scientific, cultural and educational development and benefit of the Republic of Serbia. The Society has its bodies, eight (nine) commissions, eleven subcommissions and four working groups. In the coming period, the Society will continue its organizational, publishing, educational, and cooperation activities, but also strive to include soils and soil science among national priorities. The permanent legacy of the Society is the inclusion of soil at the core of policies that support environmental protection and sustainable development in line with new challenges