45 research outputs found

    Pojava i suzbijanje toksigenih vrsta gljiva u uskladiŔtenom žitu

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    Monitoring of the incidence of toxigenic species and the detection of mycotoxins in stored cereals (maize, wheat and barley) are of a special importance for agriculture in Serbia. The essential reason for this is the fact that cereals, as species most susceptible to toxigenic fungi, are cultivated on over 60% of arable land, then the incidence of potentially toxigenic fungi and natural occurrence of certain mycotoxins has been registered each year, while epizooties of mycotoxicoses have been detected in some years. Under agroecological conditions of Serbia, F. graminearum and F. verticillioides are the most frequent species - the first, on grain of both, maize and small grains, and the later, more on maize, while the third species F. sporotrichioides, belonging to the most toxic species in the world, especially in maize, is scarce. Besides, other numerous, potentially toxigenic Fusarium species, including: F. subglutinans, F. proliferatum, F. oxysporum, F. tricinctum, F. poae, F. culmorum, etc. have been detected. A frequent and calamitous incidence of European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis) is one of many factors that favor the intensive development of potentially toxic fungal species, especially of F. verticillioides and F. subglutinans. Other toxigenic species of fungi, such as species of the genera Aspergillus and Penicillium, are less important than the Fusarium species. According to previous studies in Serbia, the occurrence of aflatoxin B1 and ochratoxin A (Aspergillus spp. and Penicillium spp) zearaleonones and trichothecenes type A (T-2 toxin and diacetoxyscirpenol) (Fusarium spp) in cereals and their products was determined in concentrations even higher than tolerance values obligatory by the running regulations for food and feed. There are little data or none on other types of mycotoxins. Possibilities of maize artificial drying in Serbia are limited, especially in the case of small producers, which make over 80% of all producers. Therefore, maize is mainly dried naturally and is stored in cribs, which provides a further development of potentially toxigenic species and more intensive biosynthesis of certain mycotoxins. Cereal growers are generally recommended to apply preventive measures in order to reduce the incidence of potentially toxigenic genotypes and their metabolites, as well as, to grow more resistant and early maturity genotypes, to apply optimum cropping practices, harvest at full maturity, separate ears with pathological changes and frequently perform control during winter and early spring. On the other hand, in the industrial animal growing, the use of preparations for adsorption of mycotoxins already synthesized in cereals such as Min-a-zel Plus, is recommended in the preventive concentrations of 0.2% or 0.4% in the case when higher concentrations of mycotoxins are detected in cereals or commercial mixed feed.Sadržaj vlage, temperatura, stepen zaraze zrna pre skladiÅ”tenja, prisustvo insekata, količina polomljenog zrna, prisustvo stranih materija, način suÅ”enja i dužina čuvanja, glavni su činioci koji utiču da li će uskladiÅ”tena žita (kukuruz, pÅ”enica, ječam i ostale strnine) biti kontaminirana toksigenim gljivama i mikotoksinima. U nas su Fusarium vrste potencijalno najznačajnije toksigene vrste, a zatim vrste iz rodova Aspergillus i Penicillium. U žitima i njihovim prerađevinama utvrđena je prirodna pojava aflatoksina B1 i ohratoksina A (Aspergillus spp. i Penicillium spp) zearalenona i trihotecena tipa A (T-2 toksin i diacetoksiscirpenol) (Fusarium spp), čak i u većim koncentracijama nego Å”to je to dozvoljeno prema naÅ”im važećim pravilnicima za ishranu ljudi i životinja. Proizvođačima žita, uglavnom, se preporučuju preventivne mere za redukciju pojave potencijalno toksigenih vrsta i njihovih sekundarnih metabolita, kako u poljskim uslovima, tako i tokom čuvanja

    Uticaj Min-a-zela Plus na biohemijske, mikrobioloŔke i mikotoksikoloŔke parametre silaža lucerke

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    Lucerne of the 5th cut in the budding phase was ensiled in the experiment as fresh and wilted (DM= 220 and 360 g/kg), with two degrees of compression (520 and 380 g/dm3) and with added Min-a-zel plus as 2 g/kg green mass. The experiment was performed as the statistical model 2K. Min-a-zel plus used as 2 g/kg green mass had no influence on biochemical, microbiological and mycotoxicological parameters of lucerne silage. Compared to the beginning material, silages had more diverse microflora and more mycotoxins. All silages had high pH values and fermentation of the acetic acid type. Some improvement was achieved with wilting of the ensiling material. The least quality (V class) was obtained with fresh lucerne, which was less compressed, while others were ranked as IV quality class. The obtained results fortify the need for further investigations in developing correct doses of Min-a-zel plus to be used in ensiling of lucerne and other materials.U eksperimentu je silirana lucerka V otkosa u fazi butonizacije kao sveža i provenula (SM = 220 i 360 g/kg), sa dva stepena sabijenosti (520 i 380 g/dm3) i sa dodatkom Min-a-zela Plus, 2 g/kg zelene mase. Ogled je postavljen po statističkom modelu 2K. Min-a-zel Plus koriŔćen u dozi od 2 g/kg zelene mase nije uticao na biohemijske, mikrobioloÅ”ke i mikotoksikoloÅ”ke parametre silaža lucerke. U odnosu na početni materijal silaže su sadržale raznovrsniju mikrofloru i veću količinu mikotoksina. Sve silaže su se odlikovale visokim pH vrednostima i fermentacijom sirćetnokiselinskog tipa. Izvesno poboljÅ”anje je postignuto provenjavanjem biljnog materijala. NajloÅ”iji kvalitet (V klasa) imale su silaže od sveže lucerke sa manjim stepenom sabijenosti, dok su ostale ocenjene IV klasom kvaliteta. Utvrđeni rezultati ukazuju na neophodnost nastavljanja ispitivanja u cilju utvrđivanja optimalne doze Min-a-zela Plus za siliranje lucerke i drugih sirovina

    In vitro biosinteza ohratoksina A kod izolata Aspergillus ochraceus E'G

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    This paper deals with the biosynthetic capacity for ochratoxin A (OTA) production by Aspergillus ochraceus E'G isolate derived from A. ochraceus CBS 108.08 strain, during 2007. Preliminary analysis of fungal potential for the production of OTA were performed according to the modified method of Filtenborg et al. (1983). Toxin production was tested in the following liquid media: (i) glucose-peptone-yeast extract broth (GPY - pH 5.6), (ii) potato-dextrose broth (PDB - pH 6.9), (iii) yeast extract-sucrose broth (YES - pH 6.5), and (iv) YES broth supplemented with 0.23 mg/l ZnSO4 x 5 H2O (YESZn - pH 6.5) after stationary and submerged cultivation. Dynamics of OTA biosynthesis was tested after the cultivation of A. ochraceus E'G on natural solid substrates, such as wet sterilized rice, corn and wheat grain. Cultivations were performed during different time periods (ranging from four days to few weeks) at different temperatures (ranging from 21Ā°C to 30Ā°C). The presence of OTA was determined as follows: (i) in liquid media according to the method of Balzer et al. (1978) modified by Bočarov-Stančić et al. (2003), and (ii) in the solid substrates according to the Serbian official methods for sampling and analyzing of fodder (Official Gazette of SFRY, No. 15/87). After the cultivation of A. ochraceus E'G isolate in liquid media, the highest yield of OTA (6.4 mg/l) was obtained after submerged cultivation in PDB (4 days, 128 rpm, 21-23Ā°C). In the case of cultivation on solid substrates, the highest amount of OTA (800.0 mg/kg of dry matter) was recorded after several week long cultivation on wheat grain at 30Ā±1Ā°C.Ispitivanjem je bio obuhvaćen izolat Aspergillus ochraceus E'G izveden iz soja A. ochraceus CBS 108.08. Preliminarne analize prisustva ohratoksina A (OTA) su izvrÅ”ene prema modifikovanoj metodi Filtenborg -a i sar. (1983) na agarizobanim podlogama. Proizvodnja toksina je testirana u sledećim tečnim podlogama: 1) glukoza-pepton-ekstrakt kvasca u bujonu (GPY - pH 5,6), 2) krompir - dekstroznom bujonu (PDB - pH 6,9), 3) ekstrakt kvasca - saharoznom bujonu (YES - pH 6,5) i 4) ekstrakt kvasca-saharoznom bujonu sa dodatkom 0,23 mg/l ZnSO4 x 5 H2O (YESZn - pH 6,5) u uslovima stacionarne i submerzne kultivacije. Dinamika biosinteze ohratoksina A praćena je nakon gajenja na prirodnim čvrstim supstratima (zrno pirinča, kukuruza i pÅ”enice) tokom viÅ”enedeljne kultivacije. Ohratoksin A je izolovan iz tečnih podloga za kultivaciju i produkciju primenom metode Balzera i sar. (1978) modifikovane prema Bočarov-Stančić i sar. (2003), dok je kvantitacija OTA u prirodnim čvrstim supstratima izvrÅ”ena prema Pravilniku o metodama uzimanja uzoraka i metodama fizičkih, hemijskih i mikrobioloÅ”kih analiza stočne hrane ('Sl. list SFRJ', br. 15/87). Pri gajenju izolata A. ochraceus E'G u tečnim podlogama najveći prinos OTA je dobijen pri koriŔćenju PDB (6,4 mg/l) i to u uslovima submerzne kultivacije (4 dana, 128 o/min, 21-23Ā°C). U slučaju kultivacije na zrnu žitarica najveću količinu OTA je izolat A. ochraceus E'G biosintetisao posle viÅ”enedeljne kultivacije na zrnu pÅ”enice i 30Ā±1Ā°C (800,0 mg/kg)

    Fusarium vrste - pojava i značaj u Srbiji

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    Fusarium species have been isolated from over 100 plant species in Serbia. From the economic aspect, they have been and still are the most important for the production and storage of small grains and maize, and are exceptionally important for some other species. Total of 63 species, 35 varieties (var.) and 19 specialised forms (f. sp.) of basic species, particularly of F. oxysporum (4 var. and 12 f. sp.) and F. solani (7 var. and 3 f. sp.) were identified. Species F. langsethiae and F. thapsinum, recently identified, have been isolated from wheat and s o r g h u m seeds, respectively. F. graminearum is the most important pathogen for wheat, barely and maize, while F. poae is also important for wheat and barely. Furthermore, species of the section Liseola (F. verticillioides, F. subglutinans and F. proliferatum) are important for maize and sorghum. In recent years, species of the section Liseola have been increasingly occurring in wheat and barley. The June-October period in Serbia is the most critical period for quality maintenance of stored maize, as the abundance and frequency of fungi, particularly of toxigenic species of the genus Fusarium, are the greatest during that period. In general, there is a lack of data about fusarioses of industrial crops in Serbia. There are mere descriptions of specific cases in which the development of Fusarium species was mostly emphasised by agroecological conditions. The presence of recently determined Fusarium species in kernels of these plant species indicates their importance from the aspect of the yield reduction and grain quality debasement and the mycotoxin contamination. Root rot and plant wilt are characteristic symptoms of fusarioses for forage and vegetable crops, while pathological changes in fruits provoked by Fusarium species are less frequent. F. oxysporum and its specialised forms prevail in these plant species.Vrste roda Fusarium su u Srbiji izolovane sa preko 100 biljnih vrsta, a sa ekonomskog aspekta, bile i ostale, najznačajnije za proizvodnju i čuvanje strnih žita i kukuruza. Samo izuzetno su značajne i za neke druge biljne vrste. Ukupno je do sada identifikovano: 63 vrste, 35 varijeteta (var.) i 19 specijalizovanih formi (f. sp.) osnovnih vrsta, posebno vrste F. oxysporum (4 var. i 12 f. sp.) i F. solani (7 var. i 3 f. sp.). F. langsethiae i F. thapsinum su novoidentifikovane vrste izolovane sa zrna pÅ”enice, odnosno sirka. F. graminearum je najznačajniji patogen pÅ”enice, ječma i kukuruza, a F. poae i patogen pÅ”enice i ječma. Vrste iz sekcije Liseola (F. verticillioides, F. subglutinans i F. proliferatum) značajni su i patogeni kukuruza i siraka, mada je poslednjih godina utvrđena sve čeŔća pojava ovih vrsta na zrnu pÅ”enice i ječma. U Srbiji je period jun-oktobar najkritičniji za očuvanje kvaliteta uskladiÅ”tenog kukuruza jer su brojnost i učestalost gljiva u tom periodu najveće, posebno toksigenih vrsta roda Fusarium (43,5-62,5%). Generalno, fuzarioze industrijskih biljaka su malo proučavane u Srbiji. Opisi su samo pojedinačni slučajevi u kojima je razvoj Fusarium vrsta najčeŔće potenciran povoljnim agroklimatskih uslovima. Prisustvo Fusarium vrsta na semenu industrijskih biljaka, koje je poslednjih godina sve čeŔće utvrđeno, ukazuje da ove patogene gljive u Srbiji mogu biti značajne sa stanoviÅ”ta smanjenja prinosa i kvaliteta zrna, posebno u pogledu kontaminiranosti mikotoksinima. Trulež korena i uvenulost biljaka su karakteristični simptomi fuzarioza krmnih i povrtarskih biljaka, dok je pojava patoloÅ”kih promena na plodovima ređa. Na ovim biljnim vrstama dominiraju F. oxysporum i njene specijalizovane forme

    Uticaj mineralnog adsorbenta 'Minazel' na smanjenje rezidua zearalenona i njegovih metabolita u mleku krava

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    The results of the use of mineral adsorbent - Minazel, preparation based on the natural zeolite, in the prevention of mycotoxicoses and avoidance of zearalenone and its metabolites transfer into cowĀ“s milk were described in this paper. Using mineral adsorbent Minazel at the concentration of 0,5% of concentrate mixture the transfer of zearalenone from feeds to milk was prevented.U radu su prikazani rezultati koriŔćenja adsorbenta mikotoksina - Minazel preparata na bazi prirodnog zeolita, u prevenciji mikotoksikoza i sprečavanju prelaska (akumuliranja) zearalenona i njegovih metabolita u mleku krava. MikotoksikoloÅ”kim analizama mleka utvrđeno je da je prisustvo zearalenona u mleku (0,053; 0,019 i 0,004 mg/kg) opadalo sa povećanjem količine Minazela u koncentratu (0; 0,2; 0,5), Å”to uz ostvareno povećanje proizvodnje mleka opravdava njegovo koriŔćenje

    Pojava i učestalost patogena semena žita i industrijskih biljaka u Srbiji

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    A total of 41 species of fungi were isolated from seed samples of barley, maize, soybean, and sunflower collected at different locations in Serbia. The majority of detected species occurred on barley (35 of 41 species or 87.8%) comparing to soybean (17 of 41 species or 41.5%), sunflower (16 of 41 species or 39.0%) and maize (15 of 41 species or 36.9%). Species belonging to genera Alternaria, Chaetomium, Epicoccum, Fusarium, Penicillium and Rhizopus were present on seeds of all four plant species. Alternaria species were dominant on soybean, barley and sunflower seeds (85.7%, 84.7% and 76.9%). F. verticillioides and Penicillium spp. were mainly isolated from maize seeds (100 and 92.3% respectively), while other species were isolated up to 38.5% (Chaetomium spp. and Rhizopus spp.). F. graminearum, F. proliferatum, F. poae and F. sporotrichioides were the most common Fusarium species isolated from barley (51.1-93.3%), while on the soybean seeds F. oxysporum (71.4%), F. semitectum (57.1%) and F. sporotrichioides (57.1%) were prevalent. Frequency of Fusarium species on sunflower seeds varied from 7% (F. equiseti, F. graminearum, F. proliferatum and F. subglutinans) to 15.4% (F. verticillioides). Statistically significant negative correlation (r = -0.678*) was determined for the incidence of F. graminearum and Alternaria spp., as well as, Fusarium spp. and Alternaria spp. (r = -0.614*), on barley seeds. The obtained results revealed that seedborne pathogens were present in most seed samples of important cereals and industrial crops grown under different agroecological conditions in Serbia. Some of the identified fungi are potential producers of mycotoxins, thus their presence is important in terms of reduced food safety for humans and animals. Therefore, an early and accurate diagnosis and pathogen surveillance will provide time for the development and the application of disease strategies.Ukupno je izolovana 41 vrsta gljiva iz uzoraka zrna ječma, kukuruza, soje i suncokreta, koji su prikupljeni u različitim lokalitetima u Srbiji. Najveći broj gljiva je utvrđen na zrnu ječma (35 vrsta ili 87,8%) u odnosu na zrno soje (17 vrsta ili 41,5%), suncokreta (16 vrsta ili 39,0%) i kukuruza (15 vrsta ili 36,9%). Vrste rodova Alternaria, Chaetomium, Epicoccum, Fusarium, Penicillium i Rhizopus su utvrđene na zrnu sve četiri biljne vrste. Vrste roda Alternaria su dominirale na zrnu ječma (99,5%), suncokreta (52,9%) i soje (50,0%). F. verticillioides (do 92,0%) i Penicillium spp. (do 57,0%) su najčeŔće izolovane vrste sa zrna kukuruza, dok su ostale vrste izolovane do 38,5% (Chaetomium spp. and Rhizopus spp.). F. graminearum, F. proliferatum, F. poae i F. sporotrichioides su najčeŔće Fusarium vrste izolovane sa zrna ječma (51,1-93,3%), dok su na zrnu soje dominirale F. oxysporum (71,4%), F. semitectum (57,1%) i F. sporotrichioides (57,1%). Učestalost Fusarium vrsta na zrnu suncokreta je varirala od 7% (F. equiseti, F. graminearum, F. proliferatum and F. subglutinans) do 15,4% (F. verticillioides). Na zrnu ječma utvđena je statistički značajna negativna korelacija između intenziteta napada F. graminearum i Alternaria spp. (r = -0,678*), kao i između Fusarium spp. i Alternaria spp. (r = -0,614*). Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da su patogene gljive učestale i u visokom intenzitetu pojave prisutne na zrnu važnih žita i industrijskog bilja gajenih u različitim agroekoloÅ”kim uslovima u Srbiji. Neke od identifikovanih gljiva su potencijalni proizvođači mikotoksina i njihovo prisustvo je važno zbog smanjene bezbednosti hrane za ljude i životinje. Stoga, rana i pouzdana identifikacija patogenih gljiva i procena njihovog značaja u proizvodnji kukuruza, strnih žita i industrijskih biljaka, omogućuje da se pravovremeno razvije i primeni strategija za njihovo suzbijanje i ublažavanje Å”teta


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    Whole-plant corn silage is a starting point for economical and modern animal husbandry. It is a quality green feed replacement and the most important cattle feed. The quality of whole-plant corn silage is of great importance in milk production. Continuous monitoring of silage quality is an important part of feeding programmes. The aim of this study was to use chemical and microbiological analyses to determine the quality of whole-plant corn silage produced on family farms. The analysed samples contained, on average, 66.37% moisture (58.79-72.01%), 33.63% dry matter (27.99-41.21%), 2.07% crude protein (1.07-3.06%), 1.26% crude fat (0.72 -1.84%) and 8.09% crude cellulose (5.72-9.98%). The average pH value, taken as an indicator of the quality of fermentation, was 3.90 (3.50-4.16). Total volatile fatty acid comprised 1.87% (0.67-2.47%) lactic acid, 0.68% acetic acid (12.20-1.52%) and 0.02% (0-0.27%) butyric acid. The average proportions of lactic, acetic and butyric acids in the silage were 72.80% (33.3-88.81%), 26.45% (9.35-66.67%) and 0.75% (0-10.16%). The authors determined silage quality using the Flieg score. The samples from 12 farms were graded as very good, while the silage from the other farms was evaluated as good (4 farms) and satisfactory (2 farms). The analysis of microbiological quality showed that the samples on average contained 405,556 (10,000-3,000,000) of silage bacteria and 7,000 (0-80,000) of mould. Sulphate-reducing Clostridia and Salmonella were not identified. The samples matched quality requirements prescribed by the rulebook

    Uticaj mineralnog adsorbenta 'Minazelā€ na smanjenje rezidua zearalenona i njegovih metabolita u mleku krava

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    The results of the use of mineral adsorbent - Minazel, a preparation based on natural zeolite, in the prevention of mycotoxicoses and avoidance of zearalenone and its metabolites transfer into cow's milk were described in this paper. Using mineral adsorbent Minazel in a concentration of 0.5% of concentrate mixture the transfer of zearalenone from feeds to milk was prevented.U radu su prikazani rezultati koriŔćenja adsorbenta mikotoksina - Minazel, preparata na bazi prirodnog zeolita, u prevenciji mikotoksikoza i sprečavanju prelaska (akumuliranja) zearalenona i njegovih metabolita u mleko krava. MikotoksikoloÅ”kim analizama mleka utvrđeno je da je prisustvo zearalenona u mleku (0,053; 0,019 i 0,004 mg/kg) opadalo sa povećanjem količine Minazela u koncentratu (0; 0,2; 0,5), Å”to uz ostvareno povećanje proizvodnje mleka opravdava njegovo koriŔćenje

    Histohemijsko ispitivanje kardiotoksičnih efekta kod pacova tretiranih T-2 toksinom - semikvantitativna analiza

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    In this study female Wistar rats were treated with T-2 toxin (1 LD50 0.23 mg/kg sc) and sacrificed on days 1, 3, 5, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 60 after the treatment. Control groups of rats were treated by saline (1 ml/kg 0.9% NaCl). At each time-schedule, control groups of animals were sacrificed, too. Pathohistological alterations of the heart were evaluated in whole visual fields stained by haematoxylin and eosin (HE), periodic acid- -Schiff's (PAS), Masson-Trichrom's (MT) and Giemsa (GIM) methods. The changes observed were scored by using semiquantitative grading scale. The heart alterations detected in T-2 toxin-treated animals ranged from focal parenchymal or hyaline degeneration (HE = 2.5 - 4.0; p lt 0.05 vs. control) to diffuse necrosis of muscle cells (HE = 5.0; p lt 0.05 vs. control and 1st day after T-2 treatment). The myofibrils were slightly PAS-positive during the first week of the study (PAS = 2.0 - 3.2; p lt 0.05 vs. control and 1st day after T-2 treatment), while a diffuse distribution of glycogen granules in endo- and perimisium were observed from day 21 to 60 in the whole heart' tissue (PAS = 4.0; p lt 0.05 vs. control and 1st day after T-2 treatment). Massive hemorrhagic foci associated with diffuse accumulation and degranulation of MCs were the most intensive from day 28 to 60 of the study (MT = 5.0; p lt 0.05 vs. control and 1st day after T-2 treatment). During the whole study period, irregular distribution of glycogen granules, intensity and total number of haemorrhages were in correlation with the degree of heart structural lesions, which showed the highest coefficient of correlation (r = 0.8750; p lt 0.001). Our results indicate that basic histohemical methods can be a useful tool for evaluation of T-2 toxin-induced cardiac damage, which is probably a result of complex inflammatory mechanisms, eventually leading to vascular lesions and myocardial necrosis, as well as for some potential cardioprotectors in the future.U ovom radu su ispitani toksični efekti na srcu Wistar pacova akutno trovanih T-2 toksinom. Životinje, jednokratno tretirane T-2 toksinom u dozi od 0,23 mg/kg sc (1 LD50), žrtvovane su 1, 3, 5, 7, 14, 21, 28. i 60. dana posle aplikacije otrova. Kontrolne grupe životinja tretirane su fizioloÅ”kim rastvorom (1 ml/kg 0,9% NaCl) i žrtvovane u istim vremenskim intervalima. Procena patohistoloÅ”kih promena izvrÅ”ena je na uzorcima tkiva srca, bojenih standardnim histohemijskih metodama: hematoksilin i eozin (HE), Gimza (GIM), perjodna kiselina Schiff-ov reagens (PAS) i Masson trichrom (MT), primenom semikvantitativne analize. U srcu pacova tretiranih T-2 toksinom uočene su promene od fokalne parenhimatozne i hijaline degeneracije miofibrila (HE = 2,5-4,0; r lt 0,05 u poređenju sa kontrolom) do fokalne ili difuzne nekroze miÅ”ićnih ćelija (HE = 5,0; r lt 0,05 u poređenju sa kontrolom i 1. danom posle aplikacije T-2 toksina). Tokom prve nedelje ispitivanja miofibrile su bile blago PAS-pozitivne (PAS = 2,0-3,2; r lt 0,05 u poređenju sa kontrolom i 1. danom posle aplikacije T-2 toksina), dok je difuzna distribucija granula glikogena u endo- i perimizijumu zapažena od 21. do 60. dana (PAS = 4,0; p lt 0,05 u poređenju sa kontrolom i 1. danom posle aplikacije T-2 toksina). Masivna hemoragična polja, okružena mnogobrojnim inflamatornim ćelijama, naročito su izražena u periodu od 28. do 60. dana ispitivanja (MT = 5,0; p lt 0,05 u poređenju sa kontrolom i 1. danom posle aplikacije T-2 toksina). Tokom celog perioda ispitivanja, nepravilna distribucija granula glikogena, intenzitet krvarenja i ukupan broj mastocita su bili u korelaciji sa stepenom oÅ”tećenja tkiva srca (r = 0,8750; p lt 0,001). Dobijeni rezultati su potvrdili ranije iznetu tezu da su kardiotoksični efekti T-2 toksina verovatno rezultat kompleksnih inflamatornih mehanizama

    Promene morfometrijskih parametara mastocita u srcu pacova akutno trovanih T-2 toksinom

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    Wistar rats were treated with T-2 toxin (1 LD50; 0.23 mg/kg sc) and the surviving animals were sacrificed on days 1, 3, 5, 7, 14, 21 and 28 after treatment. At each time, control animals were sacrificed, too. Cardiac mast cells, previously stained by Giemsa method, were analyzed in whole visual fields, magnification x40. In the present study the following quantitative morphometric parameters of cardiac mast cells were evaluated: perimeter (P), area (A) and roundness (R). In the control groups of rats the majority of mast cells were small (P = 6.86 - 7.99 mm), hypogranular (A = 11.60 -14.30 mm2) and ovoid (R = 0.60 - 0.65 mm). Mast cells, with discrete granules, hypergranular, had significantly different quantitative parameters (P = 12.80 -14.90 mm; A = 16.70 -20.00 mm2; R = 0.35 -0.38 mm). The minority of mast cells, classified as degranulated, had a large (P=20.70-23.30 mm), irregular shape (A = 24.40 -30.90 mm2) and showed degranulation (R = 0.15 - 0.21 mm). In the heart of T-2 toxin-treated rats the quantitative parametar values of hypogranular mast cells and hypergranular mast cells were similar to the control group during the whole study. However, degranulated mast cells showed a significant increase in perimeter and area values (p lt 0.05), while their roundness was decreased (p lt 0.05) in comparison to the control groups of animals. It could be concluded that the chosen quantitative morphometric parameters of cardiac degranular mast cells are useful for the evaluation of the functional status of the rats' heart during acute T-2 poisoning.Preživeli Wistar pacovi, tretirani T-2 toksinom (1 LD50; 0,23 mg/kg sc), žrtvovani su 1, 3, 5, 7, 14, 21. i 28. dana posle tretmana. U istim vremenskim intervalima žrtvovane su životinje iz kontrolnih grupa. Mastociti srca, prethodno obojeni primenom Giemsa metode bojenja, analizirani su u celom vidnom polju, pod uveličanjem 40. U ovom radu ispitivani su sledeći kvantitativni morfometrijski parametri: perimetar (P), povrÅ”ina (A) i kružnost (R). U srcu kontrolne grupe pacova mastocititi su većinom sitni (P = 6,86-7,99 mm), hipogranularni (A = 11,60 -14,30 mm2) i ovalnog oblika (R = 0,60-0,65 mm). Mastociti blago ispunjeni granulama, hipergranularni mastociti, imali su statistički značajno različite vrednosti kvantitativnih parametera (P = 12,80 -14,90 mm; A = 16,70 -20,00 mm2; R = 0,35-0,38 mm). Mali broj mastocita označeni kao deganulirani mastociti su veliki (P = 20,70-23,30 mm), nepravilnih oblika (A = 24,40 -30,90 mm2) sa granulama ispražnjenim u okolno tkivo (R = 0,15 -0,21 mm). U srcu pacova tretiranih T-2 toksinom kvantitativni parametari hipogranuliranih i hipergarnuliranih mastocita imali su vrednosti slične kontrolnim grupama životinja tokom celog perioda ispitivanja. Međutim, degranulirani mastociti pokazali su statistički značajno povećanje vrednosti prečnika i povrÅ”ine (p lt 0,05), dok je njihova kružnost bila manja (p lt 0,05) u poređenju sa kontrolnim grupama pacova. Moglo bi se zaključiti da su ispitivani kvantitativni morfometrijski parametri degranuliranih mastocita korisni za ispitivanje funkcionalnog statusa srca pacova akutno trovanih T-2 toksinom