21 research outputs found

    Nanoscale electrical conductivity imaging using a nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond

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    The electrical conductivity of a material can feature subtle, nontrivial, and spatially-varying signatures with critical insight into the material's underlying physics. Here we demonstrate a conductivity imaging technique based on the atom-sized nitrogen-vacancy (NV) defect in diamond that offers local, quantitative, and noninvasive conductivity imaging with nanoscale spatial resolution. We monitor the spin relaxation rate of a single NV center in a scanning probe geometry to quantitatively image the magnetic fluctuations produced by thermal electron motion in nanopatterned metallic conductors. We achieve 40-nm scale spatial resolution of the conductivity and realize a 25-fold increase in imaging speed by implementing spin-to-charge conversion readout of a shallow NV center. NV-based conductivity imaging can probe condensed-matter systems in a new regime, and as a model example, we project readily achievable imaging of nanoscale phase separation in complex oxides.Comment: Supplementary information at en

    Compiling Quantum Circuits for Dynamically Field-Programmable Neutral Atoms Array Processors

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    Dynamically field-programmable qubit arrays (DPQA) have recently emerged as a promising platform for quantum information processing. In DPQA, atomic qubits are selectively loaded into arrays of optical traps that can be reconfigured during the computation itself. Leveraging qubit transport and parallel, entangling quantum operations, different pairs of qubits, even those initially far away, can be entangled at different stages of the quantum program execution. Such reconfigurability and non-local connectivity present new challenges for compilation, especially in the layout synthesis step which places and routes the qubits and schedules the gates. In this paper, we consider a DPQA architecture that contains multiple arrays and supports 2D array movements, representing cutting-edge experimental platforms. Within this architecture, we discretize the state space and formulate layout synthesis as a satisfactory modulo theories problem, which can be solved by existing solvers optimally in terms of circuit depth. For a set of benchmark circuits generated by random graphs with complex connectivities, our compiler OLSQ-DPQA reduces the number of two-qubit entangling gates on small problem instances by 1.7x compared to optimal compilation results on a fixed planar architecture. To further improve scalability and practicality of the method, we introduce a greedy heuristic inspired by the iterative peeling approach in classical integrated circuit routing. Using a hybrid approach that combined the greedy and optimal methods, we demonstrate that our DPQA-based compiled circuits feature reduced scaling overhead compared to a grid fixed architecture, resulting in 5.1X less two-qubit gates for 90 qubit quantum circuits. These methods enable programmable, complex quantum circuits with neutral atom quantum computers, as well as informing both future compilers and future hardware choices.Comment: An extended abstract of this work was presented at the 41st International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD '22

    Constant-Overhead Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation with Reconfigurable Atom Arrays

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    Quantum low-density parity-check (qLDPC) codes can achieve high encoding rates and good code distance scaling, providing a promising route to low-overhead fault-tolerant quantum computing. However, the long-range connectivity required to implement such codes makes their physical realization challenging. Here, we propose a hardware-efficient scheme to perform fault-tolerant quantum computation with high-rate qLDPC codes on reconfigurable atom arrays, directly compatible with recently demonstrated experimental capabilities. Our approach utilizes the product structure inherent in many qLDPC codes to implement the non-local syndrome extraction circuit via atom rearrangement, resulting in effectively constant overhead in practically relevant regimes. We prove the fault tolerance of these protocols, perform circuit-level simulations of memory and logical operations with these codes, and find that our qLDPC-based architecture starts to outperform the surface code with as few as several hundred physical qubits at a realistic physical error rate of 10−310^{-3}. We further find that less than 3000 physical qubits are sufficient to obtain over an order of magnitude qubit savings compared to the surface code, and quantum algorithms involving thousands of logical qubits can be performed using less than 10510^5 physical qubits. Our work paves the way for explorations of low-overhead quantum computing with qLDPC codes at a practical scale, based on current experimental technologies

    A quantum processor based on coherent transport of entangled atom arrays

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    The ability to engineer parallel, programmable operations between desired qubits within a quantum processor is central for building scalable quantum information systems. In most state-of-the-art approaches, qubits interact locally, constrained by the connectivity associated with their fixed spatial layout. Here, we demonstrate a quantum processor with dynamic, nonlocal connectivity, in which entangled qubits are coherently transported in a highly parallel manner across two spatial dimensions, in between layers of single- and two-qubit operations. Our approach makes use of neutral atom arrays trapped and transported by optical tweezers; hyperfine states are used for robust quantum information storage, and excitation into Rydberg states is used for entanglement generation. We use this architecture to realize programmable generation of entangled graph states such as cluster states and a 7-qubit Steane code state. Furthermore, we shuttle entangled ancilla arrays to realize a surface code with 19 qubits and a toric code state on a torus with 24 qubits. Finally, we use this architecture to realize a hybrid analog-digital evolution and employ it for measuring entanglement entropy in quantum simulations, experimentally observing non-monotonic entanglement dynamics associated with quantum many-body scars. Realizing a long-standing goal, these results pave the way toward scalable quantum processing and enable new applications ranging from simulation to metrology.Comment: 23 pages, 14 figures; movie attached as ancillary fil

    Probing many-body noise in a strongly interacting two-dimensional dipolar spin system

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    The most direct approach for characterizing the quantum dynamics of a strongly-interacting system is to measure the time-evolution of its full many-body state. Despite the conceptual simplicity of this approach, it quickly becomes intractable as the system size grows. An alternate framework is to think of the many-body dynamics as generating noise, which can be measured by the decoherence of a probe qubit. Our work centers on the following question: What can the decoherence dynamics of such a probe tell us about the many-body system? In particular, we utilize optically addressable probe spins to experimentally characterize both static and dynamical properties of strongly-interacting magnetic dipoles. Our experimental platform consists of two types of spin defects in diamond: nitrogen-vacancy (NV) color centers (probe spins) and substitutional nitrogen impurities (many-body system). We demonstrate that signatures of the many-body system's dimensionality, dynamics, and disorder are naturally encoded in the functional form of the NV's decoherence profile. Leveraging these insights, we directly characterize the two-dimensional nature of a nitrogen delta-doped diamond sample. In addition, we explore two distinct facets of the many-body dynamics: First, we address a persistent debate about the microscopic nature of spin dynamics in strongly-interacting dipolar systems. Second, we demonstrate direct control over the spectral properties of the many-body system, including its correlation time. Our work opens the door to new directions in both quantum sensing and simulation.Comment: 10 + 8 + 5 pages; 3 + 5 figure

    High-fidelity parallel entangling gates on a neutral atom quantum computer

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    The ability to perform entangling quantum operations with low error rates in a scalable fashion is a central element of useful quantum information processing. Neutral atom arrays have recently emerged as a promising quantum computing platform, featuring coherent control over hundreds of qubits and any-to-any gate connectivity in a flexible, dynamically reconfigurable architecture. The major outstanding challenge has been to reduce errors in entangling operations mediated through Rydberg interactions. Here we report the realization of two-qubit entangling gates with 99.5% fidelity on up to 60 atoms in parallel, surpassing the surface code threshold for error correction. Our method employs fast single-pulse gates based on optimal control, atomic dark states to reduce scattering, and improvements to Rydberg excitation and atom cooling. We benchmark fidelity using several methods based on repeated gate applications, characterize the physical error sources, and outline future improvements. Finally, we generalize our method to design entangling gates involving a higher number of qubits, which we demonstrate by realizing low-error three-qubit gates. By enabling high-fidelity operation in a scalable, highly connected system, these advances lay the groundwork for large-scale implementation of quantum algorithms, error-corrected circuits, and digital simulations.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Methods: 13 pages, 10 figure