3,551 research outputs found

    High Spatial Resolution Observations of Two Young Protostars in the R Corona Australis Region

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    We present multi-wavelength, high spatial resolution imaging of the IRS 7 region in the R Corona Australis molecular cloud. Our observations include 1.1 mm continuum and HCO^+ J = 323 \to 2 images from the SMA, ^{12}CO J = 323 \to 2 outflow maps from the DesertStar heterodyne array receiver on the HHT, 450 μ\mum and 850 μ\mum continuum images from SCUBA, and archival Spitzer IRAC and MIPS 24 \micron images. The accurate astrometry of the IRAC images allow us to identify IRS 7 with the cm source VLA 10W (IRS 7A) and the X-ray source X_W. The SMA 1.1 mm image reveals two compact continuum sources which are also distinguishable at 450 μ\mum. SMA 1 coincides with X-ray source CXOU J190156.4-365728 and VLA cm source 10E (IRS 7B) and is seen in the IRAC and MIPS images. SMA 2 has no infrared counterpart but coincides with cm source VLA 9. Spectral energy distributions constructed from SMA, SCUBA and Spitzer data yield bolometric temperatures of 83 K for SMA 1 and \leq70 K for SMA 2. These temperatures along with the submillimeter to total luminosity ratios indicate that SMA 2 is a Class 0 protostar, while SMA 1 is a Class 0/Class I transitional object (L=17±617\pm6 \Lsun). The ^{12}CO J = 323 \to 2 outflow map shows one major and possibly several smaller outflows centered on the IRS 7 region, with masses and energetics consistent with previous work. We identify the Class 0 source SMA 2/VLA 9 as the main driver of this outflow. The complex and clumpy spatial and velocity distribution of the HCO^+ J = 323 \to 2 emission is not consistent with either bulk rotation, or any known molecular outflow activity.Comment: 31 pages, 8 figures, Accepted to Ap

    Non-Collinear Ferromagnetic Luttinger Liquids

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    The presence of electron-electron interactions in one dimension profoundly changes the properties of a system. The separation of charge and spin degrees of freedom is just one example. We consider what happens when a system consisting of a ferromagnetic region of non-collinearity, i.e. a domain wall, is coupled to interacting electrons in one-dimension (more specifically a Luttinger liquid). The ferromagnetism breaks spin charge separation and the presence of the domain wall introduces a spin dependent scatterer into the problem. The absence of spin charge separation and the effects of the electron correlations results in very different behaviour for the excitations in the system and for spin-transfer-torque effects in this model.Comment: 6 pages, submitted to Journal of Physics: Conference Series for JEMS 201

    Observation of Spin-glass-like Behavior in SrRuO3 Epitaxial Thin Films

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    We report the observation of spin-glass-like behavior and strong magnetic anisotropy in extremely smooth (~1-3 \AA) roughness) epitaxial (110) and (010) SrRuO3 thin films. The easy axis of magnetization is always perpendicular to the plane of the film (unidirectional) irrespective of crystallographic orientation. An attempt has been made to understand the nature and origin of spin-glass behavior, which fits well with Heisenberg model.Comment: 5 pages, 5 Figure

    The Association between Contact and Intellectual Disability Literacy, Causal Attributions and Stigma

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    Background: Contact is seen as a key route to tackling stigma and discrimination. Contact theory states that the quality and type of contact, as well as circumstance of the contact experience, influence the effect of contact on prejudice. The majority of research in intellectual disabilities though has focused on contact as present or absent only. Method: 1264 adult members of the UK general population completed measures of symptom recognition, social distance (as measure of external stigma) and causal beliefs in response to a diagnostically unlabelled vignette, depicting someone with intellectual disabilities. Results: A nuanced contact variable, including frequency of contact and closeness and nature of the contact relationship, explained more of the variance in social distance, compared to the binary variable (contact as present or absent). Only the closeness of the relationship was individually predictive though and the models explained only relatively small amounts of the variance. Structural equation modelling of contact, recognition, social distance and causal beliefs demonstrated that the model including the nuanced variable was an adequate fit for the data. Conclusions: Future research aimed at increasing our understanding of intellectual disability stigma should avoid assessing contact as a binary variable only, but consider other factors, particularly the closeness of contact relationships. Anti-stigma interventions may benefit from focussing on causal attributions as a method of reducing stigma

    Non-Markovian Persistence at the PC point of a 1d non-equilibrium kinetic Ising model

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    One-dimensional non-equilibrium kinetic Ising models evolving under the competing effect of spin flips at zero temperature and nearest neighbour spin exchanges exhibiting a parity-conserving (PC) phase transition on the level of kinks are investigated here numerically from the point of view of the underlying spin system. The dynamical persistency exponent Θ\Theta and the exponent lambdalambda characterising the two-time autocorrelation function of the total magnetization under non-equilibrium conditions are reported. It is found that the PC transition has strong effect: the process becomes non-Markovian and the above exponents exhibit drastic changes as compared to the Glauber-Ising case.Comment: 6 pages, Latex, postscript figures include

    Spatially resolved spectra of 3C galaxy nuclei

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    We present and discuss visible-wavelength long-slit spectra of four low redshift 3C galaxies obtained with the STIS instrument on the Hubble Space Telescope. The slit was aligned with near-nuclear jet-like structure seen in HST images of the galaxies, to give unprecedented spatial resolution of the galaxy inner regions. In 3C 135 and 3C 171, the spectra reveal clumpy emission line structures that indicate outward motions of a few hundred km s1^{-1} within a centrally illuminated and ionised biconical region. There may also be some low-ionisation high-velocity material associated with 3C 135. In 3C 264 and 3C 78, the jets have blue featureless spectra consistent with their proposed synchrotron origin. There is weak associated line emission in the innermost part of the jets with mild outflow velocity. These jets are bright and highly collimated only within a circumnuclear region of lower galaxy luminosity, which is not dusty. We discuss the origins of these central regions and their connection with relativistic jets.Comment: 15 pages incl Tables, 12 diagrams, To appear in A

    Generalized Dynamic Scaling for Critical Magnetic Systems

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    The short-time behaviour of the critical dynamics for magnetic systems is investigated with Monte Carlo methods. Without losing the generality, we consider the relaxation process for the two dimensional Ising and Potts model starting from an initial state with very high temperature and arbitrary magnetization. We confirm the generalized scaling form and observe that the critical characteristic functions of the initial magnetization for the Ising and the Potts model are quite different.Comment: 32 pages with15 eps-figure

    Exploring the Nature of Weak Chandra Sources near the Galactic Centre

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    We present results from the first near-IR imaging of the weak X-ray sources discovered in the Chandra/ACIS-I survey (Wang et al. 2002) towards the Galactic Centre (GC). These ~800 discrete sources, which contribute significantly to the GC X-ray emission, represent an important and previously unknown population within the Galaxy. From our VLT observations we will identify likely IR counterparts to a sample of the hardest sources, which are most likely X-ray binaries. With these data we can place constraints on the nature of the discrete weak X-ray source population of the GC.Comment: In Proc. of ``Interacting Binaries: Accretion, Evolution, and Outcomes'', eds. L. A. Antonelli et al., AIP, Cefalu, Sicily, 200

    ATLBS Extended Source Sample: The evolution in radio source morphology with flux density

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    Based on the ATLBS survey we present a sample of extended radio sources and derive morphological properties of faint radio sources. 119 radio galaxies form the ATLBS-Extended Source Sample (ATLBS-ESS) consisting of all sources exceeding 30" in extent and integrated flux densities exceeding 1 mJy. We give structural details along with information on galaxy identifications and source classifications. The ATLBS-ESS, unlike samples with higher flux-density limits, has almost equal fractions of FR-I and FR-II radio galaxies with a large fraction of the FR-I population exhibiting 3C31-type structures. Significant asymmetry in lobe extents appears to be a common occurrence in the ATLBS-ESS FR-I sources compared to FR-II sources. We present a sample of 22 FR-Is at z>0.5 with good structural information. The detection of several giant radio sources, with size exceeding 0.7 Mpc, at z>1 suggests that giant radio sources are not less common at high redshifts. The ESS also includes a sample of 28 restarted radio galaxies. The relative abundance of dying and restarting sources is indicative of a model where radio sources undergo episodic activity in which an active phase is followed by a brief dying phase that terminates with restarting of the central activity; in any massive elliptical a few such activity cycles wherein adjacent events blend may constitute the lifetime of a radio source and such bursts of blended activity cycles may be repeated over the age of the host. The ATLBS-ESS includes a 2-Mpc giant radio galaxy with the lowest surface brightness lobes known to date.Comment: 69 pages, 119 figures, 4 tables, to appear in ApJ