189 research outputs found


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    Christine Haug, Anke Vogel (Hrsg.): Quo vadis, Kinderbuch? Gegenwart und Zukunft der Literatur für junge Leser. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag 2011. (Buchwissenschaftliche Forschungen der Internationalen Buchwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft ; 10), 236 S., Schwarzweißabbildungen. ISBN: 978-3-447-06473-6. EUR 36,– [D] / 37,10,– [A]

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    Review of Christine Haug, Anke Vogel (Ed.): Quo vadis, Kinderbuch? Gegenwart und Zukunft der Literatur fĂĽr junge Leser. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag 2011

    "Herausforderungen für Repositorien!?" Tagung anlässlich 10 Jahre Phaidra an der Universität Wien (Wien, 24. Oktober 2017)

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    Ten years of experience with the operation of a repository shows that needs and issues are constantly changing. For example, it is necessary to consider which technologies and requirements of different stakeholder groups currently give rise to new or different thinking on repositories, and how current developments in this area can be conceived and implemented. Recent tasks, such as research data management and user habits, are contributing to a changing image of repositories. At this event, experts from various disciplines discussed how the future of repositories might look like, what considerations and resources are needed and necessary

    FAIR data and data management requirements in a comparative perspective: Horizon 2020 and FWF policies

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    Basierend auf unserem Beitrag zum Datenmanagement-Workshop, der im Rahmen der österreichischen Citizen Science-Konferenz 2019 in Obergurgl stattfand, stellen wir in diesem Beitrag eine vergleichende Perspektive auf die Anforderungen an Open Data und an das Datenmanagement im Horizont-2020-Programm der Europäischen Union und die des nationalen Förderers, des österreichischen FWF vor. Wir kommen zu dem Schluss, dass trotz einiger Unterschiede in der Terminologie und den spezifischen Anforderungen, der DMP des FWFs und des Horizon 2020-Programms im Wesentlichen sehr ähnlich sind.Based on our input to the Data Management Workshop, held during the Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2019 in Obergurgl, we provide a comparative perspective on the open data and data management requirements in the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme and those of a national funder, the Austrian FWF, in this paper. We conclude that, although there are some differences in terminology and specific requirements, both the FWF and Horizon 2020 DMPs essentially cover the same ground

    Umgang mit Metadaten in Repositorien - Eine österreichweite Umfrage

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    Dieser Artikel enthält eine Auswertung der Telefonumfrage zum Thema "Metadaten", die im Sommer 2015 unter den am Projekt e-Infrastructures Austria teilnehmenden Institutionen durchgeführt wurde. Ziel der Befragung war eine Bestandsaufnahme der an den einzelnen Universitäten im Einsatz befindlichen Repositorien, um einen Überblick über die wichtigsten Softwaresysteme und deren spezifische Einsatzzwecke, die am häufigsten verwendeten Metadatenstandards und die Gepflogenheiten bzw. Erwartungen der Nutzer und Nutzerinnen zu gewinnen. Zukünftige Planungen und Entwicklungen waren ebenfalls Gegenstand des Fragebogens

    "Herausforderungen für Repositorien!?" Tagung anlässlich 10 Jahre Phaidra an der Universität Wien (Wien, 24. Oktober 2017)

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    Ten years of experience with the operation of a repository shows that needs and issues are constantly changing. For example, it is necessary to consider which technologies and requirements of different stakeholder groups currently give rise to new or different thinking on repositories, and how current developments in this area can be conceived and implemented. Recent tasks, such as research data management and user habits, are contributing to a changing image of repositories. At this event, experts from various disciplines discussed how the future of repositories might look like, what considerations and resources are needed and necessary

    Neue Anforderungen – viele offene Fragen. Zu den vielfältigen Rollen von Repositorien am Beispiel der UB Wien

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    New requirements - many open questions. On the diverse roles of repositories using the example of the Vienna University Library [translation of the title]. The construction and operation of repositories presents academic libraries with complex challenges. Numerous technical, legal and ethical questions remain unresolved and can only be answered in close cooperation with a large number of experts from different disciplines. The biggest challenge, and at the same time an important future for libraries, is to be able to adapt quickly to changing technical conditions, publication cultures and scientific workflows, and to offer researchers tools that not only allow data to be stored, but also optimally cover the entire research life cycle support

    11. Munin-Konferenz (Tromsø, 21.–22. November 2016)

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    Report on the 11th Munin Conference in Tromsø in November 2016

    Der Umgang mit Requirements-Engineering an wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken

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    Dealing with requirement sengineering at academic libraries [translation of the title]. Objective — The aim of the work was to show that academic libraries benefit from a professional handling of requirements in IT projects. In this context, it should also be examined to what extent requirements engineering is widespread in academic libraries in Austria. Methods — In addition to a literature review on requirements engineering, an explorative survey was conducted with librarians and IT experts. Results — The research shows that requirements engineering is not yet sufficiently used in academic libraries, although there is already intensive collaboration between IT departments and libraries. Conclusion — Academic libraries should pay more attention to professional requirements engineering in order to save time and money in the long term. Library staff should be given access to this area through training, and overall awareness raising in this area seems important

    Fuchs, Sabine; Brigitte Kovacs; Michaela Reitbauer (Hg.): Vielfalt Kinderbuch

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    Fuchs, Sabine; Brigitte Kovacs; Michaela Reitbauer (Hg.): Vielfalt Kinderbuch. 22 Positionen österreichischer Künstler*innen. Katalog zur Ausstellung. Graz: KiJuLit Zentrum für Forschung und Didaktik der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur 2021
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