87 research outputs found

    Non-Abelian Brane Worlds: The Heterotic String Story

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    We discuss chiral supersymmetric compactifications of the SO(32) heterotic string on Calabi-Yau manifolds equipped with direct sums of stable bundles with structure group U(n). In addition we allow for non-perturbative heterotic five-branes. These models are S-dual to Type I compactifications with D9- and D5-branes, which by themselves are mirror symmetric to general intersecting D6-brane models. For the construction of concrete examples we consider elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau manifolds with SU(n) bundles given by the spectral cover construction. The U(n) bundles are obtained via twisting by line bundles. We present a four-generation Pati-Salam and a three-generation Standard-like model.Comment: 29 pages, 7 tables, LATEX; v2: refs adde

    One in a Billion: MSSM-like D-Brane Statistics

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    Continuing our recent work hep-th/0411173, we study the statistics of four-dimensional, supersymmetric intersecting D-brane models in a toroidal orientifold background. We have performed a vast computer survey of solutions to the stringy consistency conditions and present their statistical implications with special emphasis on the frequency of Standard Model features. Among the topics we discuss are the implications of the K-theory constraints, statistical correlations among physical quantities and an investigation of the various statistical suppression factors arising once certain Standard Model features are required. We estimate the frequency of an MSSM like gauge group with three generations to be one in a billion.Comment: 36 pages, 12 figures; v2: typos corrected, one ref. added; v3: minor changes, version to appear in JHE

    Yukawa couplings and masses of non-chiral states for the Standard Model on D6-branes on T6/Z6'

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    The perturbative leading order open string three-point couplings for the Standard Model with hidden USp(6) on fractional D6-branes on T6/Z6' from arXiv:0806.3039 [hep-th], arXiv:0910.0843 [hep-th] are computed. Physical Yukawa couplings consisting of holomorphic Wilsonian superpotential terms times a non-holomorphic prefactor involving the corresponding classical open string Kaehler metrics are given, and mass terms for all non-chiral matter states are derived. The lepton Yukawa interactions are at leading order flavour diagonal, while the quark sector displays a more intricate pattern of mixings. While N=2 supersymmetric sectors acquire masses via only two D6-brane displacements - which also provide the hierarchies between up- and down-type Yukawas within one quark or lepton generation -, the remaining vector-like states receive masses via perturbative three-point couplings to some Standard Model singlet fields with vevs along flat directions. Couplings to the hidden sector and messengers for supersymmetry breaking are briefly discussed.Comment: 52 pages (including 8p. appendix); 5 figures; 14 tables; v2: discussion in section 4.1.3 extended, footnote 5 added, typos corrected, accepted by JHE

    Massive Abelian Gauge Symmetries and Fluxes in F-theory

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    F-theory compactified on a Calabi-Yau fourfold naturally describes non-Abelian gauge symmetries through the singularity structure of the elliptic fibration. In contrast Abelian symmetries are more difficult to study because of their inherently global nature. We argue that in general F-theory compactifications there are massive Abelian symmetries, such as the uplift of the Abelian part of the U(N) gauge group on D7-branes, that arise from non-Kahler resolutions of the dual M-theory setup. The four-dimensional F-theory vacuum with vanishing expectation values for the gauge fields corresponds to the Calabi-Yau limit. We propose that fluxes that are turned on along these U(1)s are uplifted to non-harmonic four-form fluxes. We derive the effective four-dimensional gauged supergravity resulting from F-theory compactifications in the presence of the Abelian gauge factors including the effects of possible fluxes on the gauging, tadpoles and matter spectrum.Comment: 49 page

    Gauge Fluxes in F-theory and Type IIB Orientifolds

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    We provide a detailed correspondence between G_4 gauge fluxes in F-theory compactifications with SU(n) and SU(n)x(1) gauge symmetry and their Type IIB orientifold limit. Based on the resolution of the relevant F-theory Tate models we classify the factorisable G_4-fluxes and match them with the set of universal D5-tadpole free U(1)-fluxes in Type IIB. Where available, the global version of the universal spectral cover flux corresponds to Type IIB gauge flux associated with a massive diagonal U(1). In U(1)-restricted Tate models extra massless abelian fluxes exist which are associated with specific linear combinations of Type IIB fluxes. Key to a quantitative match between F-theory and Type IIB is a proper treatment of the conifold singularity encountered in the Sen limit of generic F-theory models. We also shed further light on the brane recombination process relating generic and U(1)-restricted Tate models.Comment: 53 pages, 3 figures; v2: Refs added; v3: minor corrections to match version published in JHE

    On Flux Quantization in F-Theory II: Unitary and Symplectic Gauge Groups

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    We study the quantization of the M-theory G-flux on elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau fourfolds with singularities giving rise to unitary and symplectic gauge groups. We seek and find its relation to the Freed-Witten quantization of worldvolume fluxes on 7-branes in type IIB orientifold compactifications on Calabi-Yau threefolds. By explicitly constructing the appropriate four-cycles on which to calculate the periods of the second Chern class of the fourfolds, we find that there is a half-integral shift in the quantization of G-flux whenever the corresponding dual 7-brane is wrapped on a non-spin submanifold. This correspondence of quantizations holds for all unitary and symplectic gauge groups, except for SU(3), which behaves mysteriously. We also perform our analysis in the case where, in addition to the aforementioned gauge groups, there is also a 'flavor' U(1)-gauge group.Comment: 33 pages, 4 figure

    Toric Construction of Global F-Theory GUTs

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    We systematically construct a large number of compact Calabi-Yau fourfolds which are suitable for F-theory model building. These elliptically fibered Calabi-Yaus are complete intersections of two hypersurfaces in a six dimensional ambient space. We first construct three-dimensional base manifolds that are hypersurfaces in a toric ambient space. We search for divisors which can support an F-theory GUT. The fourfolds are obtained as elliptic fibrations over these base manifolds. We find that elementary conditions which are motivated by F-theory GUTs lead to strong constraints on the geometry, which significantly reduce the number of suitable models. The complete database of models is available at http://hep.itp.tuwien.ac.at/f-theory/. We work out several examples in more detail.Comment: 35 pages, references adde

    Unification, KK-thresholds and the top Yukawa coupling in F-theory GUTs

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    In a class of F-theory SU(5) GUTs the low energy chiral mass spectrum is obtained from rank one fermion mass textures with a hierarchical structure organised by U(1) symmetries embedded in the exceptional E_8 group. In these theories chiral fields reside on matter `curves' and the tree level masses are computed from integrals of overlapping wavefuctions of the particles at the triple intersection points. This calculation requires knowledge of the exact form of the wavefuctions. In this work we propose a way to obtain a reliable estimate of the various quantities which determine the strength of the Yukawa couplings. We use previous analysis of KK threshold effects to determine the (ratios of) heavy mass scales of the theory which are involved in the normalization of the wave functions. We consider similar effects from the chiral spectrum of these models and discuss possible constraints on the emerging matter content. In this approach, we find that the Yukawa couplings can be determined solely from the U(1) charges of the states in the `intersection' and the torsion which is a topological invariant quantity. We apply the results to a viable SU(5) model with minimal spectrum which satisfies all the constraints imposed by our analysis. We use renormalization group analysis to estimate the top and bottom masses and find that they are in agreement with the experimental values.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figure

    On Flux Quantization in F-Theory

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    We study the problem of four-form flux quantization in F-theory compactifications. We prove that for smooth, elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau fourfolds with a Weierstrass representation, the flux is always integrally quantized. This implies that any possible half-integral quantization effects must come from 7-branes, i.e. from singularities of the fourfold. We subsequently analyze the quantization rule on explicit fourfolds with Sp(N) singularities, and connect our findings via Sen's limit to IIB string theory. Via direct computations we find that the four-form is half-integrally quantized whenever the corresponding 7-brane stacks wrap non-spin complex surfaces, in accordance with the perturbative Freed-Witten anomaly. Our calculations on the fourfolds are done via toric techniques, whereas in IIB we rely on Sen's tachyon condensation picture to treat bound states of branes. Finally, we give general formulae for the curvature- and flux-induced D3 tadpoles for general fourfolds with Sp(N) singularities.Comment: 46 page