224 research outputs found

    Recent Progress in Intersecting D-brane Models

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    The aim of this article is to review some recent progress in the field of intersecting D-brane models. This includes the construction of chiral, semi-realistic flux compactifications, the systematic study of Gepner model orientifolds, the computation of various terms in the low energy effective action and the investigation of the statistics of solutions to the tadpole cancellation conditions.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure, contribution to the proceedings of the 37. Symposium Ahrenshoop, 23-27 August 2004, Wernsdorf, Germany, v3: more refs. adde

    Gauge Coupling Unification in F-theory GUT Models

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    We investigate gauge coupling unification for F-theory respectively Type IIB orientifold constructions of SU(5) GUT theories with gauge symmetry breaking via non-trivial hypercharge flux. This flux has the non-trivial effect that it splits the values of the three MSSM gauge couplings at the string scale, thus potentially spoiling the celebrated one-loop gauge coupling unification. It is shown how F-theory can evade this problem in a natural way.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, v2: clarifying comments and refs. added, v3: footnote [24] adde

    Discrete Deformations in Type I Vacua

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    We study supersymmetric orientifolds where the world-sheet parity transformation is combined with a conjugation of some compact complex coordinates. We investigate their T-duality relation to standard orientifolds and discuss the origin of continuous and discrete moduli. In contrast to standard orientifolds, the antisymmetric tensor describes a continuous deformation, while the off-diagonal part of the metric is frozen to quantized values and is responsible for the rank reduction of the gauge group. We also give a geometrical interpretation of some recently constructed six-dimensional permutational orientifolds.Comment: 12 pages, TeX, harvmac, 4 figures, eq.(3.15) change

    T-duality, Non-geometry and Lie Algebroids in Heterotic Double Field Theory

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    A number of issues in heterotic double field theory are studied. This includes the analysis of the T-dual configurations of a flat constant gauge flux background, which turn out to be non-geometric. Performing a field redefinition to a non-geometric frame, these T-duals take a very simple form reminiscent of the constant Q- and R-flux backgrounds. In addition, it is shown how the analysis of arXiv:1304.2784 generalizes to heterotic generalized geometry. For every field redefinition specified by an O(D,D+n) transformation, the structure of the resulting supergravity action is governed by the differential geometry of a corresponding Lie algebroid.Comment: 27 pages, 1 figure, v2: refs adde

    Nonassociative Gravity in String Theory?

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    In an on-shell conformal field theory approach, we find indications of a three-bracket structure for target space coordinates in general closed string backgrounds. This generalizes the appearance of noncommutative gauge theories for open strings in two-form backgrounds to a putative noncommutative/nonassociative gravity theory for closed strings probing curved backgrounds with non-vanishing three-form flux. Several aspects and consequences of the three-bracket structure are discussed and a new type of generalized uncertainty principle is proposed.Comment: v2: references added, discussion in section 5 extended; v3: published version, minor technical mistake corrected (discussion & conclusions unchanged

    Exactly Solvable Points in the Moduli Space of Heterotic N=2 Strings

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    We investigate the subset of exactly solvable (0,4) world sheet supersymmetric string vacua contained in a recent class of Gepner-like (0,2) superconformal models. The identification of these models with certain points of enhanced gauge symmetry on K_3 x T_2 can be achieved completely. Furthermore, we extend the construction of in general (0,2) supersymmetric exactly solvable models to the case where also a nontrivial part of the vector bundle is embedded into the hidden E_8 gauge group. For some examples we explicitly calculate the enhanced gauge symmetries and show that they open up the way to interesting branches of the N=2 moduli space. For some of these models candidates of typeII dual descriptions exist.Comment: 13 pages, plain TeX, no postscript figure
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