10,431 research outputs found

    Completely positive covariant two-qubit quantum processes and optimal quantum NOT operations for entangled qubit pairs

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    The structure of all completely positive quantum operations is investigated which transform pure two-qubit input states of a given degree of entanglement in a covariant way. Special cases thereof are quantum NOT operations which transform entangled pure two-qubit input states of a given degree of entanglement into orthogonal states in an optimal way. Based on our general analysis all covariant optimal two-qubit quantum NOT operations are determined. In particular, it is demonstrated that only in the case of maximally entangled input states these quantum NOT operations can be performed perfectly.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure

    Optimal copying of entangled two-qubit states

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    We investigate the problem of copying pure two-qubit states of a given degree of entanglement in an optimal way. Completely positive covariant quantum operations are constructed which maximize the fidelity of the output states with respect to two separable copies. These optimal copying processes hint at the intricate relationship between fundamental laws of quantum theory and entanglement.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Spin filtering through excited states in double quantum dot pumps

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    Recently it has been shown that ac-driven double quantum dots can act as spin pumps and spin filters. By calculating the current through the system for each spin polarization, by means of the time evolution of the reduced density matrix in the sequential tunneling regime (Born-Markov approximation), we demonstrate that the spin polarization of the current can be controlled by tuning the parameters (amplitude and frequency) of the ac field. Importantly, the pumped current as a function of the applied frequency presents a series of peaks which are uniquely associated with a definite spin polarization. We discuss how excited states participating in the current allow the system to behave as a bipolar spin filter by tuning the ac frequency and intensity. We also discuss spin relaxation and decoherence effects in the pumped current and show that measuring the width of the current vs frequency peaks allows to determine the spin decoherence time T2T_{2}.Comment: 10 pages. 5 figure

    Polarization and angular distribution of the radiation emitted in laser-assisted recombination

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    The effect of an intense external linear polarized radiation field on the angular distributions and polarization states of the photons emitted during the radiative recombination is investigated. It is predicted, on symmetry grounds, and corroborated by numerical calculations of approximate recombination rates, that emission of elliptically polarized photons occurs when the momentum of the electron beam is not aligned to the direction of the oscillating field. Moreover, strong modifications to the angular distributions of the emitted photons are induced by the external radiation field.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Entanglement and Quantum Noise Due to a Thermal Bosonic Field

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    We analyze the indirect exchange interaction between two two-state systems, e.g., spins 1/2, subject to a common finite-temperature environment modeled by bosonic modes. The environmental modes, e.g., phonons or cavity photons, are also a source of quantum noise. We analyze the coherent vs noise-induced features of the two-spin dynamics and predict that for low enough temperatures the induced interaction is coherent over time scales sufficient to create entanglement. A nonperturbative approach is utilized to obtain an exact solution for the onset of the induced interaction, whereas for large times, a Markovian scheme is used. We identify the time scales for which the spins develop entanglement for various spatial separations. For large enough times, the initially created entanglement is erased by quantum noise. Estimates for the interaction and the level of quantum noise for localized impurity electron spins in Si-Ge type semiconductors are given.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures; typos correcte

    Quasienergy spectrum and tunneling current in ac-driven triple quantum dot shuttles

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    The dynamics of electrons in ac driven double quantum dots have been extensively analyzed by means of Floquet theory. In these systems, coherent destruction of tunneling has been shown to occur for certain ac field parameters. In the present work we analyze, by means of Floquet theory, the electron dynamics of a triple quantum dot in series attached to electric contacts, where the central dot position oscillates. In particular, we analyze the quasienergy spectrum of this ac driven nanoelectromechanical system, as a function of the intensity and frequency of the ac field and of external dc voltages. For strong driving fields, we derive, by means of perturbation theory, analytical expressions for the quasienergies of the driven oscillator system. From this analysis we discuss the conditions for coherent destruction of tunneling (CDT) to occur as a function of detuning and field parameters. For zero detuning, and from the invariance of the Floquet Hamiltonian under a generalized parity transformation, we find analytical expressions describing the symmetry properties of the Fourier components of the Floquet states under such transformation. By using these expressions, we show that in the vicinity of the CDT condition, the quasienergy spectrum exhibits exact crossings which can be characterized by the parity properties of the corresponding eigenvectors

    Quantum dynamics of the avian compass

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    The ability of migratory birds to orient relative to the Earth's magnetic field is believed to involve a coherent superposition of two spin states of a radical electron pair. However, the mechanism by which this coherence can be maintained in the face of strong interactions with the cellular environment has remained unclear. This Letter addresses the problem of decoherence between two electron spins due to hyperfine interaction with a bath of spin 1/2 nuclei. Dynamics of the radical pair density matrix are derived and shown to yield a simple mechanism for sensing magnetic field orientation. Rates of dephasing and decoherence are calculated ab initio and found to yield millisecond coherence times, consistent with behavioral experiments
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