113 research outputs found

    Hadronic multiparticle production in extensive air showers and accelerator experiments

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    Using CORSIKA for simulating extensive air showers, we study the relation between the shower characteristics and features of hadronic multiparticle production at low energies. We report about investigations of typical energies and phase space regions of secondary particles which are important for muon production in extensive air showers. Possibilities to measure relevant quantities of hadron production in existing and planned accelerator experiments are discussed.Comment: To be published in Proceedings of ICRC 2005, 29th International Cosmic Ray Conferenc

    Atmospheric Profiles at the Southern Pierre Auger Observatory and their Relevance to Air Shower Measurement

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    The dependence of atmospheric conditions on altitude and time have to be known at the site of an air shower experiment for accurate reconstruction of extensive air showers and their simulations. The height-profile of atmospheric depth is of particular interest as it enters directly into the reconstruction of longitudinal shower development and of the primary energy and mass of cosmic rays. For the southern part of the Auger Observatory, the atmosphere has been investigated in a number of campaigns with meteorological radio soundings and with continuous measurements of ground-based weather stations. Focussing on atmospheric depth and temperature profiles, temporal variations are described and monthly profiles are developed. Uncertainties of the monthly atmospheres that are currently applied in the Auger reconstruction are discussed.Comment: To be published in Proceedings of 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC) 2005, Pune, Indi

    Experimental Constraints on the Neutrino Oscillations and a Simple Model of Three Flavour Mixing

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    A simple model of the neutrino mixing is considered, which contains only one right-handed neutrino field, coupled via the mass term to the three usual left-handed fields. This is a simplest model that allows for three-flavour neutrino oscillations. The existing experimental limits on the neutrino oscillations are used to obtain constraints on the two free mixing parameters of the model. A specific sum rule relating the oscillation probabilities of different flavours is derived.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures in post script, Latex, IFT 2/9

    Amplitude calibration of a digital radio antenna array for measuring cosmic ray air showers

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    Radio pulses are emitted during the development of air showers, where air showers are generated by ultra-high energy cosmic rays entering the Earth's atmosphere. These nanosecond short pulses are presently investigated by various experiments for the purpose of using them as a new detection technique for cosmic particles. For an array of 30 digital radio antennas (LOPES experiment) an absolute amplitude calibration of the radio antennas including the full electronic chain of the data acquisition system is performed, in order to estimate absolute values of the electric field strength for these short radio pulses. This is mandatory, because the measured radio signals in the MHz frequency range have to be compared with theoretical estimates and with predictions from Monte Carlo simulations to reconstruct features of the primary cosmic particle. A commercial reference radio emitter is used to estimate frequency dependent correction factors for each single antenna of the radio antenna array. The expected received power is related to the power recorded by the full electronic chain. Systematic uncertainties due to different environmental conditions and the described calibration procedure are of order 20%.Comment: Article accepted by Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, A (NIM A

    How chemistry controls electron localization in 3d1 perovskites: A Wannier-function study

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    In the series of 3d1 t2g perovskites, SrVO3--CaVO3--LaTiO3--YTiO3 the transition-metal d electron becomes increasingly localized and undergoes a Mott transition between CaVO3 and LaTiO3. By defining a low-energy Hubbard Hamiltonian in the basis of Wannier functions for the t2g LDA band and solving it in the single-site DMFT approximation, it was recently shown[1] that simultaneously with the Mott transition there occurs a strong suppression of orbital fluctuations due to splitting of the t2g levels. The present paper reviews and expands this work, in particular in the direction of exposing the underlying chemical mechanisms by means of ab initio LDA Wannier functions generated with the NMTO method. The Wannier functions for the t2g band exhibit covalency between the transition-metal t2g, the large cation-d, and the oxygen-p states; this covalency, which increases along the series, turns out to be responsible not only for the splittings of the t2g levels, but also for non-cubic perturbations of the hopping integrals, both of which are decisive for the Mott transition. We find good agreement with the optical and photoemission spectra, with the crystal-field splittings and orbital polarizations recently measured for the titanates, and with the metallization volume for LaTiO3. The metallization volume for YTiO3 is predicted. Using super-exchange theory, we reproduce the observed magnetic orders in LaTiO3 and YTiO3, but the results are sensitive to detail, in particular for YTiO3 which, without the Jahn-Teller distortion, would be AFM C- or A-type, rather than FM. Finally, we show that it possible to unfold the orthorhombic t2g LDA bandstructure to a pseudocubic zone. In this zone, the lowest band is separated from the two others by a direct gap and has a width, W_I, which is significantly smaller than that, W, of the entire t2g band. The progressive GdFeO3-type distortion favours electron localization by decreasing W, by increasing the splitting of the t2g levels and by decreasing W_I. Our conclusions concerning the roles of GdFeO3-type and JT distortions agree with those of Mochizuki and Imada [2].Comment: Published version, final. For high resolution figures see http://www.fkf.mpg.de/andersen/docs/pub/abstract2004+/pavarini_02.pd

    First Experimental Characterization of Microwave Emission from Cosmic Ray Air Showers

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    We report the first direct measurement of the overall characteristics of microwave radio emission from extensive air showers. Using a trigger provided by the KASCADE-Grande air shower array, the signals of the microwave antennas of the CROME (Cosmic-Ray Observation via Microwave Emission) experiment have been read out and searched for signatures of radio emission by high-energy air showers in the GHz frequency range. Microwave signals have been detected for more than 30 showers with energies above 3*10^16 eV. The observations presented in this Letter are consistent with a mainly forward-directed and polarised emission process in the GHz frequency range. The measurements show that microwave radiation offers a new means of studying air showers at energies above 10^17 eV.Comment: Accepted for publication in PR

    KCDC - The KASCADE Cosmic-ray Data Centre

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    KCDC, the KASCADE Cosmic-ray Data Centre, is a web portal, where data of astroparticle physics experiments will be made available for the interested public. The KASCADE experiment, financed by public money, was a large-area detector for the measurement of high-energy cosmic rays via the detection of air showers. KASCADE and its extension KASCADE-Grande stopped finally the active data acquisition of all its components including the radio EAS experiment LOPES end of 2012 after more than 20 years of data taking. In a first release, with KCDC we provide to the public the measured and reconstructed parameters of more than 160 million air showers. In addition, KCDC provides the conceptional design, how the data can be treated and processed so that they are also usable outside the community of experts in the research field. Detailed educational examples make a use also possible for high-school students and early stage researchers.Comment: 8 pages, accepted proceeding of the ECRS-symposium, Kiel, 201