82 research outputs found

    Single nucleotide polymorphism-based genome-wide chromosome copy change, loss of heterozygosity, and aneuploidy in Barrett's esophagus neoplastic progression.

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    Chromosome copy gain, loss, and loss of heterozygosity (LOH) involving most chromosomes have been reported in many cancers; however, less is known about chromosome instability in premalignant conditions. 17p LOH and DNA content abnormalities have been previously reported to predict progression from Barrett's esophagus (BE) to esophageal adenocarcinoma (EA). Here, we evaluated genome-wide chromosomal instability in multiple stages of BE and EA in whole biopsies. Forty-two patients were selected to represent different stages of progression from BE to EA. Whole BE or EA biopsies were minced, and aliquots were processed for flow cytometry and genotyped with a paired constitutive control for each patient using 33,423 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP). Copy gains, losses, and LOH increased in frequency and size between early- and late-stage BE (P 30% in early and late stages, respectively. A set of statistically significant events was unique to either early or late, or both, stages, including previously reported and novel abnormalities. The total number of SNP alterations was highly correlated with DNA content aneuploidy and was sensitive and specific to identify patients with concurrent EA (empirical receiver operating characteristic area under the curve = 0.91). With the exception of 9p LOH, most copy gains, losses, and LOH detected in early stages of BE were smaller than those detected in later stages, and few chromosomal events were common in all stages of progression. Measures of chromosomal instability can be quantified in whole biopsies using SNP-based genotyping and have potential to be an integrated platform for cancer risk stratification in BE

    Cell proliferation, cell cycle abnormalities, and cancer outcome in patients with Barrett’s esophagus: A long-term prospective study

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    Purpose: Elevated cellular proliferation and cell cycle abnormalities, which have been associated with premalignant lesions, may be caused by inactivation of tumor suppressor genes. We measured proliferative and cell cycle fractions of biopsies from a cohort of patients with Barrett's esophagus to better understand the role of proliferation in early neoplastic progression and the association between cell cycle dysregulation and tumor suppressor gene inactivation. Experimental Design: Cell proliferative fractions (determined by Ki67/DNA multiparameter flow cytometry) and cell cycle fractions (DNA content flow cytometry) were measured in 853 diploid biopsies from 362 patients with Barrett's esophagus. The inactivation status of CDKN2A and TP53 was assessed in a subset of these biopsies in a cross-sectional study. A prospective study followed 276 of the patients without detectable aneuploidy for an average of 6.3 years with esophageal adenocarcinoma as an endpoint. Results: Diploid S and 4N (G2/tetraploid) fractions were significantly higher in biopsies with TP53 mutation and LOH. CDKN2A inactivation was not associated with higher Ki67-positive, diploid S, G1, or 4N fractions. High Ki67-positive and G1 phase fractions were not associated with the future development of esophageal adenocarcinoma (p=0.13 and p=0.15, respectively), while high diploid S phase and 4N fractions were (p=0.03 and p<0.0001, respectively). Conclusions: High Ki67-positive proliferative fractions were not associated with inactivation of CDKN2A and TP53 or future development of cancer in our cohort of patients with Barrett's esophagus. Bi-allelic inactivation of TP53 was associated with elevated 4N fractions, which have been associated with the future development of esophageal adenocarcinoma

    The human microbiome in Barrett’s esophagus is hard to stomach

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    The incidence of esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC) has increased nearly five-fold over the last four decades in the United States. Barrett's esophagus, the replacement of the normal squamous epithelial lining with a mucus-secreting columnar epithelium, is the only known precursor to EAC. Like other parts of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, the esophagus hosts a variety of bacteria and comparisons among published studies suggest bacterial communities in the stomach and esophagus differ. Chronic infection with Helicobacter pylori in the stomach has been inversely associated with development of EAC, but the mechanisms underlying this association remain unclear.The bacterial composition in the upper GI tract was characterized in a subset of participants (n=12) of the Seattle Barrett's Esophagus Research cohort using broad-range 16S PCR and pyrosequencing of biopsy and brush samples collected from squamous esophagus, Barrett's esophagus, stomach corpus and stomach antrum. Three of the individuals were sampled at two separate time points. Prevalence of H. pylori infection and subsequent development of aneuploidy (n=339) and EAC (n=433) was examined in a larger subset of this cohort.Within individuals, bacterial communities of the stomach and esophagus showed overlapping community membership. Despite closer proximity, the stomach antrum and corpus communities were less similar than the antrum and esophageal samples. Re-sampling of study participants revealed similar upper GI community membership in two of three cases. In this Barrett's esophagus cohort, Streptococcus and Prevotella species dominate the upper GI and the ratio of these two species is associated with waist-to-hip ratio and hiatal hernia length, two known EAC risk factors in Barrett's esophagus. H. pylori-positive individuals had a significantly decreased incidence of aneuploidy and a non-significant trend toward lower incidence of EAC

    Pediatric Procedural Pain

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    Reviews the various settings in which infants, children, and adolescents experience pain during acute medical procedures, and issues related to referral of children to pain management teams. In addition, self-report, reports by others, physiological monitoring, and direct observation methods of assessment of pain and related constructs are discussed and recommendations provided. Pharmacological, other medical approaches, and empirically supported cognitive behavioral interventions are reviewed. Salient features of the interventions are discussed and recommendations are made for necessary components of effective treatment interventions

    The importance of human dimensions research in managing harmful algal blooms

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    Author Posting. © Ecological Society of America, 2010. This article is posted here by permission of Ecological Society of America for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 8 (2010): 75–83, doi:10.1890/070181.Harmful algal blooms (HABs) are natural freshwater and marine hazards that impose substantial adverse impacts on the human use of coastal and marine resources. The socioeconomic and health impacts of HABs can be considerable, thereby making a case for “human dimensions” research to support HAB response. Human dimensions research is multidisciplinary, integrating social science, humanities, and other fields with natural science to enhance resource management by addressing human causes, consequences, and responses to coastal environmental problems. Case studies reported here illustrate the importance of human dimensions research. Incorporating such research into the scientific agenda – as well as into management decisions of public agencies concerned with natural resource management, environmental protection, and public health and welfare – requires the development of both strategic guidance and institutional capacity. The recent development of a multi-agency research strategy for HAB response and a strategic plan for human dimensions research represent two important steps in this direction.This paper was developed with partial support from NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal and Ocean Science

    p16 Mutation Spectrum in the Premalignant Condition Barrett's Esophagus

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    Background: Mutation, promoter hypermethylation and loss of heterozygosity involving the tumor suppressor gene p16 (CDKN2a/INK4a) have been detected in a wide variety of human cancers, but much less is known concerning the frequency and spectrum of p16 mutations in premalignant conditions. Methods and Findings: We have determined the p16 mutation spectrum for a cohort of 304 patients with Barrett’s esophagus, a premalignant condition that predisposes to the development of esophageal adenocarcinoma. Forty seven mutations were detected by sequencing of p16 exon 2 in 44 BE patients (14.5%) with a mutation spectrum consistent with that caused by oxidative damage and chronic inflammation. The percentage of patients with p16 mutations increased with increasing histologic grade. In addition, samples from 3 out of 19 patients (15.8%) who underwent esophagectomy were found to have mutations. Conclusions: The results of this study suggest the environment of the esophagus in BE patients can both generate an

    Application of Biomarkers in Cancer Risk Management: Evaluation from Stochastic Clonal Evolutionary and Dynamic System Optimization Points of View

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    Aside from primary prevention, early detection remains the most effective way to decrease mortality associated with the majority of solid cancers. Previous cancer screening models are largely based on classification of at-risk populations into three conceptually defined groups (normal, cancer without symptoms, and cancer with symptoms). Unfortunately, this approach has achieved limited successes in reducing cancer mortality. With advances in molecular biology and genomic technologies, many candidate somatic genetic and epigenetic “biomarkers” have been identified as potential predictors of cancer risk. However, none have yet been validated as robust predictors of progression to cancer or shown to reduce cancer mortality. In this Perspective, we first define the necessary and sufficient conditions for precise prediction of future cancer development and early cancer detection within a simple physical model framework. We then evaluate cancer risk prediction and early detection from a dynamic clonal evolution point of view, examining the implications of dynamic clonal evolution of biomarkers and the application of clonal evolution for cancer risk management in clinical practice. Finally, we propose a framework to guide future collaborative research between mathematical modelers and biomarker researchers to design studies to investigate and model dynamic clonal evolution. This approach will allow optimization of available resources for cancer control and intervention timing based on molecular biomarkers in predicting cancer among various risk subsets that dynamically evolve over time
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