26 research outputs found

    Global existence for the system of the macroscopic balance equations of charge transport in semiconductors

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    AbstractGlobal existence of a solution to the nonlinear balance equations of charge transport in semiconductors based on the maximum entropy principle [Contin. Mech. Thermodyn. 11 (1999) 307–325; Contin. Mech. Thermodyn. 12 (2000) 31–51] is proven for a typical 1D problem under certain restrictions on the doping profile and the initial data

    Study of the stability in the problem on flowing around a wedge. The case of strong wave

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    AbstractWe consider the flow of an inviscid nonheatconducting gas in the thermodynamical equilibrium state around a plane infinite wedge and study the stationary solution to this problem, the so-called strong shock wave; the flow behind the shock front is subsonic.We find a solution to a mixed problem for a linear analog of the initial problem, prove that the solution trace on the shock wave is the superposition of direct and reflected waves, and, the main point, justify the Lyapunov asymptotical stability of the strong shock wave provided that the angle at the wedge vertex is small, the uniform Lopatinsky condition is fulfilled, the initial data have a compact support, and the solvability conditions take place if needed (their number depends on the class in which the generalized solution is found)

    Multidimensional Conservation Laws: Overview, Problems, and Perspective

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    Some of recent important developments are overviewed, several longstanding open problems are discussed, and a perspective is presented for the mathematical theory of multidimensional conservation laws. Some basic features and phenomena of multidimensional hyperbolic conservation laws are revealed, and some samples of multidimensional systems/models and related important problems are presented and analyzed with emphasis on the prototypes that have been solved or may be expected to be solved rigorously at least for some cases. In particular, multidimensional steady supersonic problems and transonic problems, shock reflection-diffraction problems, and related effective nonlinear approaches are analyzed. A theory of divergence-measure vector fields and related analytical frameworks for the analysis of entropy solutions are discussed.Comment: 43 pages, 3 figure