19,351 research outputs found

    Ordered and disordered dynamics in monolayers of rolling particles

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    We consider the ordered and disordered dynamics for monolayers of rolling self-interacting particles with an offset center of mass and a non-isotropic inertia tensor. The rolling constraint is considered as a simplified model of a very strong, but rapidly decaying bond with the surface, preventing application of the standard tools of statistical mechanics. We show the existence and nonlinear stability of ordered lattice states, as well as disturbance propagation through and chaotic vibrations of these states. We also investigate the dynamics of disordered gas states and show that there is a surprising and robust linear connection between distributions of angular and linear velocity for both lattice and gas states, allowing to define the concept of temperature

    A variational problem on Stiefel manifolds

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    In their paper on discrete analogues of some classical systems such as the rigid body and the geodesic flow on an ellipsoid, Moser and Veselov introduced their analysis in the general context of flows on Stiefel manifolds. We consider here a general class of continuous time, quadratic cost, optimal control problems on Stiefel manifolds, which in the extreme dimensions again yield these classical physical geodesic flows. We have already shown that this optimal control setting gives a new symmetric representation of the rigid body flow and in this paper we extend this representation to the geodesic flow on the ellipsoid and the more general Stiefel manifold case. The metric we choose on the Stiefel manifolds is the same as that used in the symmetric representation of the rigid body flow and that used by Moser and Veselov. In the extreme cases of the ellipsoid and the rigid body, the geodesic flows are known to be integrable. We obtain the extremal flows using both variational and optimal control approaches and elucidate the structure of the flows on general Stiefel manifolds.Comment: 30 page

    Discrimination of the Healthy and Sick Cardiac Autonomic Nervous System by a New Wavelet Analysis of Heartbeat Intervals

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    We demonstrate that it is possible to distinguish with a complete certainty between healthy subjects and patients with various dysfunctions of the cardiac nervous system by way of multiresolutional wavelet transform of RR intervals. We repeated the study of Thurner et al on different ensemble of subjects. We show that reconstructed series using a filter which discards wavelet coefficients related with higher scales enables one to classify individuals for which the method otherwise is inconclusive. We suggest a delimiting diagnostic value of the standard deviation of the filtered, reconstructed RR interval time series in the range of ∼0.035\sim 0.035 (for the above mentioned filter), below which individuals are at risk.Comment: 5 latex pages (including 6 figures). Accepted in Fractal

    A new Bloch period for interacting cold atoms in 1D optical lattices

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    The paper studies Bloch oscillations of ultracold atoms in optical lattice in the presence of atom-atom interaction. A new, interaction-induced Bloch period is identified. The analytical results are corroborated by realistic numerical calculations.Comment: revtex4, 4 pages, 4 figures, gzipped tar fil

    Coulomb Interactions and Ferromagnetism in Pure and Doped Graphene

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    We study the presence of ferromagnetism in the phase diagram of the two-dimensional honeycomb lattice close to half-filling (graphene) as a function of the strength of the Coulomb interaction and doping. We show that exchange interactions between Dirac fermions can stabilize a ferromagnetic phase at low doping when the coupling is sufficiently large. In clean systems, the zero temperature phase diagram shows both first order and second order transition lines and two distinct ferromagnetic phases: one phase with only one type of carriers (either electrons or holes) and another with two types of carriers (electrons and holes). Using the coherent phase approximation (CPA) we argue that disorder further stabilizes the ferromagnetic phase.Comment: 10 pages; published versio

    Atomic Bloch-Zener oscillations for sensitive force measurements in a cavity

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    Cold atoms in an optical lattice execute Bloch-Zener oscillations when they are accelerated. We have performed a theoretical investigation into the case when the optical lattice is the intra-cavity field of a driven Fabry-Perot resonator. When the atoms oscillate inside the resonator, we find that their back-action modulates the phase and intensity of the light transmitted through the cavity. We solve the coupled atom-light equations self-consistently and show that, remarkably, the Bloch period is unaffected by this back-action. The transmitted light provides a way to observe the oscillation continuously, allowing high precision measurements to be made with a small cloud of atoms.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. Updated version including cavity heating effect

    Polaron Physics in Optical Lattices

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    We investigate the effects of a nearly uniform Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) on the properties of immersed trapped impurity atoms. Using a weak-coupling expansion in the BEC-impurity interaction strength, we derive a model describing polarons, i.e., impurities dressed by a coherent state of Bogoliubov phonons, and apply it to ultracold bosonic atoms in an optical lattice. We show that, with increasing BEC temperature, the transport properties of the impurities change from coherent to diffusive. Furthermore, stable polaron clusters are formed via a phonon-mediated off-site attraction.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Measuring the temporal coherence of an atom laser beam

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    We report on the measurement of the temporal coherence of an atom laser beam extracted from a 87^{87}Rb Bose-Einstein condensate. Reflecting the beam from a potential barrier creates a standing matter wave structure. From the contrast of this interference pattern, observed by magnetic resonance imaging, we have deduced an energy width of the atom laser beam which is Fourier limited by the duration of output coupling. This gives an upper limit for temporal phase fluctuations in the Bose-Einstein condensate.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
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